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Other urls found in this thread:

> Bursted


I wonder where the money will flow to. Something that presents and alternative to the centralized services, something that can't be regulated that easy, something volatile for tarders..mmmmh I wonder what it could be

Attached: bitcoin-logo-plain.png (1000x1000, 44K)


>common core



itt idiots




i really don't give a fuck

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op you indian son of a bitch


I wanted to make a joke about the English proficiency of the average American, but then I realised that most of them have Spanish as their mother tongue.

Good job, Jose, you'll get there eventually!


Historically, it flows, temporarily, to hopeful losers.

Attached: big_1517252759_image.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Attached: 1521314322196.jpg (235x215, 10K)

Has burstability of the tech bubbler been happeningable?

Attached: 1497674604559.gif (200x200, 96K)

How does your pic show the tech bubble has burst exactly?

My balls bursted.

I want to believe.

Attached: 1518524520560.png (467x409, 300K)


I didn't know tech was burstedable?


Listen recession is coming prep now, it comes every decade almost, get use to having no money.

the new recession kills the libtard student loan fags. ahahaha

the name var does not exist in the current context


no shit mate i posted a number of times are you a fucking train spotter or something?

fucking choo choo

i think you are all dumb as fuck, this whole fucking board is a cess pit of shite

Best way to get idiots to post in your thread, make a spelling mistake so poltards feel they have to correct you


and we will fucking destroy it and simply move on...

>trusting the word of someone who said

>Best way to get idiots to post in your thread, make a spelling mistake so -simpletons feel they have to correct you


>i think
found your problem. It's directly situated between your chair and your device...

evidence needed

Bursted my tech bubble nut

Attached: 1522359166633.jpg (432x251, 41K)

you know my most intelligent response would to not even post at all?

and did you know my master number is 22....

Attached: ItsNotHappening.png (624x1836, 713K)




Can someone pls explain for me.
>>T. brainlet

Attached: C22172CC-A448-47F6-B16D-571B00183A89.png (645x773, 107K)

>ITT: people who can't read a simple chart

Attached: 1185577831375.gif (320x210, 767K)

bursted is not a word.


jokes aside this shit is gonna kill the normies. Just like it killed me in my twentys its comming fuckers and you gonna fucking suffer. shops are closing down in my local, I see the signs before it has been formally announced in the media shit is not looking good.

Increased signs of burstment should be treat with trepidatitudation.



It is actually a word, but it's very old fashioned.


learn to use google

it's okay yesterday I found out that i've been spelling background like backaround my entire adult life