How do we fix free speech in the information age...

How do we fix free speech in the information age? Private corporations now control the flow of information between the masses, and nobody is holding them accountable. Free speech is not an issue of law or government anymore. (((They))) want to stop the discussion.

Not even shooting up the YouTube HQ helped, is there where freedom dies?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying there will be anything left to worry about after ww3

checked, fpbp

Attached: censorshipkills2.jpg (1630x1692, 373K)

>caring about freedom of speech
>caring about freedom at all
Freedom has done nothing but destroy civilization since 1789. Fuck freedom! Freedom is for faggots who just want to do their thing while the world goes to shit around them. Don't aim for freedom, aim for dominance!

*tips fedora *

There will be no WW3 unfortunately. The west is much too docile. They've got a herd of nigger cattle. They sit, they shit and they watch TV. yipee kai fucking yay

stop sucking the jew nigger cock

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we tried to tell you normies

Attached: feelsBoss.png (800x1020, 404K)

>stop sucking the jew nigger cock
>Yeah, embrace (((Freedom))). You don't need to do what is right. Just do your thing. Watch some TV, smoke some pot, enjoy some porn. Isn't (((Freedom))) wonderful.

She is so beautiful

This guy just felt entitled to more shekels. Basic nigger shit. Had nothing to do with free speech.

you have not been to the mountain

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We need to fight, just like our ancestors did. Nasim was the first. Don't stay on Jow Forums, talk to your friends and family about the evil which is youtube. Protest actively. They can't hold us back.

Get one person redpilled about youtube every week. Every step may seem futile, but together a light at the end of the tunnell.

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Videos that are demonitized are only recommended 0.17% of the time under 2,000 views.

It is entirely absolute censorship.

I think its funny that ppl use someone's site and then starts demanding they let u do or say any crazy shit u want under the guise of "free speech" . how bout use someone else's site.

If you unironically feel that way, you don't belong in this country.
The only reason "doing what's right" is a thing, is because you have the option.
Go be an ant person in China, where you belong.

>Get one person redpilled about youtube every week. Every step may seem futile, but together a light at the end of the tunnell.

1 race realism
2 free markets and capitalism vs socialist shithole and bureaucrat-run paradise for NEET fucks who want to order people around
3 free speech and being able to callanybody a nigger at any point in time (fuck their feelings)
4 free markets
5 western track record of innovation and superiority

Attached: yesil_nasim_youtube.jpg (1694x1105, 416K)

Just want to point out that thread 167255806 was deleted. It was about Nasime

The janitor is a busy little faggot tonight.

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