Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of Jow Forums’s Politically Incorrect Forum and Its Effects on the Web
“Nigger” is the most popular hate word, used in more than 2% of posts, while “faggot” and “retard” appear in over 1% of posts. To get an idea of the magnitude of hate, consider that “nigger” appears in 265K posts, i.e., about 120 posts an hour
I didn't start going to pol until the Charlottesville thing but I have never seen anyone use the word nigger on this board until this thread
Robert Thompson
Fucking how you nigger
Joseph Bell
Low energy post. Didn't even find original source. No critical analysis whatsoever. Sage.
Ian Roberts
>someone says nigger every 30 seconds NOT ENOUGH
Christopher Powell
this is a shit thread, and you should feel bad for being a faggot nigger kike
Robert Collins
>I didn't start going to pol until the Charlottesville thing but I have never seen anyone use the word nigger on this board until this thread
Really? Nigger is the default word here for black people.
Justin Reed
OP, every time I've used "nigger" on this board it has not been used as a 'hate' word. I've used "nigger" thousands of times, meaning that study is flawed. OP, the only 'hate' word I used on this board is "OP".