Maria Ladenburger Death Celebration Reminder

The death of the daughter of a leading EU official was a great thing. Let us celebrate justice with this thread. It's amazing when an elite's daughter is raped and killed as a result of their policites of importing crime and islam. The death of the daughter he raised so lovingly is a JOY to Jow Forums. As a result of mass illegal immigration the murder and rape rates have risen dramatically in Germany.

Maria Ladenburger, the daughter of a high-ranking EU official, was returning from a party in the university city of Freiburg in Germany when she was assaulted on a cycle path.

She was raped and then drowned before her body was found in the River Dreisam.

The shocking incident happened on October 16 but details have only been released after an arrest on Friday.

The suspect, an Afghan migrant, was caught after police found DNA on a scarf near the path.

The dead girl's father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>brutally raped by Afghan illegal immigrant
>then drowned in a nearby river in a painful scary way

True justice. It's amazing that a high-ranking EU official got dealt such beautiful karma.

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The family of an EU official's teenage daughter who was allegedly raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in Germany has asked for well-wishers to donate money to a refugee charity.

Medical student Maria Ladenburger, who had also taken time out to help asylum seekers as a volunteer, was found dead in a river in the south-western German university city of Freiburg in October.
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Reminder there is a God.

>brown eyes



Wait a minute, how is DNA alone enough to find him? Does the EU have a bank of everyone's DNA somewhere?

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I remember her, just another sacrifical victim to the jews.
I have mixed feeling about her death, but OP, you are a little too edgy.

KYS disgusting Untermensch

She worked with Refugees and comes from a pro immigrant family that is high ranking in EU

She was raped and murdered lol

It's so often that innocent citizens have to suffer for their virtue signalling evil. This time justice came and the stupid bitch was properly killed instead of innocents.

You realize she deserved it? She was pro immigrant. She is the reason why more Germans are murdered per year than before. Why is it a bad thing if the results of her policies are felt directly?

what do you think
is daddy still a pro refugee?

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>0 chill confirmed
Really sad this is no laughing matter but a consequence of a certain "lack of faith" which I find quite disturbing.

he probably faps to it with the other bureaucrats

>look now the German people get to enjoy Afghanistan culture

>we are all about high society, laws, orders etc
>let's just let random people with no order or legality cross borders and take welfare from our citizens and rape/kill at higher rates
>forget rule of law
>forget democracy
>we know best
>islam belongs in Germany

Wow, white nationalists in this thread are glad an innocent girl was raped and killed.

You guys are some sick puppies.

You obviously never read up on her politics.

Innocents are ones that didn't want migrants.
Innocents aren't EU bureaucrats destroying European culture
Innocents aren't people who make dictator like declarations that laws don't exist and to come take welfare and molest the girls of a country

When the daughter of an elite dies it's a good day.

She was a compassionate person who only wanted to help people fleeing their dangerous wartorn homelands?


Ain't multiculturalism grand?

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>Innocents aren't EU bureaucrats destroying European culture

You don't know what European culture is you fat burger cunt so don't even try to comment on it.

She showed her compassion to the fullest.

Perhaps reality is different than stupidity. Perhaps Afghanistans let in in a chaotic system of illegal immigration and chaos is stupid and not compassion.

Those people never change. Even his daughter's final thoughts were probably worry about racism her death is going to cause.

And god raped by the same monkeys she invited in, reap what you sow cunt. LMAO

I see the future of it quite clearly.

>She was a compassionate person
She was a genocidal whore, but still, I don't feel to celebrate her death.

>bring your children up to be docile, kind, compassionate and charitable
>import millions of aggressive, mean, selfish rapists and murderers

European youth are going to have to grow up and harden up fast.

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I'm glad. Not that she died, but that the elites who do this to us suffer. >war torn countries
Yeah it's almost like we don't want this in our homes.

Ignore reality. The new germans are just as German as anyone else. Islam belongs in Germany. This is all good.

>Yeah it's almost like we don't want this in our homes.

Europe is not your home you silly amerifat. Go eat a cheeseburger. You sound hungry and agitated.


We want millions of people from cultural hellholes with terrible genetics.
We also don't want to criticize their culture.

So we will import them, not change their culture, and not worry about the genetics. It will just all work out. Everything is going great.

>. The death of the daughter he raised so lovingly is a JOY to Jow Forums.
youre trying too hard fagot, fuck off

Like it isn't happening in America

Truth hurts cuck

Upset you didn’t get to lick the cum out of her, eh Hans?


What else is there to do mate? Might as well celebrate the retarded decisions becoming obviously stupid.

