Trump "Animal Assad will "pay""

Very good goy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>for no reason whatsoever
but cant think the thought to the end

>open area for verification
>blames Assad

Why would Assad use chemical weapons on Damascus? That's his capital and has been under his control for a while, no?

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/ptg/ 5 minutes ago: This was obviously a false flag, Why would Assad use gas when he's winning the war?
/ptg/ now: This was obviously Assad, I will believe whatever Trump says and I support a massive retaliation against the Syrian government forces. MAGA!

fuck drumpf

>Why would Assad use chemical weapons on Damascus?
It was a city right outside of Damascus.

/ptg/ should be renamed /Israel/ at this point

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Trump will shoot another batch of tomahawk at some base and hopefully he'll pull out

So a few weeks ago Russia said there would be a false flag gas attack
Gas attack happens
They also said that they'd retaliate against whatever launched against Assad
That would be the US Navy
This could escalate out of control really quick

Hope Russians shoot back.

Why would the jews gas people?

Don't you think they know better than anyone how horrible using gas to murder people is?

>Jow Forums thinks Drumpf controls his own twitter account

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>This could escalate out of control really quick

Don't worry we got a level headed NSA leading Trump.

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implying that it's not a false flag orchestrated by Mossad

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>for no reason whatsoever

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How are those nuked underground bases going mossad?

The president of the (((chosen))) people

Why would Assad use them there?

The Western intelligence services are at it again. The US will not go war over another false flag.

oyyy, reported to president trump

The US must be stopped. This shit cannot be allowed to continue.
Fuck you Trump, betrayer of millions.

Oorah! Go get 'em Drumpf! ANIMAL ASSAD HAS TO PAY

Pfft., yes, because what Trump says and what he does are the same thing.

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Because the CIA said he did.
Now shut up and go (((liberate))) Syria.

I'm sure THIS will be the time Trump launches a full scale invasion of Syria, as opposed to launching missiles at empty tarmac.

is trump a full jew or a shabbos goy?

>big orange retard believes (((kike))) helmet propaganda


Kikes absolutely BTFO

>be Al-assad
>hates wyminz and chilldrinz
>gases his own people
>be FSA
>want to liberate everyone for the right price (gold and they convert to peaceful sunni islam)
>would never ever consider using weapons of mass destruction against women and children because even though they have different nationalities, they are innocent.

Things that never happened.

literally 95% of threads and replies are anything along the lines of "good goy trump"

you can tell it was jews that did this, their obsession with gassing is an indicator of this.

they think "oy vey the holocaust was horrible! if we pretend to do the same in syria the goyim will have to do something!"

fuck drumpf for real this time

Oh wow what a surprise. Trump is a boomer neoncon.

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It's time to show to the Russians what 'Merica is all about - which is about Interracial Gay marriage and guns.

And these sand niggers in Syria deserve basic burger rights such as allowing to eat bacon in McDonald's and not wearing kebab in public.

Bomb these pesky Russians and Syrians


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Boomers will be absolutely hated by posterity.

5D chess you fucking nigger

True, it's not like we're actually pulling out of Syria.

Unending proxy war that I don't even care about; just wish we could close our goddamn borders.

i dont understand the text he wrote here.
someone help me pls.

did he mean with "big price to pay" meaning that its a big price for the support from russia and iran or does he mean hes threatening with a big price.

He is just putting on a show to keep (((them))) thinking they are in control of the situation.

How new are you? Lurk moar.

How about you schizophrenic boomers stop shitting up Jow Forums?

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>Supporting a Muslim shitskin
Fuck off Ahmed


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>Trump says he wants to get out of Syria
>Israel doe not like the idea very much
>then this happens
>it looks like the goyim will keep in Syria after all

man, I fucking hate jews

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lol'd at the desperation in this post

i hope

you need to at least be 18 to post on this board

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Wow thanks Q. I guess Trump is not a war hungry neocon just like all of his cabinet(whom he appointed), he's just an easily fooled retard?

good question

apparently this site understood it this way

>Even Trump is falling for it
Good god, what the fuck is wrong with the world?

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O Noooo, Trump is going to bomb one of Russia's minions.


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Are you actually retarded, Fritz? What do you think will happen the second Syria falls? If Assad is gone you can fucking bet that Europe will have a never ending stream of rapefugees

He's just bluffing you dense krautnigger, he does this all the time


Would be highly shocked if he actually does anything (ie boots on the ground) about this.

Probably something like last time with missiles at an empty airstrip after warning Russia.

