I don’t understand

What if I’m wrong? How can leftists not understand that bringing in hordes of third world idiots will destroy our country. What if they see something that I can’t?

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the worst part is i think they actually do know, but the hurt themselves/their nation anyways.

you're over-estimating them. they think the greatest good for the nation is fostered by the most tolerance and progressivism possible. they havent thought it through in practical terms

I don’t get it. What kind of masochist destroys their own people? Why would you deliberately end yourself?

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They're naivete and altruism is just easily corruptible.

They are so deluded and idealistic they see anyone who objects to "diversity" as a rascist fascist worthy of violence & exclusion. Hence Antifa. They are also so privileged & entitled they don't live anywhere near the inner city poor, or if they do its temporarily while at university with a fat safety net under them.

I'm pretty sure the lot of them is either
a) hoping to import allies/voters for their anti-Western Agenda
b) a minority themselves seeking to dilute the hostcountry
c) genuinely believe in this poststructural and postcultural ideal where people are basically blank slates and interchangeable
d) brainwashed into becoming anti-racism zombies (most of the younger folk)

the truth makes them mildly uncomfortable, but somehow the lie that actually harms everyone gives them the warm fuzzies in their tummy.

So is this some kind of fatal flaw in western countries? Or will this just end in fascism again? Is that even a bad thing?

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They can't see shit, it's more like they feel something which you can't.

They are mostly female and they feel a strong opposition against injustice and all that. It's not rational thinking but it is something powerful on an emotional level. They also place the whole thing on a self promoting shelf. Not the cause itself but THEM who are representing the cause is what truly matter in their troubled mind. I have seen a liberal bloke on a anti-racist facebook live rant, but it was obvious it was more about him as a true SJW fighting a cause than the actual "victim". Not to mention most leftist live in nice ethnically white area and only read or watch biased lefty msm.

So it's not experience based on rational thinking. It's more like pure emotions at work from a safe space.

Can we make them see the truth? Or do they just have to have reality open their eyes?

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Nah, even the middle east used to be white; we've got unheard of levels of technology and communication that stand up to misinformation this time around though.

On whether or not it will end in fascism, that depends on the integrity of future leaders; one can hope that regardless of political outcome, the righteous will seize the reins of our civilization and guide it towards a necessary balance between whatever dualistic philosophy its ethics will base themselves on.

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Endless news and articles about violence and terror makes many of them retreat into awkward silence. The media understand this, and now they are really careful if minorities or terrorist motives are involved. But hiding the dirt or blurring the facts are a dangerous game and can damage them on the long run.

So I’ve watched the videos online. And when our views clash they get the same incredulous gave that I get, when we both think “how do they not see it?” I live in an area where it seems no one other than me sees reality the way I do. Jow Forums is the only place where I’m not told I’m a crazy retard

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yeah, america was destroyed when we brought in lots of third world idiots with the irish, germans, chinese, niggers, etc

Honestly, I think it's as simple as that they are not actually exposed to this data

And if they are, it's in the context of "these evil right wing racists want to keep nonwhites out of our country *cue video of white nationalists sperging out*"

>What if they see something that I can’t?

They also see no difference between race, men and women, and think communism will work if it could just be tried in their perfect way that no one has ever tried before. They literally can't figure out which bathroom to use and bathroom issues are one of the defining moments of their peak generation. I mean are you still having doubts about who to back after this?

Pic related, mostly.

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Doubts? Yes. I’ve been told I’m wrong my entire life. And I’ll die the same way. I may be wrong but to hell with it

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>How can leftists not understand that bringing in hordes of third world idiots will destroy our country. What if they see something that I can’t?
Leftists are made up of a specific subsection of mankind:
The criminals
The retarded
The psychopaths

That's why.

Immigrants make life worse for the poor people of your country, most liberals are fairly well off so it won't impact them.

Immigration within the capitalist framework benefits the ruling class.

Do not mistake the liberals with the left. They get the bullet too.

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I think you may be wrong on that. It’s just they blame their circumstances on the wrong people

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couldn't have said it any better

Serious question. Are you actually communist or just trolling?

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Eh from what I see its basically someone has a small group of foreign usually non white friends and they think that makes the entirety of their peoples good for the country when in reality the friends they're around are the exception not the rule.

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I am a marxist. And I really like tanks.

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That.....sounds reasonable. Also, forgive me for the pictures but it seems I can’t post without uploading a file

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I also like tanks but I’m going to have to ask if you really believe that this sorry ass human race will generally work for the benefit of others instead of in their own self interest

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What choice do we have? It's either cooperation or death.

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History is replete with examples of assholes who chose death

Idk, Trump sees it this way from what I can tell.
I don't get it either. This is why conspiracy theories are so appealing to explain it.
I have honestly thought about a virus of the mind.
Lots of rich kids with too much time on their hands might be closer to the truth though. And ignorant old folk.

Helicopter time

Right. The whole "good times create weak men" thing. I haven't found an argument against it, and it seems that even with Trump, it's too late. Is history repeating itself? I actually hope it is, because the alternative is a new dark ages. But with nuclear weapons, even that might be too optimistic

they see your complete inability to get laid on a generational scale sending your country into population freefall without importing humans who still know how to fuck

Thanks for the input, pablo, but we prefer something other than the cockroach strategy

like what exactly? the dinosaur strategy? good luck with that obesity problem.

And when you've turned us into north mexico, then what? Time to make canada mexico again? Sooner or later there won't be anyone on the continent to parasitize

>What if I’m wrong? How can leftists not understand that bringing in hordes of third world idiots will destroy our country. What if they see something that I can’t?
If they saw something they would've already said something. All they see is the safety of PC opinions. They are all a bunch of scared little pussies.

> we abort a million babies a year...
> needing more people
Chill Goldberg we can’t all fuck 10 year olds and get away with it our who life