Chinese IQ myth

If the Chinks are so smart, why do they need to steal every other countries IP's because they don't have the intellectual capacity to create anything worthwhile on their own?

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They aren't smart, They are just good at cheating because it's hard to catch them with their slant eyes.

That's literally what America did for decades before the 20th century. American industrialists did chink-tier espionage in British factories, taking notes, stealing designs and sometimes prototypes or parts.
It wasn't until after you caught up that you started innovating on your own.

China is basically following America's path right now.

implying Canada isn’t just a queer little wart on the American economy.

>if you're so smart why do you trick everybody to do your work for you?


>low-effort irrelevant response
Not even worth giving a (You).

Why make your own thing, when there are retarded caucasoids willing to offer it up essentially for free?

They invented gunpowder, and paper money. Europeans didn't invent shit until the industrial revolution

>We don’t know how good Chinese schools really are because the much-quoted statistics provided by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) that placed China first in the world were taken from the study of a small group of elite Shanghai schools. As soon as that was expanded merely to Beijing — another metropolis — and two rich provinces, the results dropped sharply. (PISA’s willingness to accept only this limited sample is typical of the gullibility and compliance of many foreign NGOs, especially in education, when dealing with China; I have seen numerous foreign educators fall victim to obvious Potemkinism, including believing that Beijing No. 4 High School — the rough equivalent of Eton — was a “typical Chinese public school.”) We don’t know the extent of the collapse of rural education. We don’t know the real literacy figures, not least because rural and urban literacy is measured by different standards — a common trick for many figures.

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>be smart
>have no ethics

>Who really came up with China's 'four new inventions'?
>In the 17th century, the idea of a spherical Earth, now considerably advanced by Western astronomy, ultimately spread to Ming China, when Jesuit missionaries, who held high positions as astronomers at the imperial court, successfully challenged the Chinese belief that the Earth was flat and square.[79][80][81]

>The adoption of European astronomy, facilitated by the failure of indigenous astronomy to make progress, was accompanied by a sinocentric reinterpretation that declared the imported ideas Chinese in origin:

>European astronomy was so much judged worth consideration that numerous Chinese authors developed the idea that the Chinese of antiquity had anticipated most of the novelties presented by the missionaries as European discoveries, for example, the rotundity of the Earth and the "heavenly spherical star carrier model." Making skillful use of philology, these authors cleverly reinterpreted the greatest technical and literary works of Chinese antiquity. From this sprang a new science wholly dedicated to the demonstration of the Chinese origin of astronomy and more generally of all European science and technology.[79]

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Some of them are quite smart, but they are ruthless and will lie and cheat and steal to get ahead.

Also, that’s a shit comparison anyway. Americans then were just anglos without national infrastructure. China has “muh 5000 year history” and still thinks eating tiger penis qualifies as medicine.

Chinks are good at arithmetic, they lack the same abstract reasoning as whites.


>muh gunpowder
every time

and empathy in many cases

I wouldn't knock 'em for eating dogs. Hell, any animals is game, if I'm hungry enough.

>If chinese are so smart, how do they get away with 300 billion in IP theft
>If chinese are so smart, how are they able to effortlessly replicate machinery from spec alone then put it out at up to 6 times cheaper?

I guess they're too dumb to understand the abstract concept of importing African refugees

the boil dogs/cats/animals alive though

they're fucking barbaric sub humans

>entire nation got drugged by another nation.

Come on now, when your country can be drugged entirely you are not smart.
you must be chinkandian.

>If the Chinks are so smart, why do they need to steal every other countries IP's because they don't have the intellectual capacity to create anything worthwhile on their own?
Tell that to samsung in south korea and japan.

Whatever, we boil crawfish and lobsters live. No food animal dies a nice happy death.

thats the american way

despise those poorer than them
hate those richer than them

hypocrites to the core

There are several components to intelligence. Theirs is hard data intelligence. They only have creative thinking processes when it comes to fabricating cheaper knock offs

Putting muh in front of something is not an argument, also Europe was a shithole until the discovery of the new world

half of the patents awarded to companies in america are redundant. most software recycles the same code over and over. it was proven after a few companies sued each other years ago over software. it turned out that while the software did in fact have a large portion of the same code that the code was in another program decades earlier

adobe and microsoft and apple dont actually have any legal right to stop you from using their code from lots of software programs. they are like disney suing people over mickey mouse. its public domain niggers

not the same faggot

No logical rebuttal? You lose, cuck nigger.

when have burgers became so whining babies? >Russian hacking
>Chinese stealing

how much money is spent by CIA and NSA? Dont blame others when your anti-espionage sucks ass.

