Sweden couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week

>Sweden couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Swedes are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Sweden is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

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I have an AR15
you have a 15 inch black dildo
Bring it on Ahmet

is that sweden's entire army lmao

Start some shit, gustoph. Fucking do it.

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>pic related is literally sweden's entire armed forces

Amerikeks got no chance better run now when you still can!

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Almost as large as Liechtenstein’s army.

I think the boy scouts have more hardware than this.

We built a stealth fighter worth 100x your entire air force and threw it in the trash because we were bored.

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Ha you can actually number the amount of your plains. We loose track

Fite me fgt.

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i didnt know swedes had girl scouts,
and you even let them drive

We both like weak coffee and bring the recipe for those really big pancakes. Bring skis or your snowboards, and some Huski chain saws and motos, and your ice skates. Loser buys shots of whatever moonshine or akavit. Oh, we are giving you Canada, because they browned out . Dont bring any jews please.

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>cant even defend itself or its people from mudslime invaders but thinks it can take on the USA or literally any other country in the world

How close do you have an air force base to the US?
Enjoy flying your planes halfway across the world to drop a dinky bomb

Our girlscouts come with antirape bracelets nice try they will tear navy seals into pieces with their hands restrained!

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Okay deal, Day of the rake must happen that we can agree upon.

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I missed this pasta, I will post my version tomorrow

We can use Greenland if Denmark is nice to us but they are real assholes so we gotta delete them off the face of this planet aswell..

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Put the niggers and kebabs up front in their own battalion. We'll form a crossfire V and take them out on the first day. Afterwards, we are going to have a Hockey tournament. U.S. vs Sweden. Our massive population from which to select our best vs. your big stride speed. Winner gets Nova Scotia.

Nice shitposting faggot, here take this

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As far as I know Swedish army can't even take control of the Somali no-go zones so yeah good luck with the US army I guess

Oh look its the Norway copy pasta again. Do you faggots really think shilling of these level will do anything? Sage goes in all fields kids.


I fucking LOVE this type of satire.

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I've now seen this thread in Norwegian and German editions.


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A steady diet of greasy food have dilated the American anus
>no dildo can inflict pain to Americans

Yes if we win we all eat surströmming and köttbullar, If you win we eat Texas steak and burgers.
we could then have a MMA fight over who gets Mexico.
Nice try but the Somalis are the Swedish army in this case ahaha!

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This but unironically.

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0/10 bait.

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You and your leaders have no combat experience no veterans. You hid in your igloo all ww2.