
Legitimate question, Im 18 and dont want to wageslave for 40 years, carefully budgeting my wage for retirement and then have to carefully budget my savings in retirement... anyone know how to get out of wageslaving without being a welfare neet?

inb4 kys

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You have to become selfemployed. It's the only way I see. Become an entrepreneur, make your own business. It's not easy beacause you need money for that. If you don't have that money yet u need to wageslave for some time and be very carefull with your investments. Invest in yourself first, your education. That doesn't mean you need to have super expensive collage degree. It means you have to have enough knowledge in the area you chosse to get things rolling.
Good luck to you user, it's no easy way. Maybe years or decades of struggle but in the long run it will give you self-fullfilment morge than wagecuckery can ever give.

well op you got lucky, this is actual advice


tysm, might eventually start my own business but i need to do a lot of research if i want it to be successful, ty anons

I made myself selfemployed.
I cant say i earn as much as normies, but i also work less, life is chill, i feel free, i NEVER never have to set the clock, i ALWAYS sleep as much and long as i feel like, etc...
Bottomline i dont regrett it and would never wanna change with a wageslave.

Op save up for 6 month buy tools and truck than browse Craigslist helpwanted adds, I average 120k/year doing this haven’t wagecucked since 18....you can still take any job even if you don’t know how to do it, go to local homedepot and hire Juan or more for day I vacation when I want money to retire on now if wanted to own my own house/land

exactly what i want user. what do you work as? i might do the same if i like it, and how did you do it?

Rob a bank. You either have a nice bag of money or get free living place in jail.


cool sounds pretty decent user, ill look into it

Im a programmer...
Im basically constructing digital machines if u think about it.
Perfect job for a male brain if u ask me.

Im specialised myself for a certain type of cms, so i can dominate a niche.

Tip: chose either something that will always be needed, or go specialize for a niche. Or both.

nice, how long would it take to learn this user? coding and all

>Im a programmer...
Good luck being replaced by machines, long before retirement, Pajeet.

become a rockstar

sell coke under roof of cia

I do this as well
sit on my ass at home all day and write code
pays pretty well but I do it contractually

I like to travel though so right now it's just a temporary way to save lots of money really quick, but if you like living within a 25 yard radius and being on the computer all day then you'll love it

I'm 23 and have been coding since middle school, but if you just dedicate yourself and learn it, it doesn't take too long; 6 months if you just sit down and do it
you will always be learning new things though as you work/have to look up syntax

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What wont be replacex by robots and ai?

might give it a try thx user


I've got one word for you: ThuleanPerspective.


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18 and already jaded about working seriously KYS you gotta do hard yards when your young to set up for the future or you really will end up in a minimum wage job for 40yrs

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this isnt advice gtfo

musician youtuber? nahfam/10

Go the revolutionary option.
Fuck the status quo.
Life is too short to wage fuck.
Criminals are smarter than the average dipshit.

Work minimum wage. Get two jobs and only work the amount of hours you need. This is assuming you're not some dumbfuck normie with a gf.

>I want stuff
>I also don't want give anything in return

If you don't want to work for wages then just make everything you consume yourself, build your own house, fix your own stuff make your own video games and appliances.

flip cars / motorcycles. if youre good and put the time in you can make decent money. probably still need at least a part time job though

find, rob and then kill an old kike, get new identity, then move to a different country.

Wage slave and do some shit on the side. Don’t just spend all your free time getting high and playing videogames, find something productive that can generate money and build skills any decent hobby.

existentialism user, existentialism

Save, if you regularly eat out at restaurants 4 nights a week, give it up, learn to cook.

If you see a penny on the ground pick it up and stick it in a loose change bottle.

Consumerism wants to make you keep buying stuff you don't really need, why do you need a new car every 3 years? the old one still works fine & etc.

good advice i already know user, but how does one prevent being a wageslave?

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That dream is dead. Everything is overly regulated, taxed and the labor pool is filled with so many third world immigrants, few jobs are do-able.

When my father was a young man, he started a painting business with his 3 friends and they pulled in great money. Now if I were to be a painter, I'd be competing with some boomer and his crew of arabs and poos that work for $12/hour. Not to mention consumers have less money than ever in this soft economy and just want to go the cheapest route.

Sell your ass for money until you turn 30 then you'll have enough money left to last you till you die of gay AIDS

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I don't know, kid. Hope your parents are rich, you become a whiz entrepreneur, or change an industry in some way. Since I'm too old for any of those and have no family, I'm just hoping my now mild chest pains actually finish the job in the next couple of years so I don't have to wageslave in my 40s. The slumber of death is marginally better than working at Wal-Mart for the rest of my life.

>What wont be replacex by robots and ai?

politicians at least in the forseeable future.

also other professions, where people decide the fate of other people or care for them.

you'll be hard pressed to find an AI judge in the next 100 years. same goes for psychiatrists/psychologist.

