/huelec/ - Hungarian Elections General - FIDESZ 2/3 edition

/huelec/ - Hungarian Elections General - FIDESZ 2/3 edition

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Tbh I hoped for this result because the people of Budapest acted all like California. "Oh we're liberals we're the best people, you people from not Budapest are so lame, we will win!" The leftist did this, We, Fidesz-people can thank liberals for making everyone feel hate about liberals. Well done. Also, HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

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Who voted jobbik in budapest ?

hungary won this election




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desu, only old uneducated faggots from the villages voted for fidesz.

Dohány utca


Where are my fellow Marxpedes that are disappointed that Orbán won?

Evening, fellas.
I haven't paid any attention to you election, so it's my fault for being uninformed.
Can someone give me a quick RD?
Is this good or bad?
What does this mean for Hungary's future?

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évek óta most vagyok először boldog tesik :)

I unironically fell bad for him now

Probably lurking somewhere. Can I ask you something???

Is Orban a kike or not?

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Neo-liberal marxist party won, xer PM kissed a goat live on stage

This is really fucking bad. That gispy faggot and his mafia like family rules the country again. well, see you soon in norway lmao

Super great,
Right wing victory!

Viktor Orban wins again, will probably even have a 2/3s majority
leftists are bascially dead
EU will cry for atleast 4 years more

I don't

His single job was to make sure Jobbik loses, and he did his job well. Now he fucks off to the Bahamas with giant bags of cash

Shill it with the islamophobia, us jobbcuck shills hat that

turn on the TV he just said it

Don't cry faggot. Go to gay Paris and get your ass blasted by murderous muzzies. You know that's what you want, Mr educated...

Are you sure? I don't want him to go... He's the face of Jobbik, if he resigns the party will fall apart

gratulálok te buta cigány geci hogy életben először szavazhattál arra amit anyád ikszelt be neked
gratulálok geci, remélem elolvasod a könyvet amit kaptál mint első szavazó és az ajándék tollat majd járatod a prosztatád körül miközben dózerólják a házadat hogy legyen hely a következő stadionnak

it's alright, unless you're a Jobbik shill. the party itself seem to be taking it with dignity.

we had much worse before.

másodjára te köcsög

Wich fucking channel?



(the man is almost crying on TV it's fucking hilarious, I'm actually starting to feel bad for him)

But in all seriousness we can’t let Orbán get the gypsie codes

I love Norway
Prepare your agnus

Meanwhile in Corruptia, (((Index))) is chimping out that the "migrant hater" is winning again. Comments are pro-Orban, though (pic related).

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és először kire szavaztál te inteligens fasz? csak nem a cigánypártra? nagyon sajnállak te kis fostos szar
majd ha kijössz anyád seggéből és magadnak termeled ki amit eszel remélem ugyan így döntesz

Ne foglalkozz a síró kis buzival. Gyűjtsd a sóóóóót!!!!!

fuck off we're full m8


no EU-supernation then? super neat

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it's his speech, any channel that is broadcasting it



Budapest user here

My facebook wall blew the fuck up

everyone is crying and asking which country to leave to

I didnt even vote for fidesz but this butthurt is hillarious

You don't even know shit you ignorant fuck.

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Good song, is she /ourgal/ and is the song /oursong/?

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nei your not full
you have plenty of room up north

>Mrzitelj migranta Orban

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How is it that cunt Lázár was able to get in through Hódmezővásárhely, where he had literally been BTFO 6 weeks ago?

Orbán literally gives German companies billions to create factories in Hungary

He loves everything about the EU

te tényleg ilyen visszamaradott fasszopó neandervölgyi szőröstalpú román geci vagy? vagy csak a cigány anyád baszott a falhoz segélyért?

A replay of US 2016 election (smaller scale and not so ridiculous perhaps). Pest...full of butthurt liberals. Tisztelet a kivételre persze...

He is the reason why I had to vote Fidesz after voting Jobbik in 2010 and 2014.
He's dragging the party to the left, considers an alliance with LMP and Momentum libshits, protects Soros and CEU, kicked the radical right core people from the party (Novák, etc).
Vona is a fucking libshit. Hopefully Jobbik will recover and return to its roots after this.

