A continuation of What do you feel tonight, Jow Forums?
A w a k e n i n g ? (2)
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My shredded foreskin burning from watching too much trap porn.
Feels bad
thread theme, listen you fags
9 PM
Feels like my head is hurting and my soul is in turmoil
Depression. Frustration.
My head feels unusually heavy.
Cokeanon reporting in
If numericals "World (Proxy) War III" goes hot tomorrow
Its half past midnight, so pretty damn tired
Please elaborate on where and how it feels heavy. Is there a specific region that bears the brunt of this?
Hope. Hope that the great event of our times will happen while I´m still able to take part of it. Even if for a milisecond only to get cleansed by nuclear fire.
Ive work in the plant science industry (science fag)
and just started getting deep into spirituality/esoteric
its like im been jacked into a secret knowledge delivery system...
Still tired.
Going to go to sleep even though i slept all day.
>What do you feel tonight, Jow Forums?
Here's my experience over the last week or so if anyones interested. (from previous thread)
>felt i'd give my update
>i *CANNOT* sleep more than 6 hours. ears constantly fucking ringing. i had a dream that my flash drive on my keys broke off the key chain, that happened exactly like it did in my dream 2 days later. then i had a dream i was parking at a grocery store and some guy came up and asked me to move my car, that happened exactly like it did in my dream 2 days later.
The secret emperor returns. He will set things right. The world will be normal again. We can finally rest.
Past week I've been getting increasingly spiritual.
cokeanon im jelly
What's the approximate frequency of these updates?
>What do you feel tonight, Jow Forums?
Odd really. My wife even asked an odd question before she went to bed a bit ago.
"So did the world end yet?"
It was bizarre. Unlike her to be such a negative nancy. She is very impressionable, but cannot make words to describe. I know that she is attuned to ghosts, and I am convinced that she has triggered poltergeists in the past.
There is something magical in the air, and I don't know if it is good or bad. I have been edgy all day.
Sat and played Time Splitters2 all day. Kids are out of house at sleepover.
>Recovery user from last thread.
Im not even tired. They want me to sleep. I wont make that mistake.
What do I think is happening/causing this? As follows...
>The pedo occultist fucks who have been manipulating reality with their faggy fucking rituals are getting fucking murdered is whats happening. They're losing the psychic war and the physical war. They're likely losing key resources they use to manipulate the psychic climate of Earth. This, in turn, is changing the typical "frequency" we all tune into which is the pedo occultist elitist's psychic landscape they've created for 1000s of years. Peak awareness of their evil and misdeeds has been reached. Humans are awakening to red pills at a rate never before seen in recorded history. It's the Kali-yuga my man.
>Let the new age begin.
Same. Haven’t felt this way since I was a kid. Maybe that’s he nostalgia I was feeling.
Side effect of timeline merging, something big is about to happen.
Sminem pick up the fucking phone, it is happening.
I needed fatherly advice.
Need real offline allies.
I've always been able to see into the future and it terrifies me.
You need to stop hoping for shit to happen that will magically fix your problems. Hope based solutions are poison.
The Kali-yuga started a long time ago. The question is if we're approaching the end of it.
please, i want an awakening, i need an awakening. ill be honest, im a wreck. been in and out of addiction for over a decade. daughter who i never see because im so shit. today would have been day 6 of clean time, but i relapsed earlier this morning, withdrawals are coming back now. full blown in a couple more hours. i found god, i ask for help. i fucking hate myself. i was doing so well. i was working for a fortue 50, making 120k or around that with wife and kid. now this laptop and stereo make up most of my net worth.
please, im begging you, i need a change. id have offed myself long ago if i didnt think it would be worse for my daughter than staying alive. took her camping last week, watced shooting stars and read manga and the bible in the tent. please
Look up the High Level Insider threads that were posted on Jow Forums a bit over a year ago. They're very good for getting into the esoteric while keeping yourself grounded in reality.
The third Mexican empire will be a theocracy, that will rise after more events such as these occur within the next 30 years.
In all honesty, I feel like 2018 has been a whole year, the past year and 4 months of politics has drained me. I just want us to finally have a good decade and future. Just something different than what we have had for the past 30 plus years.
>Just something different than what we have had for the past 30 plus years.
I'm trying, senpai.
I just wanted to shitpost here but this was too much.
You have a duty to your daughter, you cannot shirk this duty for a pitiless view of yourself and the world. Your job is to love and protect her, not abandon her. Do the right thing.
>i found god, i ask for help. i fucking hate myself. i was doing so well. i was working for a fortue 50, making 120k or around that with wife and kid. now this laptop and stereo make up most of my net worth.
If you are legit, and not larping, I am in recovery for what it is worth. Nearly 3 years clean, and no desire to ever open that door to hell ever again. You sound about ready. You realize that. You must change everything. EVEN your brain. I will be here as long as necessary. All I can tell you is my experience.
