
So what happened? On what stage of Brexit is Britain on?

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The stage where our goverment pretends to want it but does everything to sabotage processes and try to get a deal that is the exact same as being in the EU.
And our retarded electorate is actually falling for it

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To be honest, I've been thinking... how does being out of the EU work realistically? I mean geopolitcally doesn't really fit in the picture. We have the EU, Russia, U.S., China... how does Britain fall into the picture out of the EU?

>fall into the picture

fit into the picture* (not sure about which is correct)

They are not leaving lmao.

The Conservatives are dragging it out until the next election where they will say 'vote for us to get the Brexit you voted for'.
I'm close to swallowing the blackpill at this point, I actually campaigned for Leave, we're getting cucked badly so far. Maybe everything will be alright in a few years, inshallah.

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Suicide watch


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It will be a Brexit in name only.
Shariah May needs to get the approval of all the Tories/DUP plus a few Labour MPs because the next issue on the table will be the invasion of Syria, and she won't be able to get that passed without significant cross-party support (Cameron tried it but failed).

That's also why the whole EU and USA also reacted firmly "in support" of Britain on the Salisbury incident. It's all a stitch up. Brexit is a non-issue. We will see boots on the ground by the end of this year.

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That’s why Brexit is dumb. What is USA without Europe? That’s why Trump is dumb.

I'll just leave this here

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whats your mother without a black nigger dick in her ass?
Thats why youre dumb.

I'm going to give you an accurate answer:

Both sides are hoping to have the 'Withdrawal Agreement' singed by October this year. This will include a financial settlement (Brexit bill UK will pay the EU), settlement on citizens' rights and an agreement on the Irish Border. As part of the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK is looking for a 'transitional period' in which the UK for all intents and purposes remains in the EU from March 2019 (Brexit day) to December 2020. During that period the UK will obey all EU rules without any voting rights. The UK will also be able to negotiate and sign new free trade agreements during that period. Before March 2019, both sides are also looking to essentially sketch the future trading arrangements.

The big sicking point is the Irish border. The EU is proposing a 'backstop' whereby Northern Ireland basically remains within the single market for goods and the customs union to maintain frictionless trade across the border (unless the UK come up with a better solution). This would mean trade barriers between Britain and Northern Ireland. May said this is not something any Prime Minister could accept and the DUP (Northern Irish Unionists who give the Tories their majority) hate the idea.

The EU won't budge on this. So either May goes back on her word and possibly loses DUP support or the talks collapse.

That's where we're at.

Cancellation stage apparently.
>fuck an entire deal over some chicken

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We are scheduled to "leave the E.U." in March next year (2019) and enter the transition period which will last two years and end in December 2021 when we finally leave the E.U.

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>The big sicking point is the Irish border. The EU is proposing a 'backstop' whereby Northern Ireland basically remains within the single market for goods and the customs union to maintain frictionless trade across the border (unless the UK come up with a better solution). This would mean trade barriers between Britain and Northern Ireland. May said this is not something any Prime Minister could accept and the DUP (Northern Irish Unionists who give the Tories their majority) hate the idea.

>The EU won't budge on this. So either May goes back on her word and possibly loses DUP support or the talks collapse.

The problem is that what the UK is proposing, i. e. becoming a "third country" in its relationship with the EU like Canada or Brazil, means the reintroduction of full scale border controls with customs and immigration checks at EU and UK ports whre EU-UK trade is done.

At the UK-IRL border things are bit different because of the CTA. Here the border could look like the EU-Swiss border, meaning customs checks but not immigration and ID checks.
That would be pretty frictionless for people but very disruptive for business.

Oh, and that "technological border" stuff the UK is talking about is pure fiction. No such border exists anywhere on this planet.

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>On what stage of Brexit is Britain on?

Yep. Well said.

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Its at the same stage the wall is at.

And you faggots are trapped on an island with no weapons. Whelp yall better start getting your masters to teach you that Krav Maga or youre gonna have a bad time.

Good luck you limey gits

Anglo populism is hilarious. Not like Germanic populism at all.

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t. The Guardian

(((((((((the guardian)))))))))

>the invasion of Syria
Rly? Any reliable source on that?
I wouldn't be surprised, Russia already pretty much won against goatfuckers in Syria so I'm guessing the Eternal Anglo must be furious about it. I guess that's why all the shit's been about lately, to shill into another Iraq...

He made quite accurate post. Your problem if you live in a bubble.

Heating up the overs stage

If it falls through bongs can never EVER make fun of our voting system again

brexit means brexit.
sausages means sausages.
toast means toast.

Nothing happened, Brexit has been cancelled.

Brits will suffer eternally from it. Our forced trade agreement will make them shit bricks. All little industry they have left will be bought up with Euromoney.

>On what stage of Brexit is Britain on?
LOL. Not further than on the day they did the referendum. Brits haven't even made a plan on how to do it.

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and they had the biggest empire in history, and it all went to shit.

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getting lubed/negotiations for rape

Will Asian immigration to the UK double after the Brexit? It's only the right thing to do.
I'll also leave this here too Sweden