Syria becomes the center of WW3. Bombings, attacks, all happenings have begun. Drumpf betrayed Jow Forums possibly and shit is happening. It's now too late too stop, no one listened to Jow Forums
Syria becomes the center of WW3. Bombings, attacks, all happenings have begun. Drumpf betrayed Jow Forums possibly and shit is happening. It's now too late too stop, no one listened to Jow Forums
>16 threads despite your containment sticky
Fuck off. You boomers need to be put to sleep.
>shills think they can make us abandon Trump
>Israel bombs Syria and blames U.S
You really think we're not on to you? Get a good grip on your panties because we've seen all your tactics and know how to spot them. We've found your secret hideouts before and you bet your asses we'll do it again.
They'll all kill themselves when the money from their reverse mortgage runs out
>Essential is not what we are fighting for, but how we fight. Onward toward the goal, until we triumph or are left behind. The warriors' spirit, the exposure of oneself to risk, even for the tiniest idea, weighs more heavily in the scale than all the brooding about good and evil.
- Ernst Jünger
>War alone keys up all human energies to their maximum tension and sets the seal of nobility on those peoples who have the courage to face it. All other tests are substitutes which never place a man face to face with himself before the alternative of life or death. Therefore all doctrines which postulate peace at all costs are incompatible with Fascism.
- Benito Mussolini
>Fascism appears to us as a reconstructive revolution, in that it affirms an aristocratic and spiritual concept of the nation, as against both socialist and internationalist collectivism, and the democratic and demagogic notion of the nation. In addition, its scorn for the economic myth and its elevation of the nation in practice to the degree of ‘warrior nation’, marks positively the first degree of this reconstruction, which is to re-subordinate the values of the ancient castes of the ‘merchants’ and ‘slaves’ to the values of the immediately higher caste. The next step would be the spiritualisation of the warrior principle itself.
- Julius Evola
Do you want total war
Throw out Christ and bring back Thor?
Do you want total war
Unleash the beast in man once more?
Do you want total war
Dance and do the lion's roar?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Yes, you want total war!
Yes, you want total war!
>The human race ranks highly because it belongs to the class of beasts of prey. Therefore we find in man the tactics of life proper to a bold, cunning beast of prey. He lives engaged in aggression, killing, annihilation. He wants to be master in as much as he exists.
- Oswald Spengler
>Syria becomes the center of WW3
*wew lad!*
I remember when the Russian Web Brigades memed for months that Hillary was gonna trigger WWIII with her no-fly zone over Syria. Draft Our Daughters, too.
Then Turkey deliberately shoots down a Russian fighter jet. Putin writes a sternly worded letter, but apologizes in private. A Turkish man shoot the Russian ambassador, a friend of Putin's in cold blood, Putin writes another sternly worded letter.
Russia has been killing civilians in Syria instead of ISIS. ISIS grows in strength and finally bombs one a Russian passenger jet full of civilians out of the sky (kinda like the one Putin had shot down over Ukraine). Putin writes a sternly worded letter, but he also starts attacking ISIS in addition to slaughtering innocent men women and children with banned chemical weapons.
Trump finds out about Putin and assad's war crimes and bombs the shit out of an airbase with cruise missiles. Not exactly a "no-fly zone" that those lying Russians claimed would start WWIII, but enough to get Putin to write another sternly worded letter.
All I can figure is that if Trump takes charge of the situation and takes these war criminals out, the world will be on his side. And it will save the Kremlin a few pages of apology stationery.
Oh, yeah. Inb4 Putinbots
>fuck off kike
>go back nigger
>meme flag
Pay increase inbound. Yay.
Probably never spent a second on the battlefield, except Battlefield 1 in his moms basement.
Get shot and youll sing a different tune.
Found the liberal soyboy. You afraid of war, pussy?
because it's not happening
Good game.
God bless israel, may the west defend them.
Jesus fuck. You shills really do act like chickens with their heads chopped off.
>tfw no fashy loli gf
shut up, nerd.