>American firms have to agree to set up a partnership, or joint venture, with a Chinese company to sell their goods in China, with technology transfer thrown into the bargain.

lol, American companies have to agree with it before they can sell their goods in China. Is that really stealing or just bad business decisions by Americans?

>Then there’s the sale of counterfeit goods in China. Third-party vendors on internet retail platforms owned by the likes of Alibaba have often sold counterfeit goods, according to the U.S. Trade Representative. Alibaba, however, points out it has been more proactive at removing infringing listings, with its founder Jack Ma labeling the problem as a “cancer.”

Even the Chinese don't like copied goods.

What is that supposed to mean? Say what you mean, faggot.
>dogs, which evolved with humans, are the same as sea roaches
Hapa detected. I will fuck your mother.
The Germans and Japanese did that.
The US had a larger and more accomplished steel industry, and was specifically different in the critical items like warships.
You don't know history, typical for a Chinese antman.
That's a problem. You can't steal your way ahead, so the PRC will always be behind.
PRC patents outgrew the US, but they are far worse. You are correct about software but East Asians will never, ever be able to catch up in innovation.

We want a trade war with your sisters over in Shanghai. It'll be easier than killing a bunch of you and you have everything to lose. PRC is the weak one, here. You'll have to submit, again, because your nation is fundamentally weak and inapable of sustained innovation.
>Even the Chinese don't like copied goods.
The Chinese in this town are lousy with copied goods, and flaunt them openly.

IQ doesn't equal empathy, wisdom, etc

chinese are fucking retarded and cheat on everything to get their grades - one even copied a programme from stackexchange in C and tried to run it in matlab KEK

t. math student

>105 average IQ
kek no

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Jap and Korean IQ = credible

Chink IQ = my fucking ass, they're dumb as shit as a result of Maoism.

What if the chinks don’t invent anything is actually the myth?

Looked up any peer reviewed papers? If you did, you’d see where the breakthroughs are happening.

But it’s not as much IQ as it is effort. The west is too busy being degenerate and strategizing their Instagram plays

>crustaceans are the same as much more sentient animals

lolberg i.q everyone

The Manchu-Han inbreded mongoloids have this lobotomy of exstensive ass holery that ends up failing at first glance. All I can blame here is Richard Nixon and his maoist gypsy specs.

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Also never forget the lovely era that is the Qing Dynasty

This is why every time some brainlet talks about muh chinese inventions people need to remind him why it's fucking bullshit, because they actually end up believing it.

Have you been paying attention? People have been calling Trump "smart" for taking advantage of US Bankruptcy laws and selling Steak through the mail.

"Smart" isn't about being innovative, or constructive anymore. It's about making money. So by that note the chinks are smart.

>You don't know history, typical for a Chinese antman.

You apparently don't know your own history. The British started the industrial revolution. The US, as a fledgling nation after the revolution, built its industrial base off the backs of the British, by copying their technology outright or inviting Britons with technical know-how to come to the US. This is mainstream historical knowledge, so it's surprising that you'd ignore it.

It wasn't until well into the 19th century that you became an innovative industrial power in your own right.

I've come to discover there's a lot of Chinese government shills on here. It's pretty obvious by their complete defense of anything China or Chinese.

They are smart enough to know that ip is a meme and only holds society back

When you got a billion ethnic people youre bound to have a proportionate number of genius. Same applies to India. Also, this thag means they have more retards per capita too.

All of them have memeflag (Note that the Leaf flag is a new edition to the meme flags).

I don't think they're officially affiliated with the government, but it is quite strange how many actual chinks use this board

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Ah yes, the glorious Qing dynasty.

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All Chinese inventions are jokes.
China did not invent paper, printing, gunpowder, compass.

