Mexico admitted they will do their best in fucking the US in the ass..
Should the US B52ed them?
Mexico admitted they will do their best in fucking the US in the ass..
Should the US B52ed them?
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Well... It is not like they would notice the increase in dead beaners in the streets, would they?
The absolute state of illegals running around makes Pancho Villa look like Mary Poppins.
If it didn't happen in 1985, it's not happening today.
Equip the border with AI controlled blinding lasers
Le May San is sad
>Tfw 1940 solutions could solve todays issues
I unironically believe that a military strike with piloted, military planes on known cartel strongholds, mansions would scare mexico straight. I truly feel like this is one place a military strike would actually have the intended effect. I think the population would root out their own bad elements after one, and mexico would very quickly be on the path to honest reformation
Just fly 50 B52s over mexico bomb bay opened, they resume cooperation in the hour
Why do they need our help at all? Plenty of countries have drug cartels shitting them up, none of them asked or needed our help to deal with them.
You'd also have to shoot every last drug addict and every dealer inside US borders, just like the chinese did back in the 1950s.
In a country where cartels behead kids with dynamite?
In their own words, if we try to defend our selves through preventative measures on our own soil, they will practically aid cartels and drug smuggles to further harm our citizens.
Yes, this is a direct attack on america and american citizens at the hands of another country. Its all but an open declaration of war.
We have a toxic swamp next to our house that is poisoning our people.
This poison swamp must be dealt with.
>Blow up the cartels.
>Drug prices go so insanely high most junkies kill each other over what little drugs remain
>Bold junkies who turn to crime would have to rob every store in town just to buy enough for a month
>Said bold junkies get shot by the police or armed civilians
Self solving problem.
>There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.
True dat
>Blow up the cartels
You realize, that cartels have been blowing up and eradicating each other many times over?
This is a hydra. The moment one cartel is destroyed two spring up in its place, even more vicious.
The existence of the cartel problem is a function of the demand for drugs in US and Canda.
What the fuck does Mexico have worth bombing? Build the wall and let them kill each other and then colonize.
okay schmokay
kill em all
Legalize all drugs and let nature take its course.
Most of the Cartels are CIA backed and funded as a destabilizing insurance of the Mexican nation to keep immigrants(Cheap labor) flowing into the US and to keep Mexicans from going back or rejoining Mexico. If Mexico ever became a better place to live than the US, how many in the US would just overthrow the local governments and nationalize with Mexico than just wander back?
That was in the 1980s. By now even the columbian communists sell that poison.
50% test gets hooked and destroies their brains...
Like the us public health isnt bad enough
Can't we just hire some Mexicans for real cheap and have them guard the border?
Or fixes their health issues.
This gets me curious
Pols stance on pot/cannabbis etc ? (All drugs really)
Add to that existing supplies get cut with god knows what so more junkies die from use.
What did the Chinese do (they were in similar place)
the "innocent bystandards" are the niggers that stood by saying "not my problem" while their own country turned to shit. Same type of retards that let isis become a thing.
I genuinely dont care what happens to them if doing so makes our people safe.
In their own words, "not my problem".
Sure helped Bob Marley with Melanoma.
it's not OK
It's needed!!
Those Hispanic fucks will bring their shithole problems into the USA, and make it decay even faster
He had a totally curable shit tier cancer, at worst he could have lost his toe
Yes. If we level it all, The Wall will be easier to build.
He didn't know about pic related.
So its the jews behind it as they keep pushing for more shekels for their companies ?
I would never understand why you dont just use claymores and anti tank mines
Any proof that it works nigger?
It would look so much prettier if the US was the entire north American continent...
John Bolton: Mexico needs a regime change
do I put it in my butt
Could you just imagine the economical benefits of a Mexico sized panama canal?
It was smuggled in a nigger s ass anyway
Search jewtube, 1000s of testimonials.
Pic related.
I meat real proof...
There are litteraly 1000s of testimonials on:
>how homeopatics cure cancer
>how crystals cure cancer
You have to charge the crystals first, though.
Well the US government owns the patent and is not sharing.
Here some stuff about Rick Simpson. He's the guy that came up with the method.
Most certainly
Fears manifesting from the idea of being without a government nanny to tell you what to do, sad faggot