Gas in Syria: 100 dead

Rescue workers now say that Syrian East Ghouta had a gas attack in city of Douma. 100 people might have died.

There is a charity organization from USA, named The Relief Union of Medical Patients (TRUMP) which operates in the area and they confirmed currently 70 deaths. They said the gas patterns are consistent with chlorine attacks. Constant barrage of cannons make it hard to confirm data from the area.

Attached: daddy.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>slap the jew whore and kiss her nipples
>rub smegma on eyes
>kiss the armpits
>very much

Oh nice, a final desperate gas attack hoax to try and stave off the inevitable defeat of the Anglo-Zionists and their pet Jihadist proxies in Syria.

I hope Russia sinks a fucking US aircraft carrier this time. They warned they would hit the launch platforms for the next illegal cruise missile attack.

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Uh, the Russians supposedly foiled a false flag plot by the US with this same scenario.

>inb4 leaving Syria was a ruse

>>poison attack on doma castle

Attached: walk-38.gif (175x152, 18K)

>desert shithole across the world will eventually cause WW3

Attached: 1519181023571.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Is this an actual argument?

Do you have any command of written language?

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This is not good. Holy shit.

Zog news

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What would happen if Trump united with NATO ally Turkey and Russia/Iran and totally prevented Banker War 3?

lol, havent seen the pic in a long while

Washington Post Beirut bureau chief covering Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and beyond. RT=Gosh, hmm or huh. Favorites are my filing cabinet.

nice try schlomo

>There is a charity organization from USA, named The Relief Union of Medical Patients (TRUMP) which operates in the area and they confirmed currently 70 deaths.
Never trust any "charity".

yes of course, Trump wants to pullout so now a false flag gas attack

Attached: gene-rosen-school-of-acting.webm (318x180, 2.09M)

Fake and gay.
Or real but the kikes did it just like last year on exactly this day.

Media matters is raiding

Kek will decide your fate for this blasphemy

lmfao forget the 100 dead what about this pic tho god damn thats great

surely its real this time unlike the first several attempts

how does chosen people semen taste?