And I thought Hungarians were based

fucking kek

Today i just realised that fideszniggers are the same stupid fucks as trumpniggers.

same here

Oh my god...How will I ever recover from that comeback, college?

He is still gonna get that supermajority r-right lads?

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They broke the hand of everyone who didn't vote for him

What altright is?
> Get out and stop claiming bs

Glorious victory to our Christian-Right wing party

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One of the most based countries in the entire world. A role model for all european nations.

Yeah, at least I know which "friends" of mine I can never trust, ever

>they needed 100 seats

everyone uses facebook here m8

even the 80 year old grandmas

it doesn't matter though
the total % is higher than before, with more people engaged in this election than before

Congrats neighbours.

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This means Soros university will finally get kicked out and go to Austria.


as Orban said

no that is reindeer and drunken snow-abbo country. if we send people there they might remember that the south exist and they will come back for more gibbs

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I don`t have Kikebook

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They can lose 1 more seat and still have 66%.
Plus the german nationality guy is a member of Fidesz, so technically he will vote with them too, that's a leeway of 2 people now.

>and go to Austria
Hopefully the 30-ish yo with the big ears will do something about that.

nem, csak felbasz hogy 22-23 évesen beáll valami mögé úgy hogy életében egy órát nem dolgozott és azt hiszi az egész választásnak az a lényege hogy ő olyanra ikszeljen amivel biztos nyer
de belőled kiindulva már értem miért tart ott ez az ország ahol

End your life you sheep fuck

Jesus christ, Hungary literally elected a power hungry dictator whose policies are harming innocent people. Didnt we learn our lesson from WW2? I hope the EU can minimize his influence.

boxutcázd a reading comprehension-öd

t. soros' relative

>it doesn't matter though
literally this
this is how a Swedish pundit describes the results
>"The Socialist Party has gone a little bad for a long time, and there is no liberal group and no left-wing political group. They mean nothing anymore, says Li Bennich-Björkman"

B-but i didn't vote for him

Vote SD or AfS, sarcastic swede user.

Gas yourself Soros shill fuck...

first we had le funny moustache guy and now the big ears guy

I'll hold the "no facebook" front till my last breath.

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To be fair, Trump was expected to lower taxes and jumpstart the economy, which he did. Thinking America would go down in flames was hilarious

Meanwhile my taxes keep constantly rising. To pay a guy 1000 dollars it costs the company 2000 dollars, and then they take 40% off of that, and we have 27% VAT on all goods
This will probably increase. I'm genuinely thinking of moving only because of this, even though I always loved my country.
To be fair, there were no anti-tax parties either, even Jobbik was all "dude more welfare lmao"


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Don't feed the orange niggers egos you migrant rape toy.

[Laugs in jewish]

3 éve, havi 168 órában dolgozom.
ne légy' ily ideges barátom


Actually this song should be burned and forgotten since it was the Socialist Party's campaign song in 2014.

anime is a kike bullshit
the Fidesz is real life

Pls, this picture is shit. Stop shilling this. There is no demand for this shit in Hungary.

Fuck you idiot
Hungary were ahead of Austria when we had Horthy...

The commies ruined our gorgeous country sucker, I hope a rapefugee will cut you.

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Controlled opposition retard

Gyurcsányon kívül csak őt utálja mindenki jobban


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>the flag of cucksucking

everyone you don`t liek is Hitler? Dude, we would hope he was like that. But he is just a white man who represents white families...

és gondolom nem zavar hogy a fizetésed 30%-a viki bácsi zsebébe megy
meg gondolom napi 5-6 órással eltartasz egy egész családot

god damn why did I even ask, it was so comfy now you've ruined it for me

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Oh, I fucking love the fact that the socialists were the biggest losers from this election. Reminder that it's better in Poland - their Sejm doesnt even have socialists or socdems.


nem, mert nem érdekel a pénz.

Not only elected, but elected with absolute majority