Women hate thread

If you don't have anything relevant, sluddites hate is fine too

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Also, daily rerminder that women are not people

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I hear wamen built a bridge though, isn't it true? Where was it again? In Florida?

collapsed less than a month later

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oh nooo

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Quit making all of us virgins look bad.

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This is why I call you guys "White Sharia"

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desu, it's more like seizing what is vital to us by the throat as long as a proper substitute doesn't work with the same efficiency

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Stop watching porn and blaming women for your inadequacies. The reason you don't have a GF is because you fap all day and are autistic.

This is as far, far, far left as it gets. You're literally suggesting brave new world.

Such is the price to pay to fix the one unreliable part of humanity. Once this piece is gone (good riddance), instincts will change, and dominance might take a new form

Free matrket saving the day yet again

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Link article with woman who admits they're losing power. Also they're putting women out of business in holland.

Ever notice that "women hate thread" literally ALWAYS means "white women hate thread?" Nice memeflag, OP.