Final regrets thread

WW3 is just around the corner
What did you regret doing or not doing, Jow Forums?
>I regret not becoming a professional bowler.

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Other urls found in this thread:

President Donald Trump has undone most if not all of the disastrous Obama-era policies and has done all in his power to put our country back on the right track, even with an obstructive Congress and a media united against him. Being the most pro-American and unabashedly conservative president we've had in forever, he's done enough great to where I can say I don't really give a fuck if he blows up some sandnigger who gases his own people.

>professional bowler

kek user, nice gig going on there

It's a gravy train with biscuit wheels, user.

becoming homeless before it starts. MGTOW could not save me. I will die in the cold. I will suffer the coming winter. I pray for nuclear fire.

I regret nothing.

I can hear helicopters and transport jets overhead, the sounds have become continuous.

My only regret is not going fap-free earlier. What a waste of a life.

I regret almost every decision I've made in the past 5 years. Fuck, I just hope WW3 will allow me to redeem myself.

I regret nothing. I welcome death.

>professional bowler
My god the absolute state of burger aspirations you homer fucking Simpson caricature

I regret going to college

achievements: zero
regrets: zero

I regret nothing.

karma will come for you

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I regret not fucking the self-hating black girl when I had the chance but it'll be small beans compared to the happiness WW3 will bring me

kek, In all seriousness though I regret not finishing college. I took too long to figure out how to deal with crippling anxiety and fucked my life all up.

this bong gets it.

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And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and ev'ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Regarts, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do , I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

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See you in Paraguay boys!

Have fun with your Hebrew War4Profit, enjoy getting kiked!

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i honestly don't know. I've done some bad shit, and some dumb shit, but i don't regret any of it. i welcome the sweet embrace if death. if this is the end, see you space cowboys

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no ragrets

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i regret falling for these bait threads

I guarantee you this isn't bait
C'mon, user
Have a little fun sometimes

Regret being a virgin

I regret every visiting this site.

I regret leaving OP's mom and now I feel guilty for him growing without a father and ending up making retarded threads like this one.... and also for him becoming a faggot

i regret going into coma in may 2013 and shortly before that not following my feeling.

I regret hurting my knee at 21 and not being able to deadlift 1000 lb


i regret not having sex yet

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Finishing my degree sooner instead of dicking around for so long so that I could hopefully get a commission instead of having to be a peasant NCO


So angry
Is Bulgaria really that bad?
Does it smell of cabbage?

MY asuka figs havent came in yet, please postpone ww3 couple more days ty

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I wish I'd loved more. Also OP digits proves WW3 imminent.

NCO life really isn't that bad
Officers don't get to do the really cool shit
All those SOF guys operating are NCOs

No, you're thinking of your mothers ...



i wont have regrets if ww3 happens, sounds alot more intresring than this life

Dear god yes.

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I regret not posting enough on 4 Chan

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Checking them trips

>finally get a kawaii waifu and comfy country home.


I wish I fapped to more feminine benis.

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тpябвa дa cпиш

I regret studying law and being a virgin.

kys shill

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Going to become an astronaut, and into the space.

We deserve the end of the world.

Yup. If only I'd been red pilled sooner.

Hang in there user

I regret never writing anything longer than a short story. Gonna start writing a novel tomorrow, how long you reckon I got anons?

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>finally get qt trad gf
>ww3 happens

I'd have been fine with this literally any other moment of my life.

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I regret that i was never involved in a fight

I regret letting my last relationship go to ruin, but I learned a lot of lessons from it so idk

And you should study history, you retarded asswit. Not knowing what a tatar is

Yeah but my dad is a major so it'd be kind of embarrassing

New Zealand has prepared its Emu squadron in case of an unprovoked attack from Australia. Death from Above.

nice, bring on the end

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if it happens now i will regret that im not with my family, that i cant settle down to our family country house thats far away from all the highways and big cities. That i cant help my mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins who would all drive there. We dont need another brother war while our wives will be raped by immigrants. we need to come together and fight against the 21 century black death

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I regret not being the best version of myself I could have been. This is something we are all guilty of and why death has meaning to us all.

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Oni lemme ride

I still haven't strangled a jewish baby with my bare hands.

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I regret spending too much time on this shithole and not re-learning to play piano.

My life is shit.
And it's all my fault.
I'm not crazy, I never was.
I did this.
I chose not to act.
And now its all coming apart.
Because of me.

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I regret not going to Welding School...

>cъщecтвo тoвa ocкъpбeн
no wonder my parents left that place

I regret spending any time at Jow Forums with a bunch of unloved fatherless virgins

Biggest mistake of my pointless life

Your grammar is bad. Also, you're too soft.

There is a lot of things I wish I could of done sooner, that I pushed myself to have at a younger age instead of discovering it just now. I have all the worse regrets yet no regret at all, if I had but one wish it was that I found myself. Found who I was or am, my calling if you will. I aimlessly wonder around not knowing my capabilities of where to put them to find such fulfillment in what I do everyday and wonder how much better I could be as a person for everyone around me if I had that.

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its not like everyone is gonna drop dead, my regret will be losing the race war and the future of my race is doomed

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I regret not composing more music.
So much time spent chasing money.


Oni lemme ride

i dont feel like banting today. 2 tired.
also english is muh first language so sorry.


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Don't sweat, was just teasing :p

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not spending enough time with my smaller brother and sisters. no other regrets.

Mr. Cruz... my father? He isn't home but since you're here...

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Reget being interviewed for a conspiracy documenty about the new world order in 2008. (I ran the most popular conspiracy youtube channel at the time) They made me look crazy and used my real name. Now if you google me that video comes up. Lost my job, cant get a girlfriend. well I can get one but they run as soon as they find out. Bring on WW3

I see Lula going to jail.
I don't have any regrets anymore.

I don't want to die with a fucking pimple on my dick.

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dont worry brother, i will return. soon.

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I regret that she will never be mine

If a nuke hits near you, it will burn it right off, don't worry.

Holy fuck, that is pretty crazy. So sorry to hear user

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Talking your mom into getting an abortion

>I regret not becoming a professional bowler.


I regret not having come here sooner. See you in hell faggots

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Just link the video, you've got nothing left to lose

...Senator Cruz.... baka.... what are you doing here! You pervert... it is not like I like you or anything!

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I regret not telling Sammy I loved him :(

I love you, Sammy.

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kek, no
At least I'm glad I wasn't the only one

Fuck kikes, those hooked nosed niggers fucked everything up, hope they all suffer.
