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God I wish that were my wife in the third slide down. I've been thinking of taking her on a holiday to Nigeria or some other African country and walking around the streets at night in the hope she gets gangraped.

The reclaim sex would be incredible.

nigger hate threads are JDIF garbage to distract us from the Israeli chemical attack. Everyone belongs in their own homeland, we don't hate people who are in their own homeland. SAGE

>says the nigger with the skull of an ape

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Stay mad, wh*Teboi

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>gets aids and dies

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At least we can get AIDS, cracka, unlike you microscopic limpdicked mayoasses

name this "braaap meme origins"

The absolute state of white "men".

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Truth hurts, doesn't it nigger.

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>muh dick
why are you faggots so obsessed with bbc?
this has to be the gayest meme ever, it's like you're literally trolling yourself just by using it


>boasting about getting aids
The absolute state of niggers


He's a larping nigger

then why do white bitches coming to us all the time?

I want to see my white wife get gangfucked by large black men, user, but she's not into it. So I need to think up ways to trick her into it or make it happen.

>trusting jew porn

>jew porn

This is a meme, there's actually a shit ton of genuine amateur porn out there featuring black dudes with white girls.

And if you go on any cuckold/hotwife/swinger places, it's almost always white couples seeking black, very rarely do you see black couples seeking white bulls.

This is what I would say, if you went to African countries and they were modernised and developed, whites would probably be fetishised there too, and you would probably get black cucks.

I mean that the porn was made by jews

i'm trusting my eyes, whitey

>believing porn made by jews

Yeah, but there is a ton of amateur porn of girls getting blacked where Jews have nothing to do with it.

Black guys are a fetish, they're a sex object for women. I know that can cause feelings of envy and stuff, but you need to remember women are different from men.

Just because they fantasise about something, it doesn't really mean anything. The vast majority of women have rape fantasies, they definitely don't want to be with a rapist.

And I forgot to add it's based on the fact that they are exotic and such. In the same way white guys fetish exotic women too.

Like I said, if you go to Africa you will likely be fetishised by women there.

>Christcuck is into cuckoldry

Sounds about right

If we deleted black people from the US, the United States would suddenly be one of the safest places in the world to live with one of the lowest per capita violent crime rates. Hell, even just deleting Chicago makes our violent crime rates lower dramatically. But no, school shooters are the real problem.

I'm not into it, but m'lady is, and her pleasure is my pleasure.

You'll understand when you actually get a woman one day, kiddo. There is nothing more arousing than her being aroused and getting off.

It just so happens nothing makes my good little Christian wife squirt like being spitroasted by thug niggers in a hotel room.

No matter skin color everyone hates sjws

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