I guess it could be worse for us Americans...
Knife control
house to house sharp object searches when?
oi m8 I love my bloddy country
>Not banning pockets to prevent people from easily concealing knives
Come on bongs
>I guess it could be worse for us Americans
Wow good thing Brits aren't allowed to buy guns, their gun crime would make ours look like a joke. What a violent people. Here in California people can carry knives and even swords.
VERY good idea. All men must be required by law to wear spandex jumpsuits
That school in florida has transparent backpacks...all brits must wear transparent clothing in public!
Is knife control a joke? How do you do basic construction tasks in the UK like carpentry without any sharp blade?
No wonder your houses are all from the 1400s... last time anyone could do anything useful over there.
sounds like a plan
simple, knifes on chains like in prison
Only a good person with a knife can stop a bad person with a knife.
>implying they'll frisk muslims
>implying the law is enforced in no go zones
Theresa May ended "stop and frisk" and this is the result.
Britain has not lost control of the situation, they let this all happen so that young black men wouldn't feel offended.
The British will not exist in another 20 years
Not far enough, every one must wear transparent potato sacks or gimp suits and pass through metal detectors to and from any public interaction. Just Part and Parcel things.
Yes, that would work. A 50lb ball and chain for each licensed knife so maniacs can't just run around stabbing willy nilly.
Once knives are banned criminals will use hammers.
We still have firearms and nobody even talks about banning knifes.
What about acid control? Van control?
Isn't that kind of racist? As you know the police will target black teenagers over white ones.
>When bait and actual political views overlap in such a disgusting manner
>It's also not clear what local Londoners will now use to cut their food.
well, that was odd. It posted a jpg with the right filename but which I have most definitely never seen before. thanks CIA
from what i can see they don't exist even now
This x1000
my intended shitpost (resaved as png. hopefully doesn't show up as random screencap I've never seen before?)
>criminals will use hammers.
Doesn't this idiot know that anyone can make a knife or other sharp tools/instruments from materials such as a piece of metal and sharpen it into a knife?
Some brave Brit might make a knife out of a piece of metal and shank this traitorous swine to death.
"Oi there, Sir! `Ave you get a Pawckit Loicense?"
>english food requires a knife
you don't need a knife for kebab and pita
'Asians' will carry knoifes willy-nilly and go unharassed.
BAN ASSAULT HAMMERS!!! Can you believe Americans can just go down the hardware store and buy one of these instruments of death!!
Eh bruv, yeu got a shitposting loicence? Reported to the thought police
Ban toothpicks while you're at it. You can put an eye out with one of those.
The Capital city of the once most powerful nation in the world is now not allowed to own knives because their Paki master told them so.
>Radiohead makes song called "Karma Police" in 1997
>"Yeah sure, Karma polica, haha, lol, never gonna happen"
>tfw when 20 years later it has become reality
You used to own half the globe, for fuck's sake.
After that they will use bricks.
Americans tend to think we are joking but we’re deadly serious when we say that there is absolutely nothing that the British government thinks cannot be solved by banning (or taxing) something.
Just last week a new tax on sugary drinks came into force to “tackle obesity”.
Oi, what are yo doing in this racist website?! ya'll have to com with me ya wanker.
They should just ban hands and get it over with.
All the brits can just nub at things and get by that way.
He isn’t a traitor.
It’s just that his loyalty is not to Britain or it’s people.
And thats why he needs to go.
it makes me so happy to see britain fall so low. To think that one day,soon,we might recover the islands.
It will be a great day for my people.
Soon bongs,soon...
>policies designed to keep these weapons of war
>to keep these weapons of war
>these weapons of war
>weapons of war
Is this a joke?
This disgusting human being has done all this on purpose, believe me.
He deliberately lowered stop-and-search for police, was pro immigration, and when london invariably fell into shit as a result, he steps up and says "We must now take MORE of your freedom" ... this is disgusting...
There's still a few bastions of hope left. I'm not abandoning my homeland and running away until absolute breaking point.
How do you recover something that was never yours?
