Man uses brass knuckles to punch homeowner

Attached: homeownerpunched.webm (420x236, 2.74M)

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Daily reminder all the bad guys are actually the good guys

Attached: 1523120592096.png (1266x1274, 1022K)

look at those useless little shit dogs
this is why you don't ever let your chick talk you into getting a faggy little dog like that
pic related, or similar, would put the fear of god into that nigger.

Attached: Dog23.jpg (1074x1024, 200K)

>Sucker punches bent over guy in the side of the head using brass knuckles, twice.
>Can't even daze him.

What an embarrassment.

he should have had real dogs.
real dogs attack niggers.

Attached: 94d6ad796675a55f6938d599c340ad1707863a61250f3ffdbfc97600cccee4e5.jpg (604x392, 46K)

>he relaxed

Trust the coal, pay the toll.

But a Tibetan Mastiff would send him there instead

Attached: tibetan-mastiff-facts-cover-1.png (730x370, 427K)

Is this not the perfect defense doggo?

Attached: Tibetan-Mastiff-2.jpg (900x450, 55K)

Even aliens know when a nigger is a nigger

but i know for a fact niggers are terrified of rottweilers in particular, and rottweilers, even those with the calmest dispositions, instinctively hate niggers.
we had a few when i was growing up. some nigger came to pick up some patio furniture or something my folks were selling, and he wouldn't even enter the driveway because our rottweiler was going ballistic at him. and she never batted an eye at white strangers