Trips decides when this old bitch dies
She actually can never die
420 lmoa
Let's make it rain
>Thinking she can die.
in the next month
never kangz can't die
Is there really anything negative to say about the queen?
How has she lived for so long, watching so much subversiom would kill me
She's actually immortal. Long live the queen.
Never bitch
When she dies will we finally see the end of Anglos? Without the queen to lay t he eggs and make more brits, they will eventually just all die out, right?
> watching so much subversiom
>doing nothing to save the UK from degeneracy and Islamification.
Time to die.
The reign of decline
She is reptilian and will transcend to another dimension.
Every time a person utters the words God save the Queen 10 more years are added onto her life.
Next month
God kill the Queen.
Realistically what can she do?
The monarchy was almost destroyed a few decades ago, its a shell of what it once was.
She cant even make nationalistic remarks anymore
Omaewamo shindeiru
she died at the end of 2016.
News on major news outlets, but article removed a few minutes later.
it's not gonna work
It would be funny if she died during the wedding of prince Harry and his half breed.
>the mutt that killed the queen
Trick question - she's already dead
She's already dead. What you have seen in the last 20 years is actually an undead lich.
The wedding would be immediately stopped and official 12 days of mourning would begin. The next coronation would have to begin straight away.
>Realistically what can she do?
At the very least she can make nationalistic speeches that are pro Christian and British.
The most extreme but most likely in her power as the head of state and commander of the armed forces would be to expel Islam completely from her lands.
On hitlers birthday.
4/20 sounds good
In her old age she wont do too much but just imagine when George gets it.
When OP finally stops sucking dick for good.
You can't kill what's already dead, user.
>using the army to expel islam from her lands
You know you gotta be 18+ to post here right?
october this year
chancing a die
rotating it
next thursday
cue the massively overblown funeral crap
At the beginning of 2019.
March 27 2021
He'll be a relic of the past of a new Islamic British caliphate. If things don't change now.
Two weeks from tomorrow.
why do you love her?
she looks like satanic whore
also your 66
but you are all missing the acctual answer to that question.
Seven days
>stops sucking dick
You have me confused with young white British girls in a Pakistani rape gang.
Now pls
when: next year
of what: starved of blood and died a horrible, painful death by Tay-Sachs disease
First woman to be declared scientifically immortal
Long live the queen for eternity.
she already died. she has been replaced with a clone
July 4th 2018
In one month.
This year
May 14th
She will die shortly after Charles kicks the bucket as she is holding on to life just to block him from the throne
she alredy ded
This September.
Does queen Elizabet 2 is the cannibal pedophile reptiloyd, how is David Icke says?
by the end of the year
When Liverpool wins the league
London gets bombed killing her
Hopefully Charles and Elizabeth die this month.
Right now in a terrorist attack
When the evil Saturnalian rock in Jerusalem is destroyed.
god save those tits.
The day of the next royal wedding.
beheaded by sadiq khan when london hits 75% muslim
She'll just return to the mothership and regenerate
Within the year
January 18th, 2064. She is going to live forever.
Get threads are illegal, you're all going to internet jail
srs tho
Get a life, bin that knife
I'll bin your life m8
She will be poisoned by the russians
Rolling for eternal life