What is the biological function of the pineal gland?
Why would TPTB want it "calcified" among the masses?
What is the biological function of the pineal gland?
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Its a gateway to other dimensions.
DMT is produced within it and it is the most powerful hallucinogenic known to exist. meditation and clean diet/living can allow someone to activate it.
is DMT the substance that causes dreams?
if so, how do people dream if their pineal glands are calcified?
if i'm wrong, what would be the difference one would feel if they didn't have a calcified pineal gland?
Am I fucked if I drink fluoridated water?
how can someone use its decalcified pineal gland?
You should ask this question on x. There are a lot more people there who can answer your questions.
that's what i'm trying to figure out.
i've heard the pineal gland can help your body figure out if it's daytime or night time.
is this ability hindered with a "calcified" gland?
why is it so important that TBTB go out their way to put fluoride on water worldwide?
does the pineal gland have another ability that TPTB don't want us to know? can we, as humans, do more than we actually aware of?
Why is it that when I search about this, I only find esoterical new age shit? Are there real scientifical studies on this gland and its biological functions?
DMT is produced in the lungs you retarded memeflaggot pussy, fuck up with that Joe Rogan bullshit. The pineal gland is the region of the brain that spikes with neurotransmitter activity when DMT has been consumed. Fucking shit IQ faggot bitch.
It is released into the brain by the pineal gland, you lard fuck