Its not easy, whatever you do you have to do it for somebody.
work in a shop and have a boss.
work for yourself, have customers.
you still have to serve somebody.

>Criminals are smarter than the average dipshit.
I'm unironically starting to think this

learn to trade on forex

>living in australia

pick one. this country does what it can to make sure that every single one of its citizens lives week to week so their stupid social policies seem good.

welfare. then tell people you are an artist struggling to get by

Stop crying. What the fuck is your problem? You don't want to work? Well tough fucking shit, life is about survival. If you can cheat the system go ahead, but you're still gonna struggle one way or another. You think NEETs on neetbux have a great life? Your body and mind are geared for conflict, if you make a life without it, your mind will automatically rebel and give you depression and other shit.

>You think NEETs on neetbux have a great life?
No, but I am extremely jealous of thier seemingly endless free time and not having to work for free for a multinational corporation

be a welfare neet.
Why not?
why would you contribute to a sick society, when you could contribute to its fall?

Hello newfag, great blog post.
Start your own business and you can be the jew. Working for anybody is sub human. Nigger.

Muh starting capital.

t. the sleazy turk rape baby mentality

I was jobless for about a year while I tried to pursue my own project and endless free time gets old precisely after 1 month.
How in all of fuck is telling someone to man up and work "sleazy"?

You should have no problem getting capital with a mouth like that.

>If you can cheat the system go ahead
There's nothing more satisfying than turning on the news every day and hearing how a bunch of "If you can cheat the system go ahead" commie turknigger rape babies died in x,y and z way.
Keep it up.

I literally told the man he'll suffer even more if he cheats the system and he should go ahead, implying he will "die" the same way you mention.

You need to learn to fucking read before you sperg out like a retard.

Kill Jews and steal their shekels
I plan to do this and sail off on one of their yachts. Retirement looks great.

OP you are young and your life hasn't even begun yet, of course you fear the unkown. Wageslaving is an illusion. Unless you live a third world country, or i stupid, black or all of the above, your working life ought to be a good way to develop your personal character, while making a good amount of money to blow on cocaine and trips to Jamaica.

Get job, invest in yourself live within your means dont buy shit you dont need. Eg $20 shoes will do you dont need $100 shoes. You need to be on the property market by 25 and have shares in low risk and highrisk stocks. Double whatever your employers super contribootin is. Get an industry super dont fall for the commercial multichoice jew. And make sure you know how the money in yoyr super is invested. Dont learn this shit 10 years later like i did.

Thats it ! Im tired of you . Im going outside in the sun while you bullshit people with your niggerish gypsy rabble .

>You need to be on the property market by 25


Would be making art comissions and logos profitable? You could have a patreon and a YouTube channel where you could stream and there get tips, as well as share your knowledge on YT, Bitchute, Dtube etc.

>endless free time gets old precisely after 1 month.
Not if you've been working overnight retail for over 15 years. I could actually see the sunset. I could actually have some semblance of a social life. I could actually experience a holiday.

Everything has been done already. There's apps for things that could undercut whatever my services/products are.

Work for 30 years, retire early, use your savings to travel to Cambodia, pay off the local police, have a sex party with loli prostitutes, jump off a building out of guilt.

I just shaved 10 years off. You're welcome.

Because it is fucking impossible in australia to get on the property market. If you do it by age 25 you will not be buying tge 5 bedroom family home ypur buying the 1 bedroom apartment in the cbd which will appreciate in value.

Also land is one of the few investments which protect your money from inflation.

>proven you're wrong and didn't read properly and sperged out like a retard
>still trying to get out ahead
Lack of self-criticism is one of the most damaging bulgarian flaws.

Nope, still 1 month.

It's no better to be working standard office hours. I work 8-4:30 (unpaid lunch :^) ) and I'm salaried (a pittance). I'll never be able to buy a house or anything, maybe if I save for 5 years or so I'd be able to afford a vacation that involves a plane. I don't even use most of my vacation time because why should I bother? At least in retail you know what you have to do. In engineering it's a constant struggle to stay relevant and learn new things; if you fail to do so, you are done for.

How exactly do you find work and get hired? And damn user I wish I started coding in middle school but I never had any discipline. I major in cs now at an ivy so I guess I'll be fine. I think I'm pretty good at it, sucks that I didn't start earlier though.

Read a book called “millionaire fastlane”
It’s going to make you depressed but I assure you will change your life.
It solved my problem with the wagecuck. Now I’m worth a few million

Raw materials cost money broham.

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Bullshit you don't want to wageslave, you're just an entitled, lazy cunt.
Get a fucking job and contribute to society, otherwise you have no feet to stand on when it comes to complaining about it. Fucking faggot

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What would this do? He would still be a wagie.