Some Brit needs to make a knife, sneak into the bastard's house and finish him off while he is asleep.
Is there ANY better proof that weapons bans don't work?
>throw anyone darker than a paper bag out of the country
>crime magically stops
At least they will be able to profile unlike the police here.
>absolute breaking point
What would that be?
Overly optimistic at best, delusional at worst.
You should be working on a plan to be out of this county by the next general election.
>gun control
>knife control
>truck control
>grenade control
>acid control
Gee how come this isn't working? What could we be missing?
Funny thing though, weapon bans cause more crime.
Already have dual citizenship with the US.
when running away becomes impossible
It's just part and parcel of living in a vibrantly diverse multicultural enriched city.
Buddy even when were at our lowest we still fucked you in every way possible with half the man power, Your troops surrendered like the bitches they are while your air force was too pussy to come and give you support
I wonder when they are going to ban combat sports training.
Don't be gay! Stop training MMA!
I wonder what daily life will be like when hammers, scissors, screwdrivers etc all get banned
The monarchy being abolished or made completely redundant, statues being torn down, Fidei defensor being removed or altered, the Falklands and other overseas territories being abandoned, further laws against self defence, further restrictions on free speech, a full majority Labour government and modernisation of the House of Lords.
I wish my country had a shred of patriotism left in it
lol in 10 yrs everyone will be locked in their houses and the government will bring meals 3 times a day with house inspections each time. if you have anything other than 1 change of clothes and a tv set to the bbc, you will be arrested and sent to re-education camps.
the absolute state of brit cucks. you guys are the biggest pussies in the world right now.
"Watch out! He's got a spoon"!
seriously though. self defense is already illegal in most cases anyway so is it really that hard to imagine? some kebab fucks with an mma champ and gets his neck broken is all it will take
the islands were spanish first,then became ours after we btfo'd spain and then became british,after you fough a third world countrie's army of unexperienced kids.
next time it will be different and we will be fighting muslims armed with knifes and molotovs.
We're not even allowed:
>Pepper Spray
>Any kind of self defensive weapon
>We are taught in schools if you get mugged curl up in a ball
>Our only defensive weapon allowed is a flashing light (which is looking at being banned)
i think northern caliphat of britbongistan have plenty of patriotism
Queens guards disarmed when
Just ban clothes so they have no where to hide their assault knifes
Then make your own weapons. You can make them out of materials. Make a knife out of a piece of metal and sharpen it. Make a gun out of pipes. Time to overthrow your abysmal government mate.
Oi mate ya got a license fer those legs? Ay?
No, soon kitchens won't have knives, repairmen won't have hammers, and hunters won't have guns.
>"the absolute state of Britain XD"
In London some chav makes a fist while talking to police. Backup requested.
Someone get a hand on British police training materials for a laugh.
Criminals do even when 'Da Guns R Illegul'
>Liverpool in the north of the UK handed in 500 illegal firearms in 2018
>bag heads are blowing up our kids with nail bombs and the media some how turn it on the british
We need to rip apart the conservative government and make an actual right party with Mogg head of it
If Brits don’t riot and demand blood then they deserve it
you should tax your politicians an additional 10% for every innocent who is inconvenienced to "tackle shitty politicians"
Does Britain even have any major political figure who could be considered right winged by America's political standards?
Your land is gone my friend, make like my ancestors and come to the land of hope and freedom, help us get the spic invaders out of our nation and help build the utopia, we need good white men in this nation.
Oh, there would still be a place to hide them
I'm reporting every bong here for greentexting, you guys should know that angle brackets are banned due to their sharpness.
Best part this will work wonders
>searches only happening on non whites
>white fems freak out as a result
>mayor makes it so only whites can be searched.
>all whites get murdered
>mayor becomes king of england
I thought there already was a knife control?
but how will the kebab shop worker make the kebab?
No the furthest right to us would be considered centre left at best to the Americans.
We Simply are serfs to them, things that can simply be taxed, disarmed and allowed to suffer.
lol idiot. The law can't strip a citizen of their cultural practices. That's racist.