When you are dealing with egotistical brainlets who live outside of reality the only thing to do is celebrate their failings.


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He raised money to help more refugees arrive in germany. They can enrich Germany by taking government money from Germans and then increase crime rate.

This is good because it felt righteous to do for elites. Regardless of consequence.

Why are you quoting me, i fully agree.
The daughters and wives of pró-migrant politicians should all be raped and killed by them

So they didn't think rape would happen? They didn't think murder would happen?

Is this ignorance or is it a burden the german people should carry? What about the ones who didn't want mass welfare and immigration?

Tell me the logic of this. Would it have been better if the victim was anti-migrant?

The crime increase was predictable. The molestations predictable. The rapes predictable. The increase rate of these crimes is predictable.

Did they have illusions about Islamic migrants from afghanistan and their views? Is it the 15 year old girl that should take the burden of being a victim so merkel can feel good in media?

This cannot be serious, nobody is that dumb

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>would it have been better if the victim was anti-migrant?
It would've been worse and I'd have actual sympathy

Just like those "compassionate" people rescue pitbulls instead of dogs that aren't shit and subsequently get their faces torn off.
She deserved it, just like them.

They just thought they would not be so unlucky it would happen to them.

This is absolutely horrible.

This ought to be a moment of clarity for all white advocates as to the natural instincts and probable true ethnic origins of our American interlocutors. Psychologically healthy human beings, when they see or hear a report of the suffering of an innocent recoil and are filled with great sadness, this is amplified still further in the case of a family member or a member of one’s own ethnic group. However we see here that “white” Americans do not have this instinct, in fact they have the opposite tendency, they glory in the rape and murder of European women, this is because they do not recognise in this girl a sister or a daughter but instead only a potential receptacle for their primitive lusts


why are you paying respect?

someone should start handing out maps to EU official's homes and pictures of their females at refugee centers

Shill harder faggot. It's only because her entire family are pro migrant elites that any of us are happy about this.

>The new germans are just as German as anyone else. Islam belongs in Germany.
We need a new term to differentiate between Germans (ethnic) and Germany-"Germans" (guys with a passport).

for one you can tell it's an afghan from DNA

Shut up and get out of your basement already. Get some fresh air for once.

s to spit on grave

Pretty soon they'll be telling you you're a nation of immigrants because thousands of years ago people walked up to Europe, therefore you have no reason to not let in hordes of muslims and Africans

oy you got a loicense for that mate?

Better watch your mouth or you will go to jail

>a member of one’s own ethnic group

I start to think that leftists are a separate specie, a mutation of sort, not belonging anymore to the human race. Maybe I'm not alone, but is increasing difficult to feel sadness for them.

Fuck off to KC!

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>Afghan migrant

Reminder that Afghans (Pashtuns) are Aryan Indo-Europeans.

Probably made him hate Aryans even more

>hiding flag
>talking shit
>no arguments
Zu den gaskammern mit ihm, Wachmann

they already claim that europeans have no claim to europe despite also claiming amerindians had a racial claim to america

The increase murder rate
The genetic displacement
The increased welfare costs and government costs
The social cohesion loss
The terrorism spending

I could go on and on. All predictable. For what? A virtue signal no one will care about. In 5 years the migrants will call Germans racist as they pay for everything of the migrant's.

>Zu den gaskammern mit ihm, Wachmann

another desensitized WN incel living in his basement.

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Can you shut the fuck up already? You're not European. Stop sticking your nose in EU affairs.

When nationalists were running Germany, the murder rate was far greater.

Realpolitic no, merkel practices realfuckingstupid.

No one will answer for this. No one will give a legitimate pragmatic reason. They will bumble about in stupid predictable low IQ ways. On it goes. The dead and raped. The loss in economy.

All of the results will be hidden. The Media will cover for the crimes. The statistics will be only whispered. No one cares except to put a bow on it. We will imagine things worked out. We will imagine it is great.

If we fail to go along with the illusion it will be our faults. Iraq, a great victory. Afghanistan, a great victory. Mass illegal immigration, amazing for the country. China, about to collapse or about to turn democracy.

The illusion of these buffoons must continue. We have to keep it going.

It infuriates me that this is happening in Europe and I'll tell you why.
>be a white Euromutt American
>say you want to live with other whites
>be told to go back to Europe
>go back to Europe
>be told Europeans have no claim to Europe
>kill myself

hahahahah the hitler excuse comes out

I hope you're getting paid. Otherwise why do you waste so much time to add nothing to the discussion.

>vice not being biased

You're probably not European either. See how I can use a meme flag too?

