Ever wondered how the elite will try to depopulate us? make us sick? well here it is


And they wont be far away on some big cellphone tower, theyll be within meters of you on every lamp post and mailbox in the neighborhood


last bread:

Attached: 5G TRANSMITTERS.jpg (2000x1200, 401K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/index.php?s=cell phone radiation

>scared of radios

It's just a technical standard. 5G can use the same frequencies as existing 4G networks, there's just less benefit to doing so.

Early 5G deployments in the US will likely use mmWave (28GHz and 39GHz frequency bands), which are even less able to penetrate walls and body tissues than the current microwave frequencies used for 4G (0.7GHz, 0.8GHz, 1.9GHz, etc.). But higher frequencies mean more bandwidth, which means more speed. Also means a denser infrastructure will be required since they don't propagate as well.

The lower mmWave bands are non-ionizing radiation, meaning they don't have enough energy to knock electrons loose from atoms and cause mutations in DNA. Radiation doesn't gain enough energy to cause damage to cells until you get into the upper ultraviolet (sunburns), which is in the petahertz range. The only biological effects you have to worry about with non-ionizing radiation is RF heating, which is only a concern in close vicinity to a high power transmitter (tens or hundreds of watts more, think of your microwave which is probably puts out on the order of 1000W to heat the water in food). Small cells like you'd find on a utility pole typically have transmit powers on the order of a couple watts, and the transmitters in your phone hundreds of milliwatts.

>you a luddite xD give me 10 movies a second

>essentially quotes themselves as sources for 'studies linking 5g to cancer'
>sidebar has anti-vax article
id say you deserve a ban for this but you actually deserve lead poisoning

South Korean internet speeds or healthimpactnews

which one will you pick?

did you know ultrasound produces cavitation inside an unborn child's head?
I had no idea till recently
>Ultrasound has damaging effects on an unborn baby
and if you read up on the UN crowd control measures 5G is part of the pain delivery method

How are 5G and WiGig related?

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cancer or 10 movies a second

which one will you pick?

yep, lots and lots of shills, i can only hope they dont really believe what theyre saying

how about you point to a peer reviewed publication of your findings or shut the fuck up

how bout fuck you shill, we already have

no, you havent.

this thread is far more likely to give you cancer than 5G


do you know that peer reviewed means?

To all those saying that we already have wifi and 4g and there aren't any problems: first of all there are varying degrees to which people will be affected. Biology plays a part. Men are more susceptible to certain bands than women, etc. Also the effects will not show themselves overnight. Exposure over a long period of time to wifi networks and cell towers is
-lowering fertility
-causing cancer
-causing headaches
-disrupting our natural frequencies

do your own research, but be aware that the current networks are causing harm like a trickle. These new networks and technologies are more powerful and more concentrated = more harmful

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you will rot in prison



for what friend

for your deeds

That image has convinced me Wifi is the Electric Jew

>This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?].

4G is still minimally bad for you
but 5G is a giant leap in strength and how close it is to you, and studies have already been conducted that shows it causes cancer

>peer reviewed
>posts consumer reports .com


I didn't know laughing at coconut oil hippies was a crime, officer.

>in the neighborhood
which is why i am relocating to a place like pic related.

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Sucks for people that don't become more powerful with more radiation

I should be able to fly by next year if this keeps up

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nice me too probly
ok yeah we're all CRAZY conspiracy theorists its not like we've linked to mainstream articles and studies, so how about you fuck off its not worth your time is it?

i think my mom passed away from a tumor that developed where the wireless phone antenna would be.
no one at the hospital wanted to even touch the topic. the doctors and neurosurgeons are all aware too

yeah... show your flag.

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Who are you speaking for, schizo?


paste this url at its time directly into your browser to see what EM waves do to your skin cells at much lower intensities than 5g levels

understand why you must be imprisoned

I tell you, my lads. This is almost as scary as that device Edsel has at his store. Human voices coming from a wooden box! What devilry it employs, some manner of waves traveling freely through the air, is far beyond me and far beyond all reasonable safety. If the government can just "send waves" through the air, who knows what they could be carrying? Mind control, methinks!

