RIP The World 2018 RIP

WW3 starting soon and Russia will nuke US

it didn't have to be like this

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Other urls found in this thread: syria

gods above and below I pray this happening happens.

i need a xanax, this is terrible

I was too late to give my coom to loosh fuel the happening planned in that other thread, but I'm down now. Just need to figure out what to focus on.

B пoбeдe бeccмepтных идeй кoммyнизмa
Mы видим гpядyщee нaшeй cтpaны,
И Кpacнoмy знaмeни cлaвнoй Oтчизны
Mы бyдeм вceгдa бeззaвeтнo вepны!

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maximum anxiety

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please nuke us.
I am sitting on my roof waiting.

omg i know

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I already know we will be disappointed and nothing happens