I did my best

I live in London, it's a multicultral melting pot and that's cool, I have Black and Asian friends.
I have tried my best whilst bringing up my Daughter to instil into her that she should have white boyfriends, as I feel that it's important to keep ones cultural identity. I would feel the same if I was Black or Asian.
She recently admitted to having a Black boyfriend of the last few months and her Mother and I were not pleased and made our feelings known. I haven't spoken to her since, but her Mother has accepted it, to stop losing her. I can't go against my beliefs just because it is my daughter. I have principals and ethics.
My daughter is 21 and can do as she chooses, she has chosen to go against the family wishes on this and as such I want nothing more to do with her.
Her Mother thinks I should reconcile and is giving me a hard time over this.
Personally I am dreading the day I hear she is pregnant.

What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't worry. you all will be dealt with on the DOTR


Fuck me a milky chocolate baby on the way.

But all things aside the only liberal standing I have on earth is right to love any race. End of the day the only reason there are whites blacks Browns and yellows is because back in the day it was almost impossible to mix due to travelling restrictions thousands a years ago and people just took up certain lands and just stayed there. And then travel became more easy, with it came mass migration and also racism to stop the mix of races. In 40 years time majority of the people will be mixed raced
As you are mixed race currently. Everyone is mixed race if you go back far enough, this is just another time on earth where we start mixing again.

>race is a meme created by the elite to divide and rape you

Sneak the pill in her food, and dont leave any traces, also convince her to reconsider. Fuck niggers. Don't let her mother brainwash you with her libtard mindset

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>I dread the day I hear she's pregnant
Look on the bright side when that happens she won't have a black boyfriend anymore.


Sure we were isolated but that meant we evolved differently from others. Which is why whites are better than most and why mixing is a death sentence.

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The kids are just upset that the teacher always has to go to him to get the answer.

What do? How about raise your daughter properly in the first place. The damage has already been done. You might get lucky and this will be the first and the last time, at which point you can try and get over it, but I doubt it.



How does it feel getting cucked by a black dude?

Just tell her the Negroid divorce statistics, the flood of single moms left by negroids.

And let her know you're not going to raising her nigglet after the Negroid abandon her.

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that's right goy, only jews are allowed to preserve themselves

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Have you meet the boy? I get that you dont want her dating a black guy, but you said it yourself she makes her own decisions, the only thing you can really do is ask to meet him to judge his character, and to pull him to the side and instilling some fear into him about treating your girl wrong/knocking her up

Dont make it about race make it about being a father

show her the amount of mid/late 20s single mothers on tinder

that's just to accurate KEK

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>Dont make it about race make it about being a father
i think im gonna puke

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Reconcile with you daughter before you get convicted of hate crime and get murdered in jail.

Kind of this. Why not just kill him? Does he have a car? You can easily make a device to cut his brake line. Buy him something in a city far enough away to go really fast and have the device rigged to go off after 50 minutes or so.

I have met him and he seems like a real nice kid.
I have nothing against him personally, he just loves/wants my Daughter, she's a nice girl. I can't just hate someone for the sake of it.

I am also not a racist, for me this is about cultural heritage, it's not about me thinking whites or blacks are superior, I would just prefer she respected the family values.
Like I said, if I was Black, I would prefer she was with Black. She just seems to think I am racist even though she said to me she doesn't like white boys. I pointed out that that was racist, but she just thinks shes not racist as she has a black boyfriend.

I just feel like leaving the country and starting again.

Also mega dose her with vitamin C.

Any wished for babys name?

Tyrone is racistic AF

Just kill her, best for pol

Gobbled to many cocks have you?

If he goes in there making it all about race hes going to lose her, her boyfriend is going to harbour resentment against both her and her family because he wasent good enough, what if she does get knocked up? You think her boyfriend is going to stick around when he knows her family hates him for corrupting their daughter, better a halfy with a black dad then a halfy with no dad

Yeah cause thats what I said...

its not about sticking around, its about him being a nigger, nothing else matters, if he knocks her up its over, doesnt matter if he stays or not, the whole lineage is fucked, its a literal suicide, walking biological trash

>she said to me she doesn't like white boys.
fuck, the programming runs deep.
on the positive side OP, I knew girls like that when I was her age who have since grown out of it. hopefully that's the case. 21 is very young.
No point pushing your daughter away if this isn't b8, svencuck is right.

Well you should still instill some fear of doing your girl wrong if you have not

>preserve heritage

Sorry to tell you but Britain's already lost, just be glad she aint being passed around by 100s of pakis... asians

nice one

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>cultural heritage
the whole worlds culture is becoming american aka jewish, its degrading, the nigger is whole different thing, all cultures will die if kikes will keep the course they r going

I came to this thread for this reply.

