Be leftypol and/or retarded

>be leftypol and/or retarded
>chemical attack on a town the Syrian government is literally just about to fucking attack
>scores of people with difficulty breathing
>at least 40 dead
>Syrian forces surround the city after and refuse to allow any investigation
>no argument beyond 'NO PROOO00F'

How does it feel to be retarded?

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Don't forget Putin just did a speech saying "There's about to be a chemical attack, but it's totally going to be a false flag guys, so don't believe it when it happens!"

>implying normal pol is against assad

youre a speecial type of retard, aren't you?

there is literally no good reason for assad to attack his own people, you dumb fuck.

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There's one good reason: To prove Trump is a cuck who will back down when it comes time to nut up.

>there is no reason to kill rebels in a civil war
You can't make this shit up

youre a literal brainlet, they were civilians

Attached: dance dance dance.gif (96x55, 138K)

>syrian army has a small outpost of remnant rebels surrounded

>saa has virtually won at this point

>literally no reason to use chemical weapons that wilo attract international attention, because they have already won and havr the rats cornered

>Trumo wants out of Syria because the ordeal is virtually over

>israel does not, israel needs assad dead and syria in chaos

>week after trump wants out, chemical weapon attack on children in a hospital

if you cant see that mossad did this you are braindead

Eh, once could be an accident, twice could be a coincidence, but how many times is this now and you expect me to believe the false flag shit when Assad is losing momentum and has the most to gain strategically by doing this and metaphorically breaking his opponent's back?

I'm losing faith in Based Assad, Jow Forums. He either is a brutal sociopath or can't control his own army. Either way, this time was bad.

Okay so there isn't a civil war in Syria at the moment?
Assad is just rolling tanks through the street for the crack?

My point is while civilians have been inured the town was one of the last strongholds they needed to take, and maybe a bit of gas to sow the seeds of panic and confusion was all they needed for a quick capture.

hallmark of a mossad false flag is a bunch of dead innocents that can have their pictures taken