1) Egypt invented paper(papyrus) 5000 years ago.
Papyrus is defined as paper.
The English word paper was derived from the word papyrus.
Papyrus - Wikipedia

China started to use animal bones as "paper" 3000 years ago.
Oracle bone - Wikipedia

There were a number of civilizations invented paper, example, Maya.
Maya codices - Wikipedia

2) Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.
Middle East invented printing 5000 years ago.
It was before the Chinese history.

Johannes Gutenberg invented Printing press, (the machine).

3) Greece invented gunpowder.
Greek fire, its chief ingredient was saltpeter and sulfur, making it an early form of gunpowder.

China was ruled by Manchurian tribe for 300 years till 1911.
The population rate was 1 million Manchus VS 100 million Chinese.
Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia

Manchus had the right of the first night in China.
Queue Order
When the Manchus defeated China, Chinese men were forced to wear a queue or they would be killed.

China was very backward in history.

1) China entered metal age 1000 years later than Middle East, Europe, South Asia.
Bronze Age, Wikipedia

2) China entered Iron age 600 years later than Europe and Near East.
At the time, European used iron tools, Chinese used primitive tools.
Iron Age - Wikipedia

3) Glass was invented 5500 years ago, it was before the Chinese history.
History of glass, Wikipedia

4) When European and Middle Eastern built stone/brick houses, Chinese kings lived in a mud palace.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built 4500 years ago.

Erlitou, the capital of China(2100 BC – 1600 BC) was built by mud.
Erlitou culture - Wikipedia

5)China was the last of the "ancient" civilizations to develop writing.
China invented writing about 3500 years ago,
Oracle bone - Wikipedia

Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.

European invented writing 7000 years ago, Vinca Script.
Vinca symbols - Wikipedia

There are many Chinese " square characters" in Vinca Script.
Did Chinese invented their own writing 3500 years later, or they copied?

Earliest confirmed written language
>Europe: 2000-1800 bc Minoan hieroglyphs
>Chinese:1200-1050 bc oracle bone script

Earliest confirmed tin alloy bronze working
>Europe: 4500 bc
>Chinese: 2700 bc

Earliest confirmed iron working
>Europe: 1300-1200 bc
>Chinese: 700-500 bc

>European bronze age architecture and engineering (2000-1000 bc)
five story high palaces, 10 story high towers, brick houses, stone houses, aqueducts, toilets, drainage systems, dams, 14 meters high corbel vaults, ashlar masonry, long corbel arch corridors super imposed on two levels, massive stones walls, heating system, sea going ships, fountains, bathtubs, columns, shipyards, docks

>Chinese bronze age architecture and engineering (2000-1000 bc)
mud palaces, wooden mansions, stone walls

>Classical European architecture (1000 bc- 500 ad)

45 meters high vault, 50 kilometer long aqueducts, colossal amphitheater hosting more than 40,000 spectators and more than 52 meters high, widespread in all the empire, underground sewers spanning for several kilometers, massive artificial lakes, true arch, heated houses, houses with running water, baths with hot and cold water, paved roads present in all the provinces of the empire, advanced mechanisms able to predict eclipses anf follow the movements of the moon, vending machines, Archimedes' screw, different gears, crane, caliper, timber, escapement, tumbler lock, winch, astrolabe, canal lock, 100 meters high lighthouse, water wheel, chain drive, greek fire, levers and principle of the lever, three masted ships, fore-and-aft rig, Sakia gear, surveying tools, fire hose, bound books, widespread use of true arches, clock tower, automatic doors, odometer, studies of optics, several giant marble temples, realistic marble and bronze sculptures, catapult, scorpion, prototype of the steam engine, true arch bridge, hydraulic organ

>Historical Chinese architecture and engineering (1000 bc- 500 ad)

Compass, four story high wooden towers, fire bricks, small scale aqueducts and open sewers, bamboo ships, bellow, mechanical belt, belt hook, breeching strap, chain drive, crank, crossbow, semi realistic terracotta sculptures, true arch, field mill, fishing reel, gas lighting, irrigation, kite, magic mirrors, movable sails, pontoon bridge, water wheel, seismometer, south pointing chariot, stirrup, trebuchet, umbrella,

>why couldnt the gooks colonize australia, americas, africa before the europeans?
>why were they so backwards and behind the european?

not only did the chinks not have the intelligence to achieve overseas colonization, they are a wild savage race that would not even survive the long voyage on a ship with hundreds of other chinks

it was a matter of chinks being pure savages. imagine hundreds of chinks being kept in closed confined area for months. they would cannabalize eachother before making it to land.

