Hmmmmmmmm...... How exactly is this supposed to scare people?
Hmmmmmmmm...... How exactly is this supposed to scare people?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf am I looking at?
this is showing the config for a cisco switch with a motd that contains american flag + email address, means fucking nothing, also what kind of faggot types sho instead of sh, clearly an amatuer
Maybe use of force accompanies these hax?
it's not a hax at all user
Hackers got into computers all around the world and pasted this shit all over the place.
>Iranian data centers became some of the latest victims of the global bot attack late on Friday. Disabling router switches for internet service providers at data centers, the hackers, in a malign stunt, cut off web access for subscribers in their respective countries. “Don't mess with our elections,” the message on the compromised systems read, next to US flag,
lol, this REEKS of Israeli false flagging. Fucking slimy kikes, once you are aware of their tricks you can spot their operations easily.
nevermind i was completely wrong, thought this was a screenshot some random posted on twitter but it is a large scale compromise on cisco hardware
67 stars. Looks like America is gonna start annexing a fuckton of neighbors.
>67 stars on flag
I didn't notice. Good eye.
It's still definitely an state sponsored operation by the kikes, the wording of the message is forced as fuck and the far-left cat lady boomers that actually believe the "MUH RUSSIA STOLE THE ELECTION" hoax lack the expertise to pull this off.
I'm ok with this
Why does everything HAVE to always be the fucking jews? Isn't anybody else capable of such things?
that was 200% not done by the US
who the fuck hacks something just to post a flimsy warning?
for starters it tips the IT teams to immediately start digging for other threats, intrusions, & invasions. secondly it's just sloppy as fuck, the whole operation. if Iran falls for this then they are absolutely fucking stupid, same as the chemical bombs dropped out of a helicopter in Syria
if the US was involved in any way with either of these things it was the deep state apparatus, & I still even doubt that. the hack was likely done by a globalist actor
Could be the flag has 67 stars.
what happened?
He's studing for Ccna.
Because of the wording and the framing they are trying to push, it's obvious once you're familiar with their tricks.
>Isn't anybody else capable of such things?
Very few groups can pull off an attack like this.
Quiet satan