If you were in the US you could join the military and retire at 38

o shit nigger wtf ru doin

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What does it actually teach you? I have this hunger I've never had before to be successful but I don't want to buy it if its just some gimmick book

Listen to kraut he's right. I've spent 4 years studying and practicing entrepreneurship while I've been in college and I settled on real estate investing a couple of years ago. This year I'll buy my first investment and will continue to aggressively invest over the next 6 years so the cash flows can replace my wife's income and she can stay home and raise the next generation of Americans. Eventually the investing will become a business that I will run. Pretty fucking based what are you faggot twinks doing? Get your money right and wage slave until you don't have to so you can make the world a better place with your offspring.

Banks actually keep surprisingly little physical cash on hand. You'd get more cash without the massive federal offenses robbing a hot dog cart.

Get a job, you’ll never grow character if you don’t. Sitting around playing with your dick gets pretty old for 95% of people. By the time you’re like 25 years old, childish things won’t do it for you anymore, and if they do, kys. Get a job now and build some job history or a resume, or be consumed with regret. I went the good way, and my friend didn’t, and now all he does is drink booze smoke weed play video games and steal shit. Get a job and don’t be a pussy kids

start your own business and get people to wageslave for you

Just get a really high paying job and work less than 40 hours a week and retire at 40 after you've invested your money wisely to set yourself up for comfy retirement. Ez

t. Electrician

Are you retarded or just pretending?

Welfare fraud is how niggers and neets do it.

It is actually a good thing if you spend your free time doing something useful.
Starve the beast.
Govt sponsorship for propaganda

Going to community college and learning a trade. Long as you keep a grade average and try, you'll get through it. Electricians and such earn $18 starting, enough to live on your own, so long as you aren't crazy and try to live in shit holes like Commiefornia, NY and NJ.

>Go to uni
>Start your own business in X

Hardest part is actually doing it.

Don't have $10k a year for community college. There better be guaranteed jobs if im paying that much.

Serious Answer:
Bad News:
Unless you can either become self-employed or obtain passive income (Stocks/Bonds), both of which take time, money and usually failure, a degree of wageslavery is going to be required. As an 18 year old you can understand that you need shelter, food, internet, a vehicle, etc, but you likely don't yet understand the need for and future cost of insurance, car repairs, dentistry, hospital visits, house maintenance, retirement, children, etc. You need money, for now and for the future.

Good News: While you can't control your current lack of saving, the labor market or employer's sadistic desire for you to have a bachelors to scrub toilets (slight exaggeration), you can control how much money you need, and by extrapolation how much you need your employer.

By living frugally/practicing minimalism, you can massively reduce how much you need to work simply by learning to adapt to spending less money, fixing your own car/house, living healthy, not marrying a thot/single mom, etc.

I live in a trailer with a friend, drive a basic used car, have a prepaid cellphone plan, cook my own food, look on craigslist for goods, etc and manage to only live on $600 a month, or $7200 a year (not including hobbies). This means that I could work 25 hours a week for $8.25 and still survive (although most jobs pay more than minimum wage). I work more than that so that I can save money in case my employer turns against or I have an unexpected medical cost, but I don't have.

The power to be free is in your hands far more than you think.

Basically impossible without either getting an extremely high paying job, or living improvised by choice.

If you're making $40,000 you're probably going to spend $30,000 on just "surviving. (Food, clothes, rent, etc) and spend close to $10,000 on alleviating your misery (books, internet, movies, candy).

Your only choices are to 1: Live in misery (never buy anything, deliberately live in a cheap studio apartment in the worst part of town, take public transit instead of a car, eat beans and rice every single day) which will give you more money, or get a better job.

If your grades aren't crap, you can apply for grants. You will get them cause the government gives them, if you apply for a technical career field. The the better you perform, the more grants you are eligible for, which they will give out to you too. College and university debt is for liberal cock suckers that get a liberal arts degree with a 3.0 gpa. Go for a technical field, come out with little to no debt and a job that will pay for a car, home and food at 20.

By that latter token I wouldnt be getting shit as i dropped out of high school 15 years ago.

Its for slave cucks. Start a business .

follow varg

Go to grad school, get PhD, become professor. Now I work 20 hours a week seven months a year, and the work I do doesn't feel like work most of the time.

It teaches not to buy stupid books promising miracles

>collage degree

>duh i'm 18 and I don't want to raise crops or have cattle in order to eat.
>Anyone know how to live without working?
>Also I don't want charity
You need to provide something useful to others, in order to get food, or else grow your own food. Is that or charity.
You want a ton of money? then provide a ton of useful things to others, and charge for that

Bank offices are obsolete in modern countries. When you want to rob something like that, you have to go for the trucks that move the cash money around.

I could be also a single-mass produced thing, having value for millions of people

>anyone know how to get out of wageslaving without being a welfare neet?

t. stay-at-home-dad

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still gotta wageslave for that. property taxes are a bitch

Join the army or navy

Sorry, they have been trying to do this for years and still have only limited success.

Pajeets are literally job security for those who understand how to build software systems. My whole life has basically been spent following around pajeets and setting things right.