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curiously links to old 2016 before study was completed and found that it basically all came down to RANDOM CHANCE even though the mice were subjected to ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE RADIATION THAN HUMANS

wow it's fucking nothing

Gaia TV ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking coconut oil hippies ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Effects of Wi-Fi Radiation on Germination and Growth of Broccoli, Pea, Red Clover and Garden Cress Seedlings: A Partial Replication Study

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"Health effects of electromagnetic fields" Olle Johansson is associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

He is a leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. He has also been a professor in basic and clinical neuroscience at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

He has published more than 650 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatoscience and health effects of electromagnetic fields.

His studies have been widely recognised in the media, including newspapers, radio and TV, as well as on the Internet, both nationally and internationally. He has on-going international scientific collaborations with e.g. Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Serbia, Germany, the UK and the USA.

Olle Johansson’s presentation covers the historic background of electricity and electromagnetic fields, how suspicions arose early on concerning fields and signals producing negative health effects and how this led to today's global public discussion about the subject. It will also touch upon the functional impairment electro hypersensitivity.

you will be executed for your crimes

"Health effects of electromagnetic fields" Olle Johansson is associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

What’s gonna stop me from taking my pellet rifle outside to take pot shots at the installments?

Jesus dude.

Here's some reading for Nigel and the rest of you dumbfuck tech-jew-cock polishers. Get your retardo faggot selves up to speed.

gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/index.php?s=cell phone radiation

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Cony has the right idea. OP eat a bucket of old paint and fuck off

I'll stick a vibrator up my ass while I masterbate as often as I like, thank you very much.

absolutely nothing, in fact i think its illegal to pollute neighborhoods with radiation and other such things so you have free reign, even if we dont im still doin it, rifles an especially good idea mate




? this is the best UN has for shills

You're wrong when you say non-ionizing radiation is not harmful. Microwave radiation is extremely disruptive to rational and conscious thought. Most of the people on here talking about being harrassed through electronic means have been victims of this. Reference Kyle Odom. If you are continually exposed past the recommended Specific Absorbtion Rate then you will more than likely; lose your shit and tell everyone elmo rules the world and ayys on this planet have technology 1,000,000 years more advanced than ours.

He won the "misleader of the year" award for this


I have seen these studies...but i also plant lots of shit. And have a garden. And have lots of plants indoors. And have wireless everywhere. And even a wireless hard drive network so it is like double wi fi. My plants seem fine. So idk.

>Space travel is a hoax because the bible says da erf is flat and da bible is infalliable
>The radio will only make it easier to spread the devil's message!
>I say, this electricity force you speak of is nothing more than witchcraft!
There's faggots like you in every era. If 5g kills you then I say we should put 5g radios in every major city to sterilize the shitskins.

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>Swedish Skeptics' Association

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oh yeah i certainly trust 'the swedish skeptics society'
who say theres no such thing as too much immigration, and that they should put oxytocin in the water to make people accept immigrants

go home

you're being a skeptic over 5G friend

do you believe 'the swedish skeptics society' ?

or an actual doctor at a university with a phd in advanced sciences

>I'm 16 and love Carl Sagan and all my skeptoid butt buddies. We're really smart.

i'm not giving a conglomerate of autistic leftists as a source though

enjoy the cell

I believe anybody more than coconut oil shills

omg, they install this shit all over in moscow

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This thread is why nobody takes lolbertarians seriously anymore. OP probably thinks chemtrails and FEMA camps are real.

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The ayy lmaos dont have advanced tech?

You're sourcing a guy who thinks mad cow disease is from radios instead

Capitalism is the true cancer

Even if that is the case, the main source of radiation-induced heating would be your mobile phone, not the cells on towers.

[citation needed]
back to kikepedia UN nigger

not at all on topic but here you go sweetie

how are you not dead yet?

You retards are dragging down the pro white movement with your bullshit. Scientific progress has been whites' greatest achievement and you retards keep denying it because the left subverted a tiny part of mainstream pop science.

Let me reiterate: actual science =/= Bill Nye/Neil Tyson Rick and Morty tier pop science.

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shit, hopefully its not 5G, try not to expose yourself too much to it

lel you retard

You blew it with you "chemtrails" shit even tho those are used to discredit when the technology has been declassified for 60 years. Too bad you are just a brainlet nigger.

>Government wants to round up radical activists, commies and subversives during the cold war
ZOMG we can't let dem imprison all those based hippies and communists!

