Start Killing Rich People

We need to start killing rich people. I am dead serious. Get a gun, dress as a salesman, walk up to a rich persons house, knock on his door with a smile, then blow a hole through his skull when he answers his door. Look I am going to be straight fucking forward with you. The window of opportunity for peaceful revolution is gone. The time line for that option has simply passed us by. The rich and powerful have corrupted the fabric of democracy itself. It is impossible to change a system democratically that has had the fabric of its democracy itself corrupted. Violent revolution is now the only option left on the table. If you want to ensure a good life for your children, then you are going to have to use physical force right now to correct things. The rich and powerful of the American society are fucking everybody over so that they can continue to live lavish lives, and they need to made an example of. Hang them, burn them alive, force them back down t normal through any means necessary.

Attached: 738.png (2918x3182, 846K)

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We'd be a lot better off getting rid of leeches like you and your fellow travelers.

I don’t care if this is trolling or if you mean it. This is bad for the left. Stfu.

I hope ur using a vpn, Larp-lurd

I am a worker. I contribute to society through productive labor. My boss contributes nothing as he produces nothing.


you're a fucking retard.

Attached: 1917.png (812x531, 155K)

Who do you think you're fooling? You haven't left your parent's basement in months.

I don't give a fuck what it makes the left look like. The rich need to die, period.

more like you need to stop blaming other people for your own problems and quit your fucking crying boo hoo