France thread.
Your opinion on my country
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frogs n sheit
n digits
No thanks
Muslim shithole.
I love France. I’m very glad it did not go fascist like US, UK, Italy, Austria, Poland, and Hungary.
Needs to become Catholic again. Also, all Jacobins should be executed.
When I was a child, I used to think French women had a fetish for black men, figured there was no such thing as a French family, and it was just a French woman and her black men. This or some weird left-wing Liberal Jew. I'm sorry.
A shitty place with literal shit every where. Why do you guys love the smell of dog shit?
Wasted potential. A lot of you fucks in France (and by extension, the Francosphere at large) are very stubborn and proud, especially of your culture, arts and especially language. It's why comparatively to other Euro countries that a lot of you don't speak English. And if you do, you speak it poorly.
Your curriculum simply doesn't see the value in learning English as much as it could/would/should. And that's fine. You fixate only in french culture, french values, traditions and communication. BUT. Despite all of this insular cultural behaviorisms, you are extremely far from nationalism of any flavor. Case in point, immigration and tolerance of Islam/rapefugees.
You could be great. But you're sorely lacking.
PS. You at least draw some pretty good shortstacks to fap to.
Great european nation with interesting history a beautiful countryside from beaches to glaciers to woods and plains you got it all. The Teil things i dislike about france are your multiculturalism and Paris.
Why did you goys let (((them))) ruin places like Paris or Marseille?
I love French women so fucking much
That's a good one, when I think of France I think of dog shit.
God that's fucking depressing.
I think you need to build a wall around every single big city in France. Then demolish those walls 2 years later and build anew.
France produces a lot of dog shit.
has smelly girls, just like italy uwu
Rather unimportant.
>post yfw France chooses to sing about the plight of poor rapefugee ((CHILDREN)) as their Eurovision song contest entry
I went to Paris once and i almost got assaulted in the metro by some niggers. The France is cucked meme is real unfortunately
Mon ami d'Europe, your country has a beautiful countryside, beautiful coastlines, beautiful (native) people, excellent desserts and bread. I enjoyed living in the 13eme of Paris in 2014 for half a year before everything went to hell in 2015. Fondest memories of my life are in Paris and Normandy (Saint Malo, Saint Michel, Caen). The only people that slag your county off are people that have never been or went for three days and had a shitty time.
>amazing history
>Best geography and weather in Europe
>People are thin despite food being fatty and delicious
8/10, y'all fucked up with Algeria and need to take back your country from the EU
Was top tier in the post war,is now getting fucked over by muslims and will problably not exist in the traditional sense in a couple of decades(majority non french)
I like France a lot.
Look at you britcuck thinking it's bad to be proud of your culture
You have a strange obsession with the US but perhaps vice versa. I always thought you guys were atheist pricks, and it might be partially true, but the ones I met in real life and on here are more based than I realized. I unironically love your women, at least the ones I’ve known. Hopefully I’ll get to visit sometime in next few years and old France isn’t gone.
France is no more. You have given your country to lowlife Algerian scum. I hate french people these days, they all Nouredine and Abdouls
I said it's FINE.
When I was in Paris, the first French; in fact my first ever contact with Europeans on their own turf, I saw a white Frenchmen, I thought he was a lost Slav (Russian) there to be eccentric and unique/get some money/get some job experience. I was about to ask him if he needed directions.
Rifle dropping surrender monkeys which is racist now because paris is now blacked.
France is great but your philosophers are fucking trash
Americans of Jow Forums :
Always remember the "frenchs" insulting you here are algerians mudslimes
It's not a meme when we say most french here are algerians, that's why most of the time you see a french flag it's in /sg/
True frenchs love you and your country
Reminder the Americans on here are literally 56%ers, just look at any of the Jow Forums meetups.
Beautiful country if you remove all the shitskins and subversive kikes
France is underrated.
went there once and liked it.
your country deserves the mass raping it's going to get
But at least after the big war that is coming most of your dead weight and useless people will be gone.
home of some great thinkers and some of the best porn of the 20th century
Seriously worse than atlanta and memphrica
I used to hate it but grown to appreciate your country and perhaps one day grow to love it.
