We will join the side that promises us karelian lands back ok?

We will join the side that promises us karelian lands back ok?

Attached: dbcc9d876666fb2827fac926f6036ee5.png (775x1032, 825K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody cares about ice westlands.

And we will side with whomever releases prime 2012 Model Year Kiira Korpi nudes.

Attached: Kiira22.jpg (400x401, 15K)

take this too

Attached: 1523224969678.png (775x1032, 943K)

With the sea open up north i bet alot of people would care about who controls the ports there

Attached: 058178dc.jpg (752x423, 60K)

Fins are kind people. I honestly feel bad over the loss of your land. Russia let it all go to shit really. Poor Karelians getting kicked out is a shame too.

If they give it sure

we'll help you take it. suomi will be one of the last marches holding out against the tide of third world subhumans, it is essential that you have proper defenses.

The karelians died in gulags or escaped to western finland. Its just Ivans and forests now

>karelian lands back
>implying you ever held whole Karelia or Kola, let alone St. Petersburg
You weren't even a country until 19th century, when Russia took you from Swedes. Pic related is max of your claims.

Attached: Grand_Principality_of_Finland_(1914).svg.png (450x456, 85K)

2000 years to late

I know brother, Its mostly watered down and poor as shit. Its a shame Ruskis spread everywhere like that even to Svalbard. Do you think current day Finland would be capable of fixing it?

Karelia was part of Novgorod Republic and then Russian Tsardom since middle ages. Finland as a country has nothing to do with them.

Next you'll want estonia

Nah we will not take anything away from Norway. Theyre awesome

It was part of their country when they gained independence and Karjala Finns identified as Suomi Finns (with a funny accent). That's why they fled to Finland during Talvisota.

Attached: UpsideDownKorpiPostingIsAThing.jpg (2921x4056, 3.64M)

We had a working kingdom for 600 years before swedes took over and it was known as kvenland. Our race and language is older than yours.

And i would imagine it would be alot better for ukrainians aswell that all of the west would attack the russians now.

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Too bad your ancestors had so hard time taking it Ivan

Attached: 4c45acf544ae4435195c4b0de5cb543a.jpg (900x1145, 136K)

Only a thousand years

God, the Finnish sense of humor during talvisota and jatkosota was fucking brilliant.

Attached: Ellen.jpg (500x341, 21K)

i thought you were with us, eastern europe is unified with our hate of russia. are you from donetsk by any chance?

Attached: suur-suomi.jpg (960x540, 62K)

He's probably some Ruskie diaspora who cries every time he watches Moтыльки when Ayla carries the dead dog around as she's getting sick.


Attached: her.jpg (634x354, 54K)


I like that one better...

Attached: Finnish_humor.jpg (590x867, 73K)


Attached: SuperManlet.jpg (500x719, 123K)

How can you get something "back" if you never owned it before?

Attached: 28xp-pepefrog-master315.jpg (315x315, 15K)

It was theirs, idiot, until the Winter War. They tried to get it back in the Continuation War and would still have Ladoga and Onega if Hitler hadn't fucked up.

Attached: 165793_r500.jpg (333x500, 15K)

Karelia and much of modern European Russia has been since ancient times property of Finnish tribes. Half of russians are genetically pretty much Finnish anyways, only mistaken for slavs due to adopting a slavic language probably due to trade. Just like Sámi started speaking Finnic for trade.

Attached: Finnish Empire.jpg (1477x1164, 604K)

Attached: karelian_bear_dog.jpg (800x600, 85K)

The OP makred the entire Kola peninsula and even fucking Petrograd (Sankt-Peterburg/Leningrad)
>pic related
is what finalnd actually owned

Attached: Finnish_areas_ceded_in_1940.png (619x800, 26K)

I found a 5000x3412 original and you posted that picture for ANTS?

Attached: Ellen SA kuva.jpg (1250x853, 334K)


I dunno, I just collect Lottas when they get posted in Finland threads.

Attached: KiiraKorpiDrunk.jpg (500x424, 68K)

Please update your picture and never again post that small picture

>charzas milkers

yummi!!! :p:p gib milkers.

Kyllä, toveri.

Attached: cd3.png (683x601, 47K)

ummm actually finland owned it during the suomi-korean hyperwar

sure but I don't think that we can promise you St Petersburg

oy vey we lived there 2000 years ago.

Should we be given Ukraine back since we lived there or the territories of the former Serbian empire.
>pic related

I like Finland but don't get ahead of yourselves

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 94K)

Finland must pay for the genocide of Leningrad

Attached: 37203d3a49297aa8cefeb9b7b0e1b370.png (800x450, 428K)

>white bulgarians
what does that make bulgarians?

