WW3 starting soon and Russia will nuke US
it didn't have to be like this
WW3 starting soon and Russia will nuke US
it didn't have to be like this
gods above and below I pray this happening happens.
i need a xanax, this is terrible
I was too late to give my coom to loosh fuel the happening planned in that other thread, but I'm down now. Just need to figure out what to focus on.
B пoбeдe бeccмepтных идeй кoммyнизмa
Mы видим гpядyщee нaшeй cтpaны,
И Кpacнoмy знaмeни cлaвнoй Oтчизны
Mы бyдeм вceгдa бeззaвeтнo вepны!
maximum anxiety
please nuke us.
I am sitting on my roof waiting.
omg i know
I already know we will be disappointed and nothing happens