Be Assad

>be Assad
>fought a bloody war for seven years in several fronts
>you start winning
>finally this can be over and things can go back to like they were before
>peace at last
>US announces they plan to pull out their troops out of your country
>this is best news for your government
>for some reason decide to gas your own people, making international intervention more likely
>shit like this has literally no strategic value at all
>it only makes sense if you purposefully wanted to topple your own government
>there’s people shilling for this narrative

Does anyone aside from paid shills and pro-Israel neocons lusting for war and literal retards actually believe he did that?

Attached: D963462D-4B19-4CB5-B095-343D96D3AB7E.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

President Donald Trump has undone most if not all of the disastrous Obama-era policies and has done all in his power to put our country back on the right track, even with an obstructive Congress and a media united against him. Being the most pro-American and unabashedly conservative president we've had in forever, he's done enough great to where I can say I don't really give a fuck if he blows up some sandnigger who gases his own people.

I distinctly remember this post word for word in a previous thread.

Our deep state believes its (((intelligence sources))). They need a war to justify their existence

No, don't worry about that. Everyone with half a brain knows this is bullshit and reports from foreign news are already claiming a "chemical attack" didn't even actually happen.

The zio globalists are getting sloppy. I dont beleive the Syria gas story one single bit.

Assad too has done much for his country, has protected his nation against the rise of radical islamism and prevents mass migratory waves into europe.
The sole reason why europe got refugees was because of the civil war, before that most simply stayed in their own place
>some sandnigger
He’s unironically whiter than you lmao

Attached: 6DB58783-BB92-42C9-98E4-9CC8DF8FD179.jpg (252x355, 52K)

WMDs, gulf of Tonkin, Kuwaiti baby murder, people should be more wise to this shit. This is why I urge people to never ever join the military. You never know when you’re going to get drafted into a ZOG corporate war

I cannot understand why Assad would want to use chemical weapons when he's winning and the conflict is winding down.

So yes, I do suspect it is a false flag.

Nice copy pasta, Judean