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we never cited any bill nye bullshit you retard

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be "national security threats"

he quoted Ghandi at me in the last thread, while wearing the Gadsden flag

Nice post cunt. Wifi can not only be used to track you, but also to harrass you. Hmmm, perhaps someone should post empirical evidence of this? What if you could rigorously prove not only are normal wifi able to be employed as weapons, but certain companies design their products with this very intention in mind. Crazy huh? I guess we'll just have to wait.

>if you read up on the UN crowd control measures 5G is part of the pain delivery method
You need to provide sauce.

those em waves have literally mentally retarded you lel

stay off your faggot iphone for at least 7 hours a day kid

laughing at hippies is prime entertainment

you write like you hit the doobie a few too many times yourself retard

Yes. In Kyle Odom's case it was his phone, and also I presume his laptop. Phones can do a lot of harm, especially if left plugged in. Laptops and routers even more so. It does really come down to the Specific Absorbtion Rate. 5G will not do anything good for you fiber can't.

Ionizing radiation damages DNA directly, however because radio waves are all non-ionizing radiation there is the general perception that it's totally safe.

However some research shows there might be some ionization going on to some degree. And also there's a risk of causing genetic damage indirectly through a two stage process which some studies are suggesting.

>muh scientific consensus
science isn't about consensus, there is a political bias in modern science, pop science is akin to scientism, and the peer review process is easily corrupted, mainstream science journals are under tight control etc etc etc

it's not like the people in power would have a moral problem or ethical concerns about harming us. it's not like we can trust the scientific community to warn us, or the general masses to clue in. is there a danger here? i don't know, but i wouldn't rule it out.

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are you 50?

do you keep up with the kids?

don't trust soyence, fast internet is how they will kill you!

Reference the specific Specific Absorbtion Rate maximum for these frequencies. Most wifi devices are capable of exceeding these limits. If you were saavy enough you don't even need an RF detector to prove this.

every time I hold my iphone 7 in my hand I feel it ache.. it stops when I put it down. I hate using the thing but its gratis from an employer for work.

try to use speaker phone and not hold it up to your ear too much bro

I am remiss in addressing the radiation heating. Microwaves directed at the cerebral cortex can penetrate far enough to affect the hypothalamus. This is where a lot of people perceive heating coming from. Once the hypothalamus experiences enough additional heat it will "think" you are overheating and you might get chills as it tries to cool itself down, therefore, making you think you are cold briefly before the body catches up. I don't recommend this. Apoptosis will inevitably result regardless of medium of transmission.

Keep the wifi off and don't plug it in unless you have a portable battery. Bottom line is you don't want it to be drawing a full amperage load. Do you realize how arbitrary it is to fuck with people this way? The tin-foil hat meme appeared the same time wifi was being conceived. Must be coincidence.

notice they are trying to get these ap/antennas closer together. for triangulation
pretty soon they will be able to pinpoint you to within a foot.

>it's all about (((them))) trying to get to you
Yeah, totally. It has fuck all to do with bringing down the minimum transmit power requirements for wireless IoT devices thus eventually enabling a shared internet access for things like smart dust.

>might be some ionizing going on to some degree
NO. A Million Times NO.
Physicist here.
Microwaves are a form of NON-IONIZING radiation. It PHYSICALLY cannot cause activation or ionization of a material. The thing you can get from microwaves is energy deposition through thermal heating. Much like going out in the sun, or standing under a bright lamp, RF can cause burns at high enough power (read: intensity), but it will not give you cancer. When we talk about x-rays and gamma rays, we talk about 'wavelength' which is proportional to the amount of energy carried by the photon. It is only at these extreme wavelengths can you deliver enough energy to electrons in an atom to ionize it. RF simply does not have this energy.

Thanks for that high school graduate level explanation.

>“There have been a number of studies that have consistently shown damage to DNA from cellphone radiation,” says Devra Davis, PhD. “Animal testing is done to predict effects in humans.”
Care to explain this, genius?

I kept it simple because you would never understand why photon propagators in certain diagrams, excluding anything beyond one loop self energy corrections, can only have certain momenta, or what mass renormalizations, vacuum polarizations, or vertex functions are.

It's not gay if you convince yourself you are straight

Then it's just sad

they aim it at your balls.
makes your kids retarded.

>Microwaves are non-ionizing
>Microwaves can't hurt you

T..thanks user. Read my posts.