>be civilized, well-mannered christian white
>build boats to transport several hundred people on months long treacherous voyage over open ocean
>well-mannered christians behave properly (unlike yellow locusts)
>no shitting, pissing, farting anywhere
>no loud retarded monkey noises to communicate
>no hostility towards one another, respect for the fellow passenger
>no dog or human baby stir-fry from smelly wok
>no poking eachothers eye out with chopsticks
>no kung fu

overseas colonization is an arduous effort that can only be realized with the utmost civility, abilities and intelligence.

its not only about complexity of technology, its about the wild barbarity of the chink. the only way to transport hundreds of chinks on a long oceanic voyage is shackled up and sedated with drugs- otherwise no one would survive the voyage.

only the white christians attained the manners and civility required for long oceanic voyages. each gook voyage would have just turned into another genocidal, cannibalistic An Shi Rebellion.

>Earliest confirmed written language

This is a bit disingenuous, as the first standard writing systems were developed in the Near East, and during the Bronze Age, the Aegean was a major centre of trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, and was in constant contact with Near Eastern civilizations. There are only a handful of civilizations that actually developed writing systems without borrowing from other civilizations, such as China, Egypt, Sumer, the Mayans, etc. and a few historians argue that the Sumerians and Mayans could be the only people who could indisputably have independently developed the concept of writing.

The discovery of a single tiny stone seal (known as the "Anau seal") with geometric markings from the BMAC site at Anau in Turkmenistan in 2000 led some to claim that the Bactria-Margiana complex had also developed writing, and thus may indeed be considered a literate civilization. It bears five markings strikingly similar to Chinese "small seal" characters, but such characters date from the Qin reforms of roughly 100 AD, while the Anau seal is dated by context to 2,300 BCE. It is therefore an unexplained anomaly. The only match to the Anau seal is a small jet seal of almost identical shape from Niyä (near modern Minfeng) along the southern Silk Road in Xinjiang, assumed to be from the Western Han dynasty.[11]

But in independent studies of the inscription, two experts in ancient Chinese — Dr. Qui Xigui of Beijing University and Dr. Victor H. Mair of Penn — concluded that the characters were much like a more advanced script practiced in the Western Han dynasty of 206 B.C. to A.D. 9.

Influences from Central Asia or farther west might have contributed to the invention of Chinese writing. Dr. Mair, who holds that such influences were greater than previously thought, has raised this controversial point. "The Anau seal forces us to rethink in a most radical fashion the origins of the Chinese script," he said.

Prof. Qiu provided one other electrifying piece of information. He had a fairly clear memory of the discovery of a nearly identical seal in—of all places—Xingiang (Eastern Central Asia). That … would also fill in the long gap between Anau (Western Central Asia) and the heartland of China. … Prof. Qiu says that both of the Central Asia lignite seals look as though they were written by people who had contact with the Chinese writing system and may have tried to imitate it without getting the forms entirely right. Maybe. But if Fred’s dating is reliable, we have to go back to [another explanation]: namely, the flow of influence was operating in the opposite direction. I have also all this time been saying that the ultimate origins of Chinese writing lie not in Mesopotamia or Egypt, but that they should be intimately linked with the same complex of peoples who brought bronze metallurgy and the horse-drawn chariot during the second millennium B.C. The Anau seal brings us one step closer to figuring out how all of the pieces of the jigsaw fit together.

>Prof Qiu: I have also all this time been saying that the ultimate origins of Chinese writing lie not in Mesopotamia or Egypt, but that they should be intimately linked with the same complex of peoples who brought bronze metallurgy and the horse-drawn chariot during the second millennium B.C. The Anau seal brings us one step closer to figuring out how all of the pieces of the jigsaw fit together.

>and a few historians argue that the Sumerians and Mayans could be the only people who could indisputably have independently developed the concept of writing.

