Gentlemen I recommend a tactical withdrawal to let their dicks get worn out jerking each other off. Rendezvous on Wednesday after this incident is forgotten like the last one
Leftypol Raid In Progress
Other urls found in this thread:
Pissing in an ocean of piss
>Implying any of those things is false
In all fields
oh no
>Let's influence Jow Forums by posting the truth
Don't see the problem here
this board has been under constant raid since the 2016 election from at least a dozen different organized sources, most of which far larger and more effective than laffypole.
>Gentlemen I recommend a tactical withdrawal to let their dicks get worn out jerking each other off
Everyone in thread is shilling predictably
I really don't give a fuck what those retards are doing. The bottom line is the US and Trump always have been and always will be kike stooges.
Plus, most of them never leaves.