Why can't we just bring back duels to settle disputes?

Why can't we just bring back duels to settle disputes?

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BUmp. Completely agree. We need more physical violence in general.

Seriously. Men should be allowed to hit women with an open hand as long as she doesn't end up needing medical care. Fist fights should also be ignored.

yes,this 100%

Dead people cant pay taxes

It has to be hand to hand combat or swords. Dueling with pistols the way they did in the 18th century is stupid.


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To understand why they cant allow that, you have to understand that modern "man" is enslaved by comfort and safety and it makes him very easily controllable.
When custom of dueling exists in society, it means men may be ready to die to defend their pride and honor. And such readiness will remain even beyond duels itself - man who values some things more than his life will be ready to fuck your shit up when you tread on him, or at least die trying, so you wont be able to tread on anything if majority of men are like that. Now compare that to modern man who will rather have government boot deep up his ass than gives up his comfortable bugman life. This is why (((they))) will be vehemently against introduction of any culture of violence or pride, dueling being probably most prominent example of both.

Literally the reason the courts allow libel and slander suits is to keep retards from killing each other over dumb shit.

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>wah wah someone hold my hand so I can do something

WHO is stopping you?

Let’s roll. I’m fit and combat ready, heavily armed, and equipped to dispense some fucking righteous violence.

Duelling made sense when it required some skill whether in aiming a pistol or dueling with swords.

Using fists was considered barbaric and low class. There's no point in dueling with semi auto handguns, people would simply die en masse instead of simply defend their honor

Good point. Statists wood never have it


you retards realize that dueling was specifically for the upper class, right? You wouldn't have anything to do with it if you lived back then.
If anything you'd be involved in what amounts to 18th century bumfights

of course all of you are fucking pussies and would never dare to take part in such a practice so I don't know why you even bother to come in this thread and larp about it

Nah, pistols are way more fair and better

T. Elliot rodger

Speak for yourself user. I'm extremely wealthy.

Because the best of us are those likely to challenge and accept duels.
So the best of us wind up dying before their time.
If they used nonlethal rounds in flintlock pistols that would be acceptable.
Imagine if Steve Jobs accepted a duel in his youth, and lost. The modern world could not possibly be the same without that individual contribution.

Rubbet bullets out of a hand held sawed off would be acceptable.

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But you're still a pussy soooo

Yea I would not do it.

Never ended here. It's still the normal right if passage.
I attended my nephews first challenge in a park near here not long ago. He's 15 so he's broke his duck very late.
He did okay.
He was worried about the consequences. Thought he'd get in trouble. What he actually got were self defence lessons.

Thank you for being the only honest user itt

jews, no exceptions

I couldn't agree anymore!