TRUMP is responsible for the fire! Trump to be fined and sent to jail!

Trump is responsible for the death of a man who owned a condo on the 50th floor of Trump tower in NYC and 6 injured NYC firemen.

"The small electrical fire originated in the building's heating, ventilation and air conditioning system."
"Todd Brassner, 67-year-old art dealer who was friends with Andy Warhol died."
"NYC fire department found out an automatic sprinkler system had not been installed in the upper residential floors of Trump Tower".
This is against fire code & NYC laws and the penalty is jail!

Trump obviously didn't have an inspection done on the upper floors of Trump tower or paid someone off!
You can't live in or sell condos in a skyscraper that don't have an automatic sprinkler system installed. This is highly illegal!

Trump will be in jail by the end of the year I imagine because he fucked up big time.

>RIP Todd Brassner
>I pray for the 6 injured firemen to quickly recover and sue the hell out of Trump!

Attached: todd.jpg (750x460, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna need someone to prove to me that the """Art Dealer""" Todd Brassner isn't a pedo.

Why would Trump allow a pedo to live in his building? Just a few floors down from Barron's own condo?

>This is against fire code & NYC laws and the penalty is jail!

Prove it. Also bump just because there are no other threads about this.

Bumping because this is the only fucking thread about the FIRE IN TRUMP TOWER.

Serioisly, can someone give me a quick rundown on the fire? There has to be something fishy with it, right?

It's not. It's up to the owner of the residential to install the sprinklers

Just try & get him out of office you nigger lol

OP is quoting Daily Mail out of context. The quote cited refers to a minor fire of the buildings roof earlier this year. No cause has yet been determined for the fire in the art dealers apartment which took place yesterday.

I was exaggerating a bit...

"the deadline to have a functional and approved sprinkler system is July 1, 2019"

There was obviously no plan in place to put sprinklers in the top floors or else preparations would have already been prepared.

"Large property owners are under the most pressure to meet Local Law 26, since July 2019 is a tight deadline for a large fire sprinkler system."

Trump is guilty. The NYC firemen know...

I'm sure this disaster won't go away for Trump....
He didn't have his building up to code and had no plans of doing so.

To burn him alive?


it says at the very bottom..

"The small electrical fire originated in the building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

>There was obviously no plan in place to put sprinklers in the top floors or else preparations would have already been prepared

"the deadline to have a functional and approved sprinkler system is July 1, 2019"

> Current year 2018
> Over a year away
> No plan

You're just making shit up to bad mouth Trump. You have no idea if there was, is, or has been a plan for this.

>Trump didn't have the top floor inspected

Clearly you've never dealt with an inspector. Those mother fuckers can be the biggest pain in the ass or laziest people on the planet.

>Trump will be in jail by the end of the year I imagine because he fucked up big time.
Good. Fucking Israel-loving cuck.

>He didn't have his building up to code
"the deadline to have a functional and approved sprinkler system is July 1, 2019"

He did according to your own info you mong.

>There was obviously no plan
>had no plans of doing so
You don't know this, but lets assume for a second your retarded point is correct. You still can't punish someone for not having a plan. Until July 1, 2019 hits and there's nothing in place then the point is moot.

More blood for the blood G-d. Hope you goys are prepared.

barron has his own flat?

(((I imagine)))

>being this stupid

Sage you fucking faggot reddit

Hi LeftyPol hows it Going.

The Jews and Muslims want Christians to die in their wars, They do not care about any Christian whatsoever, because if it’s one thing that Jews and Muslims are united in, it’s their hate of Christianity and White people. You ever wonder why the Jews And Muslims fought together against the Christians during the Crusades? It’s because they both hate the Christian religion for some reason. Is it because Christianity is the true religion and they know it but don’t want to admit it? Who knows. But we must destroy Both religions And make Christianity the only abrahamic religion.

>Let's destroy the two Jewish religions and have our Jewish religion be the only Jewish religion.

Yeah. Barron has his own flat one floor down from Trump & Melania.

A whole floor to himself apparently.

I kind of feel like he's neglected.

>>Let's destroy the two Jewish religions and have our Jewish religion be the only Jewish religion.
keked, checked and confirmed

i found a higher quality image of the pedo

Attached: -8630fU5.jpg (400x395, 42K)