Anyone want to fake my friend for me? A nude shop would be great or a bubble would be ok too. Thanks everyone

Anyone want to fake my friend for me? A nude shop would be great or a bubble would be ok too. Thanks everyone

Attached: 87442E95-A50C-41AC-A8AA-30FD2083BBE9.jpg (1536x2048, 587K)




A baby bump, to be precise

I adore pregnant chicks. They're just SO HOT.

Agreed I dream to fuck a pregnant girl

Any more?

i'll see what i can do.

here it is

Attached: request5.jpg (1536x2048, 377K)

Only other preg picture. Not sure if someone could pull the top down