What does Jow Forums think of Jordan Peterson?

What does Jow Forums think of Jordan Peterson?

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Clean your room with jews.. Also fuck off shill faggot

i really like him, he taught me to be more rational about things

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Now sure how it would be shilling to ask such a simple question, but okay.

What do you mean?

Clean her room.

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Philosophically illiterate peddler of conspiracy theories, just spews the same Jungian and Joseph Campbell shit scholarship to make bank off a lost generation of loser men looking for a surrogate father.

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He's great. Shills try to spam character assassination cra because they're terrified of how big an effect he's had.

I'm sorry daddy left :

Right on time.

Next pm canada

inb4 300 replies, buckle in.

Make your father stand up straight.


The moment he wasn't 100% in line with the Jow Forums hivemind, anti-Peterson shilling became the norm. Sad. But, what else do you expect from nu/pol/?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him and that's why /pol hates him

>said a fucking leaf
nu/pol/ is all about muh based Jews. Being agnostic to the JQ is a pretty big fucking divide political speaking.

He is a charlatan. Stop looking for enlightenment on jewtube and read Nietzsche you fucking morons.

kike loving zionist. controlled opposition. he makes about 75k a month on his patreon. maybe more now.

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Not an argument

hack, dances around the actual cause.

He's kinda fucking nuts. He brings up good points, but he also goes off on pedantic and pretentious tangents all the time. Also, he's quick to talk about how people have the right to self-determination and how people shouldn't feel ashamed of their past, but as soon as someone names the Jew, he backs down like every other alt-right cuck (PJW, Alex Jones, Milo, etc., they all cow down once you ask them to name the Jew). That's how you know who his real master is.

>nu/pol/ is all about muh based Jews.

Peterson is trying to improve the lives of young men. Without him, there are virtually no voices out there for them. Bringing the JQ into this is trying to find a way to undermine what he's doing. And anyone who wasn't a retard knew from the beginning that Peterson was just as strongly against fascism as he is against Marxism. He's a strong individualist, which isn't so popular on nu/pol/ but was a fairly common position on old Jow Forums.

If nu/pol/ is ONLY about muh based Jews, then we wouldn't have so much Trump shilling here.

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I think he is the greatest thing to come out of the internet to help with all the fatherless faggots or kids with limp wristed father's that didn't actually do anything of use to their development because they thought being like their parents was bad.

And don't get me wrong, it's asinine that a Kermit sounding leaf telling people "clean up your room and socialism is bad" is some sort of grand movement is sad, but it is necessary when 75% of blacks don't have fathers, 42% Hispanics don't, and even 25% whites don't in the US. And that's not counting all the shitty deadbeat dad's that he served as a surrogate to.

The biggest issue of our time is fatherlessness but nobody wants to talk about it. Peterson is filling that gap for a lot of young men. He is a great first redpill for a generation of fatherless or practically fatherless Americans.

good guy

>Peterson is trying to improve the lives of young men.

Peterson goes from the assumption that the problem today with young men is internal and merely a lack of accountability.

The truth is, boomer cucks like him ruined society and we're left to clean the proverbial room.

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Your lack of self awareness is stunning

good guy

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Pseudointellectual lobster weirdo

Same reason I like him but he should really clean his room. Crying on TV is such cringe.

Losers think otherwise.

My second statement seems to prove the first, right?

Yet again the first is simply known boomer rhetoric. And it's a meme.

>boomer wrecks society
>provides solution
>get rich off of people like you

Good on you my friend.


>Wipe your ass.
I dunno, why don't you ask again at your regularly scheduled interval tomorrow.

The worst part is they can still squirt their load through the fake clit. Fucking disgusting.

He basically tells young white men today to "go lift" instead of pointing out root problems. Responsibility? The white man has been carrying shit on his back for too long!

nah, /pol hates hime because ofhe isn't anti jew

Why is this same thread posted once a day?

He’s basically an old e celeb. He sells self help books. He seems okay but if you worship him you’re a faggot and a retard.

Peterson is a terrible writer, and it shows how sloppy of a thinker he is.

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His point is, you should get your shit in order before thinking you are capable of improving society.

The basement dwelling neet yapping about purging the jews are no different than the university dwelling libtard yapping about trans gender rights. They're both inexperienced in life and in actual society and yet they think they have the final solution because they drank the koolaid on some ideologies they read about online.


im not a NEET you alt lite faggot

You can be a nationalists without giving Jews any thought

Niggers need to get their life in order. Niggers need to clean their rooms.

TJ Kirk made a pretty good argument why Jordan isn't wholly right about cleaning your room before you try and "clean" the world. Basically, lots of people who have changed the world (in a big and small way) had chaotic rooms.

Say, nobody who went out and made a mess of the world ever had a clean room.

This one next.

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