how do we prevent that
This will not exist in the year 3000
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Q predicted this.
if white people don't exist than hopefully the world doesn't , can you imagine a non white world,
You are living in it.
In the future people will look like either brazilian or nafri
Is this a memee
in the cities of America you are correct, small towns are still mostly white tho, dallas and houston look like a 56% meme
Survival of the fittest.
White people won't survive beyond this century, let alone a millenia.
>illiterate detected.
Absolutely disgusting and horrifying.
it's not too hard to imagine, though, given the circumstances of white people being already a global minority...
>how do we prevent that
By posting attractive female. Plenty to chose from, and you chose those soulless eyes model with a manjaw?
realise the fact that none of them will have a right or say to breed in the next decade. They'll literally put white boys on hormone blockers in a couple of years
It will.
But not in Western Europe
in the East it will
I've been to the year 3000
Not much has changed but everyone is a nigger
And your great-great-great granddaughter
Isn't whiiiiiiite
That's globalization.
It's the future you asked for.
I hope the world would wake up and start killing everyone who's not blonde, blue eyed.
Imagine it. The perfect world.
Don't be afraid of change
who cares? white women look like shit.
It's called the "Third world", for reference.
Fuck off Zhang.
THIS isn't something you should wish to preserve, her presumptive culture is what you should want to preserve, if you think the way she looks is positive then you are a dumb
>How do we prevent this
Well, outlawing race mixing and removing nonWhites from the reach of admixture are the only options that come to mind.
Alternatively, marrying with a nonWhite could automatically result in banishment. These aren't appealing solutions, however.
Blue eyes will dissapear.
If you don't want to preserve blonde hair and blue eyes, you're an ugly shitskin nigger.
Tailor made disease that kills off everyone not nordic.
>white women look like shit
>austrailian flag
In a mongrelized future, beauty will be a trait of status. Only the elite will be beautiful.
This is the definitve result of mixing
People will not be good looking for sure
Romania is full of gypsies and mid-easterns
Besides many romanians already look like nafris
Nope, It's not.
And those you described will be genocided anyway
am i supposed to care about stuff that's gonna happen 1000 years after i'm dead? top kek
>Nope, It's not.
Yes it is indeed
Whatever you like it or not
That's a Turk you memeflag mutt
learn to google image search
So selfish
you have about as much control of what's to come in the next 1000 years as about as what's happening now. at least now you can pretend to care because it affects you and your offspring. in 1000 years the dust from our bones will be long gone and nothing and no one will remember you. be my guest tho, worry about if there will be enough white whores in the year 3000. big concern of mine also. kek
>That's a Turk
Only in your gypsy mind
>memeflag mutt
Memeflag mutt yourself gypsyfag
Have another one then
>learn to google image search
How boring life would be if we were all the same...
Good, she's ugly.
So selfish indeed
>you have about as much control of what's to come in the next 1000 years as about as what's happening now
Agree for the '1000 years'
Disagree for the 'now'
bomb your local synagogue (jk)... (i'm not)
Gentlemen, you have been fine companions on this ride, but after a decade of glorious shitposting, I reckon we have reached the end of our journey. Gaze outside at the happenings, and behold: the world we have memed about, the niggatry we despised, the degeneracy we condemned, the jewry we feared... it has all come to be.
I propose we retire now, and sit back with a good stakan of vodka, and enjoy our final years on this Earth. From this point on, there is no more we can do to shape the future
>You may not like it goy, but this is what peak performance is.
Yes. you are right. She will definitely be dead in the year 3000
it's a neets larping as boomers larping as neets meme
And it’s actually starting to be funny. Took awhile though. One of those jokes that’s annoying as fuck for the first 1000 times by then you start laughing and you don’t know why
yes it will faggot
Genetic engineering will be the future of the white race.
who would want that ugly bitch around?
>how do we prevent that
We don't.
Protect the whites you think you deserve