Burger here from the first thread. Wheres the britbong that I replied to in the first thread? You in here? I said something along the lines of standing side by side with brothers, whether it be a victory or a gloriously bloody ending for us whites.
I started reading The Cather in the Rye tonight. Ive never enjoyed reading or had the desire to read for leisure.
Start from the last page and work your way up. See if any of it resonates with you.
lately i've been feeling a pull towards spirituality and meditation that i haven't felt in years, i've been meditating since i was a teenager but the past week or so i feel like i HAVE to. like i should start going to church or something its all very confusing im not particularly religious either but i am spiritual.
Buddhist-esque you could say.
It's anudda mass hypomania event, people are just going crazy.
I've felt odd the past few days. Headaches, mild dizziness, nothing super unusual, but somehow this all feels different.
What's happening, anons?
The world has become degenerate. I felt terror and anxiety yesterday and went to sleep with that feeling. It is all something very bad. We have reduced ourselves to this state.
I will just add in to this mass hysteria thing going on here. I always feel like shit but in the past week I felt more shitty than usual so that's that.
I believe we are at the end of it.
All the suffering in life has a reason. If you're ready it is up to you. Material things and wealth means nothing.
>Saturn is the slowest planet whose power is seven times stronger than the Sun; Saturn is Lord of Time, Destiny and Discipline. Saturn, along with Lord Shiva, make you earn discipline, self-discipline that leads to self-respect, self-confidence and self-realisation. Just as Saturn and Shiva make you earn your discipline through karma and deprivation, under the rule of Sani-vat-Rahu, Rahu magnifies the need for self-control and self-discipline.
Sending you positive thoughts, user. I'm currently on day 5 without alcohol.
Stay strong, brethren.
What would happen if everyone suddenly became telepathic? There's no defense against it and everybody knows everybody elses minds and memories?
Would it even be possible for technology to make this happen?
thanks, and yes, I am trying.
Thanks. I do know what I need to do - I've had a year(s)+/- clean time a handful of times. I know how I get it, and I know how I keep it. I just can't seem to figure out how to make myself do the things I need to do. I've been in therapy since I was a child due to sex abuse shit. Rehab a handful of times, well over a thousand AA groups, tried SMART meetings as well as a multitude of other outlets. I've heard it all. I have shit inside me though that is hard to cope with. I'm sure some understand.
Literally the only thing I want is to be a good Dad.
Thanks man, you too
I've benn seing angel numbers and having a big awakening for the past 7 months. I've changed so much( and ) for the better. My friend was amazed.
Been very busy the last 3-4 days though cant really say I feel something but we will see
sorry, forgot to ask the question -
If you also tried multiple roads towards sobriety, which one finally worked for you and why?
I had dream that there was war in the Middle East, and China was involved. I saw everything from above the Earth, as if looking down at a large map.
Chinese forces and Western forces were battling in the center of the Middle East, and the Western forces eventually got the upper hand and started pushing the Chinese back East.
I also had a dream three nights in a row about conflict in North America. Again I was seeing everything above the Earth as if looking down on a large map or globe.
Whites were pushed into the North East portion of North America, into a very small territory, then suddenly surged downwards and reclaimed the entire continent.
It's not us. We feel the effects of degeneracy being spread by lost souls who have become completely detached from nature. Mother Earth is telling those of us that are awake and strong to remove this threat before it becomes unstoppable.
Where my zhg bros @
ITT retards fall for mass hysteria and a placebo effect.
Jow Forumss opinion on the skin wearing alien prophecy from 2016? Very spooked after reading it, including the satellite part.
So what going to happen?
Maybe this is feature of the Apocalypse, which itself means "disclosure," or "revelation." I don't really know, but just what if?
Just think about fucking everyone in the ass.
These threads got my attention so I made a discord for memetics and shit. We should start looking for places to orginize. I'm not great at this kind of stuff but here's the link. It will probably be shitty
>Implying it isn't better than participating in the real world in current year
bascially feel pre-suicidal. not my first time. thrown out of parent's house after living there after a brutal divorce, living in a hotel. i have my rum and vodka, glock 17, C308, and Delton DT Sport. lots of ammo.
remembering better times, listening to pearl jam's VS. i'm a fucking loser.
o-oh... that's okay. How's your night going man?
I feel that... OP is a fag!
We all already are.
More and more are just remembering they are and that is largely in thanks to the egregore we have created named none other than our God of Chaos, Bringer of Light - KEK. KEK has become one of the most powerful and influential deities on this planet. Our hivemind has reached levels of influence beyond reversal. It's the Kali Yuga. We're just riding out the end of the wave.