OP is poor and a bad father. Prove me wrong !
>have a house
>daughter knows you will disinherit her
>wont go for a NOG/Nigger/Cottongraber/Shitskin/Tyrone

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Sorry to hear that OP. Perhaps that is one way some daughters "rebel" by self harm and blamed the parent for the injuries and trauma. Not to inflame the situation maybe introspect and recall times that you, another male family member, an other male mistreated your daughter etc. First start with YOURSELF.

OP it could be quite difficult and confronting as she would be exposed the "black culture". You could choose to forego, even disown your daughter and allocate your efforts to other kids. If not make a new kid. Your wife, sorry to say and I hope I am wrong about this, she merely defends her "biological" impulses after having birthed your daughter and doesnt care. At best she loves her daughter unconditionally. Nevertheless considering that you participated in the boards you would likely be ready to handle the situation. She may even fell into the "big" down there and hip cool bf meme. I reckon get your family and move. Other than that damage control. For a husband or bf the church people would be your best bet perhaps. By now she would have been deemed quite unflattering by now by the males and would be known as that girl that got with the black guy. So head for the churches to find her a husband or boyfriend. If she gets, pregnant, touch wood, again head for the churches for her to find forgiveness among the church community.

Good luck user

I earn above average wage, I dont have a mortgage on my home that is worth almost £1m and my Son turned out just fine, he owns his own company and has a Son of his own.
Your skills of deduction are pretty much awful.

tell here the facts about marriages and explain to her that if she has a child with him and it doesn't work out no white man will ever want to take her and her mixed race child on, talk to her about evolution and society.
Tell her that it took thousands of years to produce her and that she will be interfering with the evolutionary process
Then tell her about the jews and their lies and that she should have no guilt


teach her some pride, show her how to understand that he isn't as intelligent as her, tell her to shit test him, it won't be long till he punches her, then she'll know

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Special delivery

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something tells me you allowed this to happen

Non Abbos don't fuck their daughters Mr Abbo

>What do?
You fucked up by living in London and raising kids there. There really isn't anything you can do if you want to still have a family relationship with her.

Do you have any other kids? I suggest a nuclear option is letting all your offspring know that non-White grandchildren = no inheritance. Her body, her choice. Your money/property your choice. Nothing gnaws away at the back of a person's mind like financial worries. There will inevitably be moments in any relationship where she's contemplating the future and wondering if staying with him is the right decision. Knowing life will be financially easier with a White guy might just be the kick over the line she needs in such a circumstance.

>>race is a meme created by the elite to divide and rape you
pic related is you

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She's dating him to spite you because you told her not to date a black or "Asian" man, kek.

Tell her she's fucking idiot and she got it from her mother. The children your generation has raised, basically us, admittedly are the worst worse I've seen. Undisciplined, disobedient, apathetic, cowardly, self obsessed, pacifist vermin. You have no one to blame but yourself, let alone the go she is lost like most if them. Have another kid whilst you still can and this time raise it right.

>I suggest a nuclear option is letting all your offspring know that non-White grandchildren = no inheritance.
exactly, if shes gonna breed with a nigger, then the nigger can provide for her

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Just write her out of the will

>You're called racist for respecting traditions of other cultures.

>She doesn't think she's racist for not liking whites because she has a black boyfriend.

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>Non Abbos don't fuck their daughters
I've heard it's really common for Mexicans. Anyone confirm?

you're your is there they're


>She's dating him to spite you because you told her not to date a black or "Asian" man, kek.
It's almost a Catch 22:
Don't tell them and risk they do it. Or do tell them and risk they rebel.

>Just write her out of the will
But tell her the door is open to get back into it by marrying a White guy and having White grandchildren.

If you have no authority to stop her seeing the nigger, you have two choices: move away with your family or surrender.
PROTIP: Do not move to Africa, France or America

Where did you get the dumb idea that people are equal that you've passed on to your daughter?

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Blacks are just more attractive than white men, or at least British men. Anyone is more attractive than the British desu. Blame it on testosterone levels.

>but she just thinks shes not racist as she has a black boyfriend.

Mate, some white male or white boy has TRAUMATISED your daughter. If the white boys were cunts to her, her simple mind would inevitably associate suffering with white boys as a DEFENSE. If uncle loudmouth said too many words to her thats another. If you neglected her, if you ignored her, abused her even, that could also harm. Her defenses appear to function naturally.

I'm glad my children will be half Asian. None of this cuck shit. They'll have a future that doesn't include niggers.

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hes been around equal whites most of his life, so he thought niggers are equal too, common mistake for liberals

Truer words and all. Kek.

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Your fucking fault. My dad told me he would straight up disown me if I brought a black boyfriend. And he redpilled since my childhood about blacks but to still treat people in public respectfully but just be wary.

