>overwhelming flood of shitposting >no end in sight
So we've pretty much agreed at this point that it isn't even people shitposting here anymore, right? it's 24/7/365 now. Endless, meaningless, bottomless shitposting. Nobody would waste this much money shitposting a South Sudanese Skinflute De-boning Imageboard. These have to be rudimentary AIs that are just nonstop shitposting this board to literal death, I imagine.
And our Mods? Of course they do nothing. They either don't care and are complacent in the destruction of Hiroshimoot's mealticket (at which point their 'power' evaporates like piss on a hotplate) or they are aware of and involved in said shitposting (thus being complicit in the destruction of Hiroshimoot's mealticket and their 'power' will vanish like piss on a hotplate).
The question is: Why? Why go to all this trouble to shitpost on the same website that has fucking /b/ on it. Why would the admins go to the trouble of creating Jow Forums and then allow Jow Forums to become nearly indistinguishable from /b/ anyway? There are questions to be asked and answers to be found.. but nobody seems to care enough to ask or dig.
These aren't real people. They are bots with predetermined arguments who bump "their" threads with shitbosting and low iq racism. There are only 100 real posters here at any given time.
AI will change the internet as we know it. This is the beginning.
Juan Walker
Jaxson Clark
I'm pretty sure the boomers and your rural compatriots are real people, but yeah, at least half of the visitors on this site are shitpostbot 5000.
Ethan Murphy
Hiroshimoot was paid off to allow this spamming, you just have to deal with it. TPTB are very upset with us for ruining Hillary's Turn and they can afford to pay shitposters to ruin our fun for the next hundred years thanks to Soros and CIA black budgets.
If you want to get back at them, join your local political party, whichever is dominant, and subvert their agenda towards Jow Forums policies. That'll really piss them off.
Cameron Torres
>likes Dragon ball super whats it like being CHI?
Thomas Moore
>Boomers >on Jow Forums
Leafnigger pls. They can barely work a fucking microwave let alone an imageboard.