There's no way he's stupid enough to not notice that this doesn't benefit Assad at all and happens literally one day after he orders troop withdrawal.

He is simply being a good daddy

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This only makes sense if you understand ZOG
Imagine trying to be a normie Trump supporter

He called it "mindless"
He probably believes the standard media line of Assad being a dumb and ruthless dictator. You know he watches fox news all the time.

It was nice neet life posting here, sniff...

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What a joke. Trump should just keep his mouth shut. Fire off some more missiles, show Ivanka's tits or gtfo.

im happy trump won, but jesus fucking christ what a retard

Pretty simple what happened:

Putin told Donny boy he was gonna do a gas attack
Putin told Donny to announce we want to leave
Putin does attack
Donny plays tough
More US division as we fumble over a response
Shills come on here to sow malcontent and anger

Yawn, and it's gonna work great.

>Australian flag
Can I just guess it's a Chinese guy?

Qpost 718 and Trump's second to last tweet. SICK! confirmed

The jews and Muslims want Christians to die in their wars, They do not care about any Christian whatsoever, because if it’s one thing that Jews and Muslims are united in, it’s their hate of Christianity and White people. You ever wonder why the Jews And Muslims fought together against the Christians during the Crusades? It’s because they both hate the Christian religion for some reason. Is it because Christianity is the true religion and they know it but don’t want to admit it? Who knows. But we must destroy all of them and make Christianity the only abrahamic religion.

>we need to enforce muh nofly/buffer zone where the losing terrorists can recover and get rearmed by Israel and the U.S.A. and destroy Syria
>to verify that it was muh Assad
>because it was muh Assad

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American fools seriously believe in our propaganda, the innocence of a mustached idiot and the adequacy of Shintol bearded shit. I once thought that scientists are left because they have simple solutions to problems, "you just need to give money to the poor and negroes", apparently the Americans are the same as these scientists "you just need to listen to the Russians and masturbate to Iran"

Yet another blatant false flag that was literally telegraphed in advance yet here they are playing it out on twitter with faux outrage. Fuck this shit. Assad didn't launch a fucking chem attack on his people. We have been talking about this happening for at least a couple of weeks in advance, like having an advanced script reading for a shitty b-movie, and THEY still have the nerve to try and pass this off. Over this shit. Trump knows and is fucking lying.

being a blonde girl in Europe now = Rape magnet

"for no reason what so ever"

Exactly Trump. Its illogical
But we know you suck kike did
You KNOW its a Lie
Your just manipulating your base
To support WAR in Syria, which will lead to war in Iran

And fuck anyone of you dumb enough to still support him. Useful idiots.

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based goy

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We got it motherfuckers
You made 25 fucking threads on this shit
Choke and die on your Soros bucks

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THIS 100%


Fuck israel cock sucker and a good GOY TRUMP

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This is what happens when the president is a russian asset

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Oh pooooorrrr Shlomo
MUST be frustrating
NOT being able top manipulate /Pol into supporting your KIKE wars
Keep shilling tho, its amusing ;)

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The good goys have taken of the board. Fuck le 56% mutts

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Shut up go die for israel

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>implying KILLARY wouldn't be trying to start these wars
FUCK OFF Libtard.
I may be 100% against Trumps war warmongering
BUT your liberal wack job conspiracy theories are just as bad
PUTIN would be FIGHTING US if they attack Syria you DUMB FUCK

KYS immediately.
Dont delay.
Get a fork and stab yourself in the neck until you bleedout.

Muh 4D chess

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>b...but i already lost my legs and arms for israel
>and the kikes took my foreskin when i was born too
what more do you WANT??????

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R the /donald cuck you need to go back

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Sorry guys, this is hitting me pretty hard. Obviously I'm completely against U.S. involvement in Syria. Obviously I'm aware that the FSA is not some Luke Skywalker rebel force but actually Al Queda and ISIS.

But what hits me most in the feels is how Trump talks to me and the rest of his supporters like we're fucking idiots. "for no reason whatsover." This asshole really thinks his supporters don't pay attention? When we literally had politicians coming back from Syria claiming that Obama was arming Al Queda as that's who the FSA actually is. I'm tired of this fucking asshole. Yes, he's galaxies better than Clinton, but I'm tired of this warmongering while feeding lies to the people.

Just a normal day in germanistan

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mindless is right. amazing how assad keeps doing things that make absolutely no sense, isnt it?

If you think gassing children is okay you are sub-human. Even the Nazis kept their jewish tricks from the German people.


Don't forget his daughter is married to a kike.

Yes... Think of the CHILDREN! perfect goy

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