Saaallltttt the land my SA friend

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Wrong, thats wrong, totally wrong

>I can't go against my beliefs just because it is my daughter.

This is what I call an extremist.

>My dad told me he would straight up disown me if I brought a black boyfriend.
Surprised you didn't try to find the niggest nog you could just to spite him.

Also, don't send your kids to public school.

>I live in London, it's a multicultral melting pot and that's cool, I have Black and Asian friends.

You reap what you sow

its still better to be honest and upfront, no randomness or kike deceiving bullshit, whats the point of providing and building a person for 18+ years and then "hoping" they dont fuck a nigger

>Conservative, good girl female friend goes in erasmus
>Starts having ONS which she says wasn't used to before.
>Sure wtv do whatever you want
>see her after 4 years she still looks conservative even though she's "liberated"
>can't get a bf and we're closing 30
>we're both talking about it
>Tell her she probably is bad at choosing guys
>she confesses she "learned" that she like black guys during these 4 years
>immediately recognizes that they aren't like "us" but is still into them

Oh well, into the trash it goes.

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disown, possibly honor kill

Do what this dad did

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You havent dealt with many black fathers have you?

The sad reality is that statistically the minute she gets preggers that dude is gone. Statistically black fathers are not the stay around type. While each individual case is different, statistically speaking her chances of having the father around if black are extremely low.

Also culture plays a huge factor in marriage successs. People of different cultures (especially non compatible ones) Dont have a high hapinness rates, and have a radically higher rates of divorce.

You cant cure indoctrination though. Good luck.

fucking niggers is just wrong.

Yes, exactly. When you read the details on this one the failure is the "just about heritage" mindset. Daughter should have been raised to know about higher abuse, sexual diseases, more chance of leaving, stupider offspring.... when you don't go full ideology expect to fail.

spoken like a true swede. do you have mudasir over today?

This is looking like the best approach to take.
The other lesson from this thread is that "White-flight" is also a god idea. Bringing kids up surrounded by other Whites is ideal.

With respect to OP, it can be quite simple to teach daughters to avoid blacks. Its likely she would have spitted him if he was an abusive fuck or otherwise infringed on her.

>Its likely she would have spitted him if he was an abusive fuck or otherwise infringed on her.
>implying many women don't enjoy being abused

>it's a multicultral melting pot and that's cool
you're in the wrong place bud

Black fathers are an urban legend.

According to statistics she will most likely be a single mom.

Raise the daughter as a nig she likes nigs
White males traumatise her she likes nigs
Is into black culture, she likes nigs

Did you sneak into Hungary, Achmed you dirty cunt?

Any girl that isn't engaged by 21 is trash for marriage desu. I met my wife when she was 20.

this, honour kill is the only reasonable course of action. idk how you do traditional honour killings in the uk so i'd suggest hanged drawn and quartered, seems to have some history behind it

>race isnt real!

Your great granchildren are going to be 28 iq points lower than your dumbass, sitting in jail for stabbing someone

You are not completely wrong. A sadomasochist would enjoy abuse. The women that concern mgtow and other communities tend to be feminists, roasts and golddiggers . Sorry if you find librarians, career women and qts boring as fuck.

Those statistics have some problems at the end. We see radically different results, almost reversed, with the father being active vs not active with the child. But then when they summarise they just average the results, which just shows that the results of the behaviour of blacks without fathers as that is the most common occurrence.

>don't worry about your race, goy!
>what, I've never heard of recessive genes?!
>we all bleed red!
>you're a tool of the elite if you don't race mix!
>forget your cultural and racial identity - it means nothing if you look back far enough!
fuck you.
stop giving this man bad advice. his daughter burns coal, and uK friend doesn't want to pay the toll.

Cut all ties

great vid posted. I like that from Ali

You can thank the jews who run your government.

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If I was, Satan forbid, in your place I would just disown her.

If someone willingly throws thousands of years of evolution because of jewish programming and brainwashing (aka White genocide) I want nothing to do with that person. At least your son is sensible.

And if you have the money, I would really consider leaving UK, it will only get worse.

You will just feel miserable seeing your daughter with a nigger every day.

Stay strong friend.

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You're too low IQ my friend. If you openly oppose her, you'll only push her into the nigger.
You need to embrace her, tell her that she's free to choose, she's smart, and she'll choose someone who will respect her and support her.
That's reasonable, she will accept that, and that also excludes 90% of niggers.

fucking hell a nigger who made a living getting punched in the face is smarter then the US today

You’re a mutt.
If you think that racemixing wount have negative consequences for the children offspring identity you are mistaken.
Mutt children are more likely to suffer health issues and are more inclined to do drugs. If you race mix you have little knowledge for the permanent disadvantages of your children and as consequence are an irresponsible adult.


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