Why can't the United States have a non-interventionist foreign policy?
Why can't the United States have a non-interventionist foreign policy?
>Why can't the United States have a non-interventionist foreign policy?
pearl harbor
you know why
>non-interventionist foreign policy
Russia dosen't have one.
Everybody else first.
We should go back to our historical position of interventionism in our hemisphere and non interventionism elsewhere. Worked great.
deep state
Because if you can't to keep playing world policeman and cockwave everywhere you can't change that policy
That is the price to pay for being the leader. For Spain it was 200 years of wars in Flanders
Because when we try to do that then the Jews rope us in to a world war to traumatize us into accepting globalism.
jesus from when and where is that picture?
It looks like the absolute peak of white civilization
President Donald Trump has undone most if not all of the disastrous Obama-era policies and has done all in his power to put our country back on the right track, even with an obstructive Congress and a media united against him. Being the most pro-American and unabashedly conservative president we've had in forever, he's done enough great to where I can say I don't really give a fuck if he blows up some sandnigger who gases his own people.
Because then you would not be able to send young American boys to fight and die for Israel.
Because evangelicals have a religious devotion to Israel. There is no realkpolitik, they think they need to support Israel until the return of Jesus
The real redpill on this is that the American economy would collapse without perpetual war. I think this is why so many people campaign on ending war and when they get into office it goes right out the window. It's because they find out if they stop it, America will collapse into civil war and chaos. You literally can't stop fighting wars, if you do, you'll tear yourself apart.
We're too far down the rabbit hole. If the United States just suddenly completely pulled out of international power projection, the world would be a shitshow. It would leave massive power vacuums in areas like Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, and would inevitably lead to conflict. Pulling out too quickly is what led to shit like the rise of ISIS in Iraq and stuff.
Don't get me wrong, I wish we would go back to pre-WWI foreign policy (which basically only included our navy as force projection), but you can't just quit cold turkey. It has to be a gradual thing. That's why the US has been trying to get Eurocunts to spend more on their defense budgets, but of course the retards would rather waste money providing gibz for stupid niggers than defending themselves from a resurgent Russia. Japan and South Korea actually listen to us when we tell them to expand their military, and assuming relations with China cool down a bit, I wouldn't be surprised to see us gradually pulling out of the area.
This is retarded. The United States was basically at peace from the 1970s until the 1990s, with the exception of tiny military conflicts like Panama and Granada, which nobody gave a fuck about or even understood why it was happening.
You know why user.
Fuck you. I am slightly color blind. Now I have a massive headache from straining to see whatever the fuck it’s supposed to be.
What the fuck does it say or show???????????
America is full of kike worshiping demons. You shouldn't be preparing for war with other nations, you should be preparing to kill other Americans
because the military-industrial complex has 50% of your politicians in their pocket
and the rest are zionists
Saratoga Springs, New York c.1915
But Britain is the only Western European country to meets its NATO obligations.
You're on Jow Forums user, what do you think it is?
Simple, if the USA will not be the worlds policeman, everyone will cry and snivel.
Because the Jewish political lobby won't allow it.
The African wars of liberation were happening, your country was arming and funding them. Our boys were fighting with CIA against Russians and Cubans in Africa. Vietnam ended in 75. You were involved in South America in the 80's with the covert "war on drugs", the covert support of UK in the Falklands. And the cold war was happening genius, that's what the third world wars of liberation were all about. Proxy wars between the states and Russia over whose side Africa and South America would be on. You most certainly were not at peace
Because Imperialism is necessary for capitalism to exist
It's because of resources, that you need, not us.
because its prosperity depend on that the global oil trade is done in US dollars
Red Neck here, God Bless you, in 2020 hot ticket for President and Vice President will be D. Trump and V. Putin.
Commie globalists keep wishing outloud that Lee Harvey Oswald would come back from wherever he is to would assassinate the President by sniper. I guess when they were younger and happier the experience of the President's death was sad or something they were told to tell sad about, but the thought of it now that they're 70 sounds good compared to their misery. And that type of internationalist pressure is what the people who want national prosperity and peace, and those elements in the administration are facing.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..... is a picture? I thougth it was a painting. Incredible photo, that must be staged or something, is too perfect to be casual.
>the covert support of UK in the Falklands
now i know you are retarded.
the only reason britain didn't conquer all of argentina was because the US started funneling them guns to force a stalemate.
you are right about our fuckery, but it just the same sort of fuckery any country does to further it's interests.
we are just really rich and good at it
getting mad at it doesn't make it any less effective
since 1971 the U$S is no longer backed by gold. the U$S is now backed by the oil+US military. If you are a nation leader and try to sell oil using another currency, your mistake will be corrected by the US military.
So no, the US can´t have a non-interventionist policy
All they need is some past tragic event to gain sympathy for their persecution.
Because we use our military might to back up the value of our money. Without the military, the money would be worthless.
We need to go back to the gold standard, then non-interventionist foreign policy can be worked on.
I'm not condemning it. I'm saying a significant portion of your economy is based on it. The drug trade too, which is fueled by CIA involvement in places like Afghanistan and the Americas.
you should see jupiter
The concept of currency entirely was a mistake.
you can't, because the economy grows faster than new gold is found.
You can't attach money inflation to gold mines.
the concept of currency emerged naturally, It was not "created". salt, shells, silver, gold, cigarettes in prison. Always some currency emerges.
At least the average burger gets to enjoy a comfy life while the shit is going on. They'll pay for it down the road but it's easy living for now.
because your wealth depends in it
That is an abstract kind of merchant I hadn't seen before. I like.