Can 17yo's consent?

>Pic related.
Here age for marriage is 16 not 18

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hell no you degenerate pedophile. you'd get shanked in prison over here just for asking that, fuckin child molester.

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Fite me!

"why don't you take a seat user? right over there..."

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Pedo. sage.

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Depends on the state.

>post-pubescent sexually developed girl


>Can 17yos consent

She can if no one finds out

It's almost as if "consent" is just arbitrary bullshit made up by laws

also in my state the age of consent is technically 14

Lol it kinda is.

I knew it was 15. At least according to wiki

As long as you're 15-19 there is no problem.


15 basic consent.
16 age of criminal liability, age of marriage.
14 legal if you aren't 18.
18+ only for homosex.

Aha okay.

Do you accept gay marriage over there? If not, Bella won't visit.

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MFW AoC in my state is 17.

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Nope, state doesn't.
I personally do.


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meeeeh lesbian are acceptable. But gays will be beated on the streets by gypsies. Well at least... those niggers are usefull some times. For how much i know, the church will not marry you either.

She will never stop craving that puss m8

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meh, I see wifu relaible chicks in public transport everyday, more beautiful than that goblin.

Child Marriage is legal in 48 of 50 US States with parental permission.

Oh fml, saved. Time to fap come at me FBI.

If she bleeds, she is old enough to marry.

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Yeah I know I checked. You even allowed arranged marriage of muslims much lower than that.

i hope you sickos all die you PEDO

fap like you mean it

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ph is down there... didn't see it

Youre underestimating just how stupid and immature women that age are. YOU dont want to marry a girl that age.

It's almost like all laws are arbitrary but you have to draw the line somewhere. Mmmh

Had 19 at 32. I think you must be gay.

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anything below 15 is degenerate tier,only thing sweden got right

18 is an arbitrary age. There is no physical or mental difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old, thus a 17 year old is no more or less fit to consent than an 18 year old.

why is my disneyfu being posted on pol so much lately? like 5 times in the last 2 days I've seen

Look up the age of marriage, it's even lower.

Christian law of middle ages, if she bleeds she breeds she's eligible to be married unless she's deformed or totally mentally retarded.
Tho women were property too. Like they couldn't sign shit unless sole inheritor of larger estate but even then they had a legal protector who co-signed, then they lost all rights again when married the husband ruled over them.

Wow I coulda swore Indiana was 17, learn something new every day

Shoot your load in them and fill their heads with religion, it'll calm them down.

Is my dad a degenerate for marrying my mom when she was 14?

Wrong, it was 12 and then later raised to 14. It coincides with Mary's pregnancy.

are they still married ?

Yes, over 25 years.

Nope that's the jewish tradition of 12 for girl and 14 for the guys.

Your dad is Chad.

Then no, your father is a fine man

not really tho,maybe degenerate is a term too harsh,i would say 15 is ideal.13-14 is still too low in my opinion,but if your mother was sexually and emotionally mature i wouldnt say its a problem

I forgot that Romanians are Orthodox and maybe your laws are different. I was speaking about Catholic law.

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A big bush is a good measurement.

Lesbianism infuriates me. Gayness doesn't make me mad, it just grosses me out. Why do I feel this?

All christians were orthodox at a time.

>Made up by laws
But who made the laws?

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The question is though if you had a daughter that age 14 - 17 what would you say to her if she said she was getting married ? It is unfair to compare todays kids with 40 years ago because of emotional maturity but still


Sure, but you said Christian Law during the Middle Ages and that was after the schism. Catholic law was 12 until 1917 and then it turned into 14. This was because of belief that the Virgin Mary 14 during her pregnancy.

cause youre a fag

DE should be 16

> if you had a daughter that age 14 - 17 what would you say to her if she said she was getting married ?
Is the guy mentally sane and rich?
Where's the problem, I don't get it.

Depends on my daughter and the man. If he was a good man, then I would be ok with it. Why waste my daughter's time?

Nah we married based on physical maturity here. Mostly coincided with the 13-16 range. The guy was generally 22-25.

Because being a strait male you understand the male body is an gross thing where the female body is a thing of beauty.

>the lawmakers

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Keep in mind that in most, if not all, states this doesn’t apply if you’re in a position of power towards the subject. For instance a teacher, professor, sports coach. The law automatically will write you up as using your influence to sway the persons interests/feelings. If that makes sense.

i know sarcastic but
truth is it's relative to the state and situation
one state calls child rape what another says is legal
but lets not pretend all sorts of "child rape" of 17 year olds doesnt happen in california.
better focus on that instead of Hollywood producers fucking 6 year old boys!

age of consent is arbitrary and not grounded in biology
the notion that at 15y355d, someone is not mentally capable of making an informed decision to consent to sex, then magically at 16y0d they suddenly know how to consent, and that this is true of all people, is idiotic. Age of consent is just a legal approximation of an age by which most people are assumed to be mentally capable of sexual consent - this therefore means that there are many people under the age of consent that are mentally capable of sexual consent, but at the same time they are not considered legally capable of consent because of an arbitrary age threshold

That all being said, I don't know of a better alternative - since individual regulated assessment to determine whether one is capable of consent would be stupid

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.

If they're married.

10/10 post.

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>better focus on that instead of Hollywood producers fucking 6 year old boys!
That's the pedo not the 14-16 etc.

if they are old enough to understand what they are getting into I don't see a prob with 17, hell I was dating an 18 year old when I was damn near 30 and it was great.

It depends, for some people age difference happens. She got tits and ass you are legal imo.

Can a 17 year old whose birthday is coming up in 1 hour consent?

Does a person's mentality have any influence in your opinion? Or is it just physical?

Sorry buddy I'm afraid you're going to jail.

No it's not 16 you gypsy retard

Marriage is dead.

Can a quadrplegic consent to penetrative anal tounging?

shes definitely ripe and ready

Bella Thorne is 20 now. /tv/ lost interest in her years ago.

Maybe in your godless country. Marriage is the one of the only institutions worth saving nowadays.

The two are rather linked. Never seen a girl with tits and ass who was a child as in didn't knew she was here to get fucked and what the world is like.

Do they have a healthy brain? If they do, then yes. People are consenting to suicide and cock mutilation nowadays, why not cripples banging.

Ypu can try this instead.
She was in college camwhoring for rent, then she dropped all. 19-20 in most vids.

got herself some fake titties, huh?

If you can tell me that again when you celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary, I'll concede I was wrong.


I don't think I'll live that long dude.

Yep and removed her lower ribs too along injecting stuff in her lips too.

What about an elderly person with senility and alzheimer? Can he consent to me forcing my face in his ass and toungue-fucking his asshole?

That is hot.

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No because they lost their mind. Maybe a professional hand job from a nurse like they do in Asian countries.

user please, don't break my nofap

Tounge in the bum or bust.