The Caucasian race existed in China at least from Neolithic time. The skulls unearthed in the relics of Banpo Xi'an reveal the trait of Caucasian, exactly, the Nordish Caucasian. We all know, the Banpo is the representative civilization of the Northern China Neolithic civilizations, we can infer, many other Chinese civilizations in that time were created by Caucasian or who later got locust'd by the eastern horde people.

Another famous event happened last year also support the idea--some researchers of biochemistry analyzed the DNA refined from the mummies in some ancient tombs in Shangdong province, and made a conclusion that these DNA correspond that of the European people. Another research discovered that the gene of Northern Chinese is more close to the Caucasian, rather than the Southern Chinese.

The origin of Zhou, the third dynasty of ancient China, is also doubtful. The time of the establishment of that dynasty is not far from the time of Aryan Expansion. The chariot used by the soldiers of Zhou resemble the chariot used by Aryan invaders to India! Moreover, the ancient Chinese work written by Mengzi said that, Zhou Wen Wang (the emperor of Zhou) was of the people of the "western barbarians". It's quite possible that a branch of Aryan entered China at the time of the migrations of Aryans. The people of the preceding dynasty, the Shang (1766-1100 B.C.), were described as having dark skin and wooly hair

>ultimate origins of Chinese writing lie not in Mesopotamia or Egypt, but that they should be intimately linked with the same complex of peoples who brought bronze metallurgy and the horse-drawn chariot during the second millennium

Afanasevo early Indo-Europeans, metal-use, horses and wheeled vehicles, and cultural relations with Kurgan steppe cultures, the Afanasevans were Indo-European-speaking.[7] Afanasevo were genetically indistinguishable from Yamnaya people. Afanasevo were responsible for the introduction of metallurgy to China.

Afanasevo culture was replaced by second wave of Indo-European migrations from Andronovo culture during late Bronze Age and early Iron Age, to dramatically influence Elunin/Krotov/Tashkov culture as well as Persia, India, Caucasus, and most of Eurasia
>White Afanasevo were responsible for the introduction of metallurgy to China.

Whites brought metallurgy to China
>Numerous scholars have suggested that the Afanasevo were responsible for the introduction of metallurgy to China.
Afanasevo and/or the Andronovo culture were responsible for the introduction of metallurgical technology into China, by way of the Tarim peoples (Peng 1998,[8] Bunker 1998,[9] Mei and Shell 1998,[10]).[11]

Peng, Ke. 1998. “The Andronovo bronze artifacts discovered in Toquztara County Ili, Xinjiang,” in The Bronze Age and Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 573–80. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.
Bunker, Emma. 1998. “Cultural diversity in the Tarim Basin vicinity and its impact on ancient Chinese culture,” in The Bronze Age and Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 604–18. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.
Mei, Jianjun, and Colin Shell. 1998. “Copper and bronze metallurgy in late prehistoric Xinjiang,” in The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 581–603. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.

>ultimate origins of Chinese writing lie not in Mesopotamia or Egypt, but that they should be intimately linked with the same complex of peoples who brought bronze metallurgy and the horse-drawn chariot during the second millennium B.C. The Anau seal brings us one step closer to figuring out how all of the pieces of the jigsaw fit together.

>The chariot used by the soldiers of Zhou resemble the chariot used by Aryan

Indo-Europeans domesticated the horse and invented the wheel and the chariot.

Andronovo culture in western Siberia, west Asiatic steppe, Urals, Kazakhstan, emerged from proto-Iranian Poltavka culture in the Volga. The Andronovo were Scythian/Aryan. The Andronovo culture is notable for advanced metallurgy, horse chariots, wheeled vehicles, invention of the spoke-wheeled chariot, animal husbandry. The Andronovo have been described by archaeologists as exhibiting pronounced Europoid features.

A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.

Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.

>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.

>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid Turkic northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol.

>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.

The remaining southern half of China.

Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.

Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.

Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.

Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.

The Chinese are taking it to the HOllyJew by pirating all their movies and illegally bootlegging them online. What have you done for the fight against Das Juden?

You skipped the greatest moment in Chinese history, Spring Autumn & Warring States. Most worthless post ever, kys.

jews. jews trick everyone to do the work for them :3

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