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Israel #1

We need to go to war with somebody and Syria is probably a better option than Iran or North Korea.

The MOAB is coming to Syria.

these kikes think they can control karma by using zealots to murder everything breathing for 4 years then balance out by cleaning up with the U.S military, and then starting a fresh new wave of atrocity and horror by selling THE SAME EXACT KIKE BULLSHIT WITH NO EVIDENCE
we're so fucked

Are you a fucking retard?

Putin is gonna fuck us up if we attack Syria.

Do you even think?

Attached: quote-americans-are-the-great-satan-the-wounded-snake-ruhollah-khomeini-329989.jpg (850x400, 48K)

fuck /sg/ niggers they have to go back.

Attached: A60F4A5E-3EAE-45A9-AE0C-D04A2E45B081.png (638x318, 71K)

Putin literally resorts to petty little poison attacks because his country is too economically and geopolitically weak to do anything else.