Your son brings his gay partner to your house
What would you do?
Your son brings his gay partner to your house
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what son?
what son?
Cry because Jewish propaganda has convinced my wife never to reproduce
what son?
>implying Jow Forums will ever have a son that isn't someone elses
What house?
Hug him.
this is why you talk about children before you even engage
Put a few tires around them both and light them up
I have no gay son
Stick both their juicy uncut cocks in my mouth at once and give them the most most mind bending frottage blowjob EVER to teach them a lesson about being a bunch of sick queers.
Not in my house you fucking twinks.
Blame his mother
Say "hi"
Deep down inside think: "What the FUCK did i do wrong? How did i fail in making a real man of my son???"
Don't worry, she loses in the end since I'll leave her for a better women eventualy. She also lied to me and said she did want to have kids until she started her meme career
Murder suicide
this, put the family question first. I made a habit to mention that I want to get married and have 7 children to everybody I meet. Gets me rid of the aging roasties nicely.
Invite them in and show them an incredible evening, of course.
Enjoy paying alimony.
Which will get thrown out by the judge because your country is cucked.
I would force them to fuck each other right then and there, just to prove it.
HARD MODE: Your father brings his gay partner to uour house after divorcing your mother.
Shoot both, move to Mexico.
Sage a useless fucking thread
Tell him to leave my fucking house
My WIFE’S son?
Welcome him with open arms
I have no gay son.
Regardless of who shows up at my house.
>your wife's son is gay
>after so many years of the kid being a source of humiliation to you, the shoe is on the other foot now and you tease your wife about her gay son
son? what son?
shoot both of them
we have a tradition in this household, where i have to have sex with all of my sons new lovers.
Whats it matter my line is dead.
Pay their honeymoon trip to Dubai
Pull out a goddamn shotgun and blow their damn heads off!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck his boyfriend in the ass like I taught my son how to bottom.
Throw the faggots out of my castle.
what son?
ask him wtf he's doing here as i told him he was never to return to my property again and call the police or shoot them both, in a self defense situation. i can have more sons
>welcome him in with open arms
>make him feel comfortable, throw around some banter
>start talking about baseball and proceed to shittalk our favorite teams
>suggest we watch a comedy together, have him sit on the couch with me while my begins to stew across the room
>halfway through the flick, start dropping some jokes and inch closer
>work my way up to his knee first, then his thigh, finally his throbbing groin
>let him know what I want
>as my son watches, start furiously ravaging his man's boy pussy with my iron cock
>as I cum harder than I have for a dozen years, I bellow
>look my son dead in the eyes
That's the last time that little whore tries to bring new cock into my house
Father here. Get a good wife. You deserve it.
we hate you here
if I love my son, nothing.
because if he is gay I'm going to say that I tolerate it but that I'm disappointed he's that way because I'd rather see him bringing home a hot and cute grill and that he has a much harder time dating because of being gay and that society is not tolerant of that because it's degenerate and unorthodox and indication of mental illness. For shame. I'd try for a new son or a daughter.
>Shoot both, move to Mexico
Then shoot mexicans
I have no son.
Honestly, tell them both to leave and never come back.
A son that bears no child is no son, and so can be no son of mine.
My doggo is not gay.
Call him a fag!
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how does it feel to be responsible for 90% of degeneracy in the west?
not open the door
While celebrating the "Yes" vote Julian Simpson fell and died. He went instantly to Hell.
I'd infinitely prefer a gay son to a coalburner daughter
tell them to leave then go to the kitchen and get a drink
wonder what timeline im in since i dont have a son to the best of my knowledge. is my wife hot?
The very night Julian Simpson was celebrating homosexual sex and "defeating" people of faith in "law", he died and went to hell. He instantly reaped the death he brought to his country. May God strike down every person that supports homosexual fornication.
if hes still young then change his mind.
manipulate it.
i'd be confused as hell and probably just sit there thinking wtf
Why are you agency trolls obsessed with faggotry this week?
Is this a census to find out how many muslims/shit eaters (gays) we have. Or is just good old fashioned lets find a faggot to compromise to do our bidding,?
The amount and types of thread ive seen indicates organised efforts targeting our fags
Not a godtard, so it's all good. Might ask to see his cock, coz I kinda like cocks.
bend both of them and show them who is the daddy of the house until they submit to my cock and become my buttsluts
>Official honeypot
is that even possible?
it will take 6 months-1 year.
you will have to go slowly by slowly.
watching the fags I have found out that its nothing more than mixture of complex messed up mind and weak mind. The weak mind let the thoughts take over you then it naturally becomes reinforced in on direction(gay sexuality) without realising to normal mind.
so if you gotta repair it you will have to to start by strengthening mental strength.
What the difference between the one and the nUvB2Rz gaypol cord?
What will my parents do if I bring home my cute trap? What will they do if they find out what we did on his nazi flag?
Bake and serve tea
Move on brother she's not worth it the love of fucking to breed feels amazing.
Nice to meet you.
Being gay doesn't change being a man.
Some men are old school jumper, pipe smoking.
Some are skipping are baking.
Others are sitting solitary and thinking
Some are business and others catering
the outcome depends on quality matering
Wouldn't happen because my son knows that I might actually kill him if he became a peter-puffer, especially if he brought a fellow sodomite to my house.
Links that expire in 24 vs non-expiring link, same server
He could still bear a child of his own with a surrogate.
Tell him to do the honorable thing and get started on hormone therapy. I will even chip in for the implants.
Best response.
kek I remember when I did that.
My husband was 6'3" 245.
shoot myself, i failed as a father and have no reason to live
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Could be worse, my son being gay is better than my daughter racemixing with a black guy
It's okay if he's white.
and knock up a few more women, hope for better results.
Ask them if they are hungry and would you like something to drink?
Take my old shotgun, carefully load it up, point at him...
lmao. there's no place for faggots in a society that shuns flagrant disregard for morality and respect for nature.
how about you just kill yourself, assfucker.
Disown him and have a new son
Nature is quite literally the source of all decadence.
How are regular homosexuals harming society? Most are not affiliated with LGBT politics, and are relatively monogamous.
Influence. By allowing them to live, you're setting a very poor example for everyone else.
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