This stupid gay attack thread against fashwave doesn't deserve to be on this board.
Real FaShWaVe
I kind of like this.
Its based
That’s all I have for now.
n-no more b-brother wars, r-right???
Then why does 100% of times when nationalism is actually tried leads to "brother wars" - mind that what you call "brothers" were defined as subhumans at the time being, they only become "brothers" when the allied forces ripped your ass apart, so you expand the definition of "whiteness" to include former subhuman mongrels.
>Pepsi is fake , Coca Cola is the real Shit
Do you realize these slogans make you appear even a bigger autist. It's pure cringe.
White is a pretty general category if today's world. Basically means European, I don't care much for the Nordic exclusive guys.
Sorry meant for
fuck off you kike shills
national socialism is to politics what K-pop is to music - it's the triumph of style over substance. The commies at least pretend to have a scientific theory reasoned out, the all the natsoc thread evolve into posting pics of naked male statues and girls on wheat farms.
There is no white/european "bruthahuud".
Wake up, mutt.
getting triggered, mutt?
National socialism is the fusion of art science and nature.
>pic unrelated
Kek. Has your 20% african ancestry damaged your brain?
The EU is pro "european bruthahuud, we wuz all the same" like you stormfags.
Do you mutts realize that nazism was not KKK style white nationalism? It foremost showed animosity toward other Europeans who were deemed subhuman. The nazis felt racially closer to Iranians and northern Indians than Poles.
no. it's the triumph of state sponsored kitsch over economic policy. The ramblings against jews who supposedly financed wars, were ironically mirrored in actual military aggressiveness of the nazi state itself .
I never said I was pro KKK you retard.
I'm pro thirdway
Opinion disregarded out of hand for cringe /leftypol/ meme image.
The Rothschild Zionist's did fund wars.
Ever heard of the Krupp family? The Rotchilds were toddlers compared to the evil profit-driven logic of the Krupp's. They made their fortune in the The Thirty Years' War in Europe that could not be fought for that amount of time if the Krupp's wouldn't be selling arms to several sides of the conflict. They pulled the same shit WW1. When the Nazis came to power they of course ranted about jewish money financing wars, but they were always silent on the involvement the Krupp industries. The arms dealing family who's cold pursuit for profit fueled European wars and destruction were given honorary SS titles and no one dared to touch their wealth.
this is a good one
Heil Europa, mein bruder!
So the only argument that you fucks can come up with is that we are supposedly virgins....weak
>So the only argument that you fucks can come up with is that we are supposedly virgins....weak
You are also gullible idiots, see
discord gg/bYpJ5y
add a .
>The commies at least pretend to have a scientific theory reasoned out
Eh, if science was dogmatic and refused to acknowledge failed experiments maybe
Can you guys tell me what genre / author is this music? Thanks.
I noticed they deleted their old thread so they could post the same images again.
Revolt against the modern world.... by glittering it with 1980s pop aesthetics.
>attacking based Krupp Stahl
Typical Jewish/leftist shit, divert attention from your own misdeeds by making a boogeyman out of a gentile entrepreneur. You did the same to Henry Ford and Walt Disney.
Also, it's obviously you're /leftypol/ shills, since you keep agitating for "le class warfare", and always targeting whites and nationalists when doing so.
T*rkoid insect.
Funny how the thread where you admitted to being a T*rk got deleted.
do one of you faggots have the nature hates brown people
It's so bad, that you have to spend a whole month constantly counter-signaling it to weaken its effectiveness.
Still butthurt that /leftypol/'s synthwave project failed miserably?
thank you, i actually like this one
Leftists are really shit at meme warfare.
wow. it's almost like you don't know what you're talking about and haven't opened a book once in your life
This is catchy as fuck:
Time for "facts that leftists leave the thread over."
Rich niggers are still more retarded than poor whites.
We don't have time to read your bullshit.
Zimbawe (Rhodesia) became a total shithole as a direct result of communist niggers gaining authority there.
not an argument. While during world war 1 the german antisemites were already smashing jewish mom & pop shop's in Berlin, on the front German soldiers were picking up bodies of their fallen comrades which had bullets with the German inscription "Krupps patent zünder" inside them - turns out the Krupps were supplying the British as well!
Obviously that's part of why you're retarded.
your not my brother mutt.
Just look at these "attempts".
>fundementally based on defacing and degrading the message and works of other people
>instead of being uplifting, they are based on shaming and humiliating.
>completely derivative, as in instead of combining old elements and making something new from them like Fashwave does, these "anti-fashwave" pictures are just copies of Fashwave ones that have been warped to "mock" the former.
This is not even related to memes.
Just look at leftist architecture, including shit like this.
It is just defacing an old style instead of being unique and beautiful on it's own.
Niggers are 13% of the US population, but commit 50% of US murders.
Race is supported by genetic evidence.
Dr. J.F. Gariepy explains the genetics of race:
Leftist Jew biologist admits race is real:
> Cantwell gets locked up, looks like shit, just whines on his show
> Heimbach in an incestuous trailer park love rectangle
> Anglin evading the law in Cambodia, literally the shittiest country in Asia
> weev outed by his own mother a Jew; just hangs around cold as shit former Soviet Bloc states
> Spencer plagued by a meme that encourages strangers to sucker punch him
> Cernovich has become a parody of himself by being a ridiculous hypocrite about everything
> Trump instigating a trade war with China, and hiring an advisor liable to start a new war
> Fuentes throwing temper tantrums like a toddler at everyone who's ever worked with him
> Milo mainly known in the mainstream for being an apologist for child molesters
> Red Ice guy is a moron who can't stop bullying his wife
> Lauren Southern doesn't actually stand for anything, and can't decide where she stands politically
> Varg hates the whole movement and just wants to be a survivalist
> The Golden One is the most homoerotic figure on YouTube
> Styx has an image that drives away 99% of normies
> David Duke and Jared Taylor haven't been relevant in 20 years
> Cybernazi is rumored to be dead
> Roaming Millennial's hotness only lasts so long, before it becomes apparent that she's functionally retarded
> Millennial Woes gets attacked constantly for not passing the purity test
> Jesse Lee Peterson probably had a stroke
> Alex Jones is a cringey conspiracy theorist and joke who couldn't keep custody of his kids
>all those talking points
2 pennies yada yada
The only ones you have points on are Cantwell and Heimbach, and they were just victims of circumstance.
Duke and Taylor surged in relevance, and defeated leftists in debates.
Also, kinda autistic that you know all of these alt-right figures, if you're such a shitlib and they're not worth your time. It's not like you get paid for this or something...
Also, lol at Milo, Southern, and BASED nigger Peterson supposedly being "alt-right".
Economic reductionism is stopping us from being great again tbqh.
It really does though, to be honest. Brown areas are full of murder, disease, insects, and poo streets.
>12 posts by this ID
>e-celebs on the right are Jow Forums
I have a strong feeling that he's a kike, because he keeps trying to divert criticism away from Jews and onto white icons.
He also has the neurotic Jewish behavior of memorizing all your enemies in great detail. He's the kind of Jew that follows news about white nationalists constantly and gets progressively angrier and kvetchier the more info he reads.
>I have a strong feeling that he's a kike, because he keeps trying to divert criticism away from Jews and onto white icons.
>trying to divert criticism away from Jews and onto white icons.
>onto white icons
Die, leftists.
Oh, so you've dropped all pretenses and rolled-out your full commie flag. It's about time you owned-up to your own bullshit.
Leftist-controlled nigger-filled cities and their murder rates.