>I like Finland but don't get ahead of yourselves
Finland is that one place that we should just give it what it wants. They're the Pikachu of the World; adorable and everyone wants one, but if you piss them off, your country has to go to the Pokemon clinic for a long time to recover.

Attached: 163787369.jpg (960x540, 138K)

you know what will happen
>day of the nuke

this tbhq

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Russia must pay for the genocide of 1/3rd of Estonia following The Great Patriotic War.

Attached: QLErXOK.gif (313x225, 1.39M)

The balkans is a bit more complex as nobody has owned anything for really long, meanwhile Karelia was legit hunter-gatherer area of Finnic people for probably 10000 years. Even before we started speaking finnish. Also were the first inhabitants there. 10000 year old Antrea Net! Think about that for a second.

Meanwhile Northern Russians (who are/were confused genetic finns speaking a weird slav language) are pretty much closer to modern Finns than modern Russia.

>meanwhile in St. Petersburg
Russians made a memorial plaque for him.

Attached: Mannerheim Petersburg.jpg (569x640, 140K)

>Russians made a memorial plaque for him.
Already removed after being vandalized multiple times

Estonia must return occupied Russian Narva

I'll give you 50 Kopeks for it.

Fucking cucks get out of my country

The UK guarantees the return of Karelia as rightful British Clay

Fagerheim wasnt even finnish what the fuck do i care?

>Greatest Finn of all time according to Finns (Yle poll)
>''not a Finn''

Attached: Mannerheim Ryti.jpg (1879x1920, 334K)

Yes? You fucking stupid faggot he is 100% not a finn

Get out of my country, your people are Finnished. We ANGLOs will inherit Suomi and urbanise it. New London will be a multicultural metropolis that will cover the disgusting lakes and forests. How dis make u feel?

doesnt make me feel like anything because anglos are a joke and you shouldnt take them seriously

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>We ANGLOs will inherit Suomi
Kunnia, velvollisuus, tahto. Näytä hyvältä, tee hyvää.

Attached: finnish_sniper.jpg (800x529, 90K)

I would slap you around like you're nothing eternal anglo manlet. Bin that picture of that gun mate u gotta loicense for dat?

I thought it was such a shithole under Russia you guys don't want it anymore. Like annexing Mexico and getting innundated with gibs all of a sudden.

Like that was a problem. Just undo that silly 1917 stuff.

R*ssia needs to be abolished as a state and Balkanized

fucking Finn I will eat Mämmi and shit it out on you. and my shitposting loicense is currently in good standing, fucker.

btw I don't have to bin this picture of a gun because I already binned my picture of a knife and surrendered all my spoons yesterday so the police will leave me alone for at least 2 more days

That's all rightful Russian clay, you filthy mong.

Can the Komi qts join the Greater Suomi-Viro Khanate?

Attached: SoomeViroKhanate.jpg (1024x683, 120K)


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Bring it Finnish pussy!

Just remember you lost the Lapland War.

Just remember you were our bitch throughout the Cold War.

Just remeber in the Cold War, you were afraid of anything crtitical of the USSR in movies.

You would mute, cut out, or dub over such scenes.

Attached: so_smug.png (872x602, 683K)

Well if you ask anyone with sanity they would obviously want it back, on the condition that Russians are sent to Russia. Or Russians couldn't travel freely to Finland, and wouldn't have all citizen rights like voting rights. Russians' whose children would learn Finnish could be granted citizenship.

But nobody wants 1,7 million poor Russians to our democracy and on gibs. Something would have to be done about the Russian Question.

Attached: Perfect Europe.jpg (2751x2145, 1M)

They weren't fighting Commies in Lapin Sota, idiot, they fought Nazis and chased them into Norway.

All Uralic nations shall be free, as sovereign nations

Ffs need Russian Empire back.

How about "Ei."

Attached: Lennu2.jpg (2120x1327, 632K)

Here you go comrade

Attached: 1456016132372.jpg (650x366, 111K)

Kas te soovite tantsida?


you know that Russia started out of Sweden

Attached: Снимок.png (114x95, 10K)

Minu rahakott varastati ära.

LOL! Yeah! Meant the Continuation War. By the Lapland War they were already our bitch.

Attached: 600px-Flag_of_the_Karelo-Finnish_SSR.svg.png (600x300, 5K)

>Only country to not fall behind the Iron Curtain that had a frontier with Russia.
>Your bitch

You know he first Helsinki transmitter of TV signals was paid for by the CIA and designed to intentionally send signals into Soviet Estonia for propaganda purposes?

Estonians had "Finnish Boxes" secretly installed in the TV (made by Amateur Radio clubs) and LOVED American programming they picked up. The KGB took a long time to figure out why kids would stand in front of cars while talking into their watches. The kids were playing Knight Rider.