
Attached: Screenshot - 04082018 - 12:12:44 PM.png (743x768, 599K)

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Syria’s deputy foreign minister says militants plan a chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta on Sunday, will highlight the female victims and then pin the blame on Damascus. He accused the West of “only wanting to believe terrorists.”
“We have received information that militants plan to stage an attack between the districts of Mesraba and Beit Sawa. Tahrir al-Sham terrorists plan to sacrifice several women for this purpose and launch a disinformation campaign. The performance is thought to be scheduled for March 11,” Deputy Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, told journalists in Damascus.

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I don't get it.

Why gas people if you've essentially won the war? It's only inviting foreign intervention.

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its the fucking kikes again

>white helmets

Russia did it which is why they were "warning" America during the week.

Russia needs a testing ground for their weapons

>unidentified gas

because assad ebul!!!

remember the babies in incubators, anthrax, WMD's and ofcourse the 6 gazillion!!!

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>The White Helmets

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That's retarded.