THREAD THEME(shout out to Argentina user)
interesting. You must be careful with dreams. Not everything is to be taken so literal. Trust your discernment of message from medium.
As an aside, did you dream involve Damascus in any specific way?
Probably bullshit. Hopefully bullshit. Wish he knew more about the aliens although I wonder if they're even aliens. Perhaps they're demons or what people of old knew as demons coming forth from Hell after the seventh seal is broken. I also wish he knew what stopped them. God?
I feel good
Can't complain, you?
reminder frogs are swamp creatures and trump is draining the swamp
Focus on bettering yourself. I was living in my car just 2 months ago. Shit happens. Don't take the easy way out.
We all knew what everyone said is impossible is just the beginning. That's a mass premonition.
Hey there, fren.
oi mate, bin that gun
if you're unironically feeling that way, have the willpower to either stop drinking or get rid of the gun.
Glad bread didn't die while I drove home from work. Good work baker(s)!
For some reason I think that humour is a very important thing for memetics. Immature humour is a kind of euphoric mental state where your optimism is extremely intense.
It's not enough to simply draw, it has to be mass chain reaction level amusing.
Most Jow Forumss seem to suffer from extreme levels of depression.
Seeing that frog get up to all kinds of mischief is endlessly amusing to people and makes them feel happy, inspiring them to keep going. Add politics to it and something else seems to happen.
Additionally that frog really pisses off our enemies. There's something about that fucking pepe face that drives our enemies insane with rage.
I wonder if the magic works because of these mental estates.
They go to the park and ice skate. That's it. There, I ruined the book for you that you werent going go finish anyway. Fuck off.
Uh. I think you're seeing ghosts where there aren't any.
>I'm currently on day 5 without alcohol.
THAT IS HOW TO DO IT! One day at a time. One hour at a time, or even minute by minute.
I drank as a preference. My last 4 years I drank a case of beer a day. Toward the end I added a bottle of wine to help me sleep.
>I have shit inside me though that is hard to cope with.
Recovery for me is all about making myself well with the past I lived. I was born again when I decided to get clean, but it wouldn't keep me happy. I had to do my best to right the wrongs. I had to make peace with a dying father and my entire family. Friends were long gone. Its up to my god to deliver my prayers to them. You must recover for you, not the daughter, not the wife, and not some faggots on Jow Forums.
My story was that I drank LOTS because my dad was dying from ALS. I was an athiest, but hated god for taking away the only man that was a rock in my life.
One Wednesday morning, I woke up and went to work like usual. Feeling like shit, with the shakes. I was in a HUGE warehouse all by myself and had to do layouts for a big pipe install. Around 9 Am I hear a voice tell me: "You are going to die". I spent a half hour looking for whoever said it. It was loud and clear, and there was no one there.
I left work and found a church that had an AA meeting, and met other addicts like me. This does not work for everyone, but it does work if you try.
Withdraws from that was hell. It was over a week until the shakes, sweats and dreams stopped. It was months until my head cleared enough that I could function.
I have seen people die from this shit. I have seen them live. My father died 09-11-16 & after I said my goodbyes I helped the funeral home carry him to the car. I didn't drink over it. I prayed for his soul. I still am agnostic, but I know there is god. I see the signs. I see it right now in anyone who struggles. You are so close to god right now. I hear it.
I think there's an anime about this.
Might sounds silly, but I've been a bit nervous about all of it. Still sort of skeptical, I always am with all of these "end of the world occurs on (insert date here)" sort of predictions. But to be truthful, I would rather know of a potential date of a disaster and it not happen, than to know nothing of it and it does happen. It is hard to say though. It would be horrible if such a catastrophe came about. I just hope those ayys are able to be taken out with bullets.
the battle of the wolf and wizard is over, the energy is starting to resettle
Think of all the things that haven't gone wrong.
Some people are so bottom of the barrel they wish they at least had the vodka. You're in a good spot for a rebound there my man.
I pray for you.
No, I don't believe so. My ME geography is pretty shitty so I just looked at google maps. I think the fighting I saw was taking place in the middle of Iran, I remember it being between two bodies of water, which looks to be the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf.
I feel that the recurring dream about North America is more symbolic. I think that dream symbolized the anti-White policies and atmosphere in NA causing Whites to retreat and retreat, until we finally snap and take back everything.
The dream about Whites in NA showed colours moving on the map (Whites were blue). The dream about the war in the Middle East was different in that I could zoom in on the conflict and see soldiers with rifles in combat.
Just chilling. Taking life a day at a time. Definitely over the depressive phase of my life. Just waiting for the big day, you know? Taking care of my business and making peace with destiny.
You're not supposed to mess around with alcohol too much because it partially takes you into another world mentality. You are only supposed to have a short trip where you bring back something positive. You're not supposed to dwell too long in another world.