>I demand you feel sorry for me
Oh god I couldn't watch Eurovision without feeling shame and disgust, no way I would claim any of those songs to my country.
shit country with people too braindead from sniffing their own shit to realize it's be hammered by muslims
cant wait to see it fall
It used to be comfy. Stopped being that post 9/11.
Sometimes I watch french movies and I see the old France. Heart braking because France is *used to be one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. I'm definitely a Francophile having been there lots of times in lots of places.
I thought you were cool when my history nerd cousin used to babysit and tell me stories about the blackpowder era and the age of sail.
Then I got older and my dad told me about all the shit he got into in Vietnam and I thought you were a bunch of useless faggots.
You remain useless faggots.
I wanna marry Marion LePen.
Yelle is fucking garbage. Fight me, bitchtits.
A shithole.
>R*mania commenting on anyone's whiteness
What the fuck is Yelle?
What the fuck is bitchtits?
sorry white boi
Music that your people would use to torture Germans.
His name was Robert Paulson.
Sorry user. What few based French men who survived Napoleon were killed off by World War I.
What's left is cheese eating surrender monkeys.
French women can be super hot. I think it be pretty cool to remove the Frenchman and bang all their white women. We don't like you Francophones.
There are a good number of French bands I like, but I don't really have a strong opinion of you guys either way. But I hope you figure out any issues you have with shitskins.
the face of france
The militant Frenchmen have been dead for over 150 years. They need to send all their white women to my country.
They send you their big brain nibbas as well.
So sad that I will never get to see France, it's gone.
Was there once as a kid on vacation. Remember bad roads after crossing the border, dirty and disorganized country.
One of the bigger mansions she owned was on sale recently. 17 million dollars. Fucking beautiful.
Engineered some really good cars and back in the day; the Peugeot 504 Pickup being culmination of these efforts.
Tragically she's aging better than france.
My brothers :)
They wouldn't have the Euro without you :)
C'etait un pays tres Belle, Mais Elle a oubliee le Dieu.
Sorry my phone keyboard can't do accents, but you know what I mean. Sorry about what happened to your nation.
I love Alizée and will never rest until I go to Corsica and get myself an Alizée looking waifu.
Most people I met were beyond ultra smug/stuck up and blew me off, also Paris smelled like piss and it looked darker than Alaska in winter.
However food and drink were top tier in my opinion.
The Mesrine movies are awesome
Thanks francais
I hate Francophone people in this country especially their fag men. Their women are alright though. Btw the guy in your pic literally brags about banging a girl with down syndrome. That Frenchmen is messed in the head.
Autism. Nice try anglo.
You have good taste user.
my opinion is that france does not look like that any more.
too lefty
you guys are hard to gauge cause of the language difference
half of my ancestry, love you all andfuck that muslim invasion coming in from the south.
I honestly wish you would do something about it, but I saw that half your military are muslims.
Have fun with that, (it crushes me a bit)
Do something, do a single solitary thing of note, litterally anything - then we’ll talk.
like I just said :
they can not
Half of their army is muslim/arab.
France is lost.
Return to your Celtic roots. Regain your honor. Get rid of the Muslims, get rid of the niggers.
>Celtic roots
>couldn't even handle something peaceful like Christianity
The usual arrogance of north America thinking France wasn't pivotal in forging a constitution they so desperately defend.
Lame fags.
Your countries were practically made in France.
Stereotypes I've heard since childhood:
- frog eaters
- stubborn/unfriendly unless you speak French
- Rarely showers, bad hygiene
- Highest perfume consumption in the world
What I've learned other than that:
- Alizee has a nice butt
No one is denying that. I hate to see how fall they have fallen.
Gib dagger Pierre.
>gets raped by Romans
>gets raped out by Germans
What did the Gauls mean by this?
Love the French. Beautiful language, amazing food, rich culture.
>Love the French. Beautiful language, amazing food, rich culture.
? Was there something wrong with what I said, or . . . ?
Yeah, they peaked about 200 years ago. What have they done lately fucker?
Arabs are the original mutts