>don't speak the truth
We live in a world of death, war, and carnage. Speaking out about reality and the death of this girl simply a lesson that has to be learned from. The yearning for illusion and fake victories is the problem. They have lost touch with reality.

>what do you thinkis daddy still a pro refugee?
Yes, even more so. Now he gets to virtue signal that he sacrificed her at the altar of globalism/diversity. Abraham would have sacrificed Isaac, no?

Current cost to Germany, probably not including higher security cost


If they had spent that much money on refugee camps they would have helped more.

It will never occur to him the completely illegal and unregulated admission of migrants caused it. They won't take responsibility for the drownings and crime either.

It's fine to wave a carrot in front of people. The results aren't your fault.

We all know that she enjoyed it

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some may not understand

The migrant in question committed attempted murder in Italy before arriving in GErmany. The chaotic and illegal way Germany allowed in migrants without process is why he was free to rape and kill the locals.

They can't do it legally because the populace and system would revolt. Hence USA/Germany and others allow so much illegal immigration. So they can absolve themselves of legal processes.

The only legal process is done in deportation. Which is then obscenely slow and long giving enough time to flee, hide, or kill.

Karma (consequentialism) is a bitch. Reality will hit and hit hard.

Exactly, this is why I claim that you are not white, for you everything must be instrumentalized, you have no higher values or taboos, you are like a gypsy that cripples his own child to increase his begging take for the day

Boo ooo, boo ooo, a dead western woman :(

They dug their own grave and now must reap what they sowed.

He is a Turk living in Germany, who posts on Krautchan to defend Islam.

>100% European DNA
>Not White

I would be just as happy if not even more so if this happened to Chelsea Clinton

It's extreme brainwashing

They no longer think, reason, or even exist in reality. They have gone too abstract, too into the clouds.

They can not logically create a coherent understanding of what is going on.

The culture of islam
The genetics of the migrants

etc. They seem unable to imagine someone non-white would be racist or sexist, or even have agency. They imagine a world where people would thank Germany for the hospitality instead of viewing it as a weakness they can't wait to destroy.

They don't understand human nature at all. It's people heavily indoctrinated into quips about "diversity is strength" as if they want to live in an islamic society or that such people won't ever express such beliefs.

Toll paid
Father will hang nevertheless. The family is on the list

Wait what?! This kind of thing is only supposed to happen to the commoners! This is an outrage!

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For instance we can clearly look at 2nd/3rd generation of people from the same areas in multiple other countries such as Sweden and France.

You can see the truth. It's laid out very obviously.

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This. If the libcuck parents are that chill with the death of their OWN daughter, they wouldn't bat a fucking eyelid had the perp raped and murdered some other poor girl, preferably one of the 'racist commoners.'

>after a few generations the crime will decrease, they will assimilate

Crime is higher in every European country with such immigrants each successive generation. This is even small scale immigration. Look up swedish 2nd/3rd generation employment rates and social welfare costs.

By all known metrics. By all known studies. Germany will have a bigger problem in 10 years than it does now.

They can not argue pragmatically. Metrically. They can not argue with facts or with intelligence. The only arguments are "we must suffer" for which I answer you will.

The librul gene

Since when is it normal for whites to fantasise about interracial rape, admit it you’re just another Tyrone or Ahmed looking to spread your seed

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Ms Özoğuz insisted that the new immigrants shouldn’t be seen primarily as an economic resource.

“We don’t take in refugees according to their skills set,” she said. “The only criteria should be to help people fleeing war and political persecution.”

In Herrgarden, perhaps the most deprived part, the employment rate in 2015 was 27 per cent. In Sweden as a whole, it was 78 per cent. The unemployment rate for foreign-born people in Malmo is four times that of those born in Sweden.

It's his great story at parties.

I know. They don't think. I wouldn't call it a liberal gene though. These people do not reason. They do not question. They are on this track and then live in a fantasy world and are only upset if people tell them the reality is different.

Yeah that's what I'm doing. It's not like I scrolled through Jow Forums saw a pro migrant EU politicians daughter was raped and killed and thought "karma"

Britbong you should just stop.

he probably masturbates over the thought of his daughter's rape and murder, these Marxists are demented

They have to show the world how humanitarian they are. Please now, send everyone who believes women are animals meant to be raped if they dont cover up. No problems will occur.

Also let the german people pay for them.

you're projecting

only ppl ecstatic about the rape and murder of this innocent girl are the white nationalists.

this thread is full of posts that backs up my claim.

Because we're the only ones who want to fix it and send the shitholers back home