Daily reminder to bongs to bin that knife or be prepared to face full force of the law

daily reminder to bongs to bin that knife or be prepared to face full force of the law.

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>invade bongland with a pisol
>become king

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bin that spoon.

we dont need pistols. we are taking over with only our brown cocks. brit men will soon have to pleasure us by law. we are here, and there is nothing they can do to stop us

I think it's time to ban murder.

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my hand to allaha, we will never let you pigs do that.

That's racist and islamophobic.

>go to to store and buy a knife
>carry it to your home
>get jailed

London is a joke.

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>authority confiscate physical items that can potentially harm others
>due to the inherent dangers of confiscation of potentially harmful items, this process will be voluntary. To not do so will be illegal.
>Nothing changes

need to strip this wire to get my car started mr genghis

>the full force of Bong law
>and then like, five maybe six more chances
>but then we'll totally sentence you to a week in goal
>as long as you're not white naturally
>whites get 15 years for their first offense because England

guys, this isn't funny anymore.

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So what do they do for personal protection? Is pepper spray at least legal or do you call the police and wait five minutes for the to o
Cone use thiers?

England need bins for muslims and shitskins, not knives. I carry i knife everywhere i go and always will.

when sharia is law, you will be not be able to carry a knife. we will make sure of it

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Wheres that infographic that shows the muslim plans by population? Seems UK is at the saturation level where the youth are sent out to do stabbings and such to get the gov to enact the sharia laws to combat it.

LOL, i thought this was a meme. Brits, please don't lose your fucking culture. Fucking do something. Kill everyone in government, I don't care. No excusefor carrying a knife? What the fuck dude? You need to revolt. And yes, I know, we will take the falklands while you are at civil war, but at least you won't become part of africa.

is bongistan finally overtaking canada in the race for being the most cucked country in the anglosphere?

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Is this fake? There are tons of reasons to carry a knife. It can save your life in hundreds of ways.

actually mr sakike there are many reasons to carry a knife completely legitimately

what a bullshitting faggot tryin to fearmonger and dupe people out of not defending themselves and arming themselves

>carve 1984 into trees around London using knives
i smell potential

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Fucking kek. What a pathetic cuck nation limeyland has become. Disgrace...

no need for a gun

just paint yourself black and say you are kangz

they cant say no


Whoa, I thought I was still range banned, let me elaborate. The knife is one of, if not the first, tool man created, and probably the most important. Even when you don't include personal protection, it allows you to cut Paracord, which you should also always carry (I've got my hilt wrapped in it), butcher wild game, cut plant matter for multiple purposes, create fire if you have flint, basically anything you need in a survival situation. Never underestimate the usefulness of a knife. It's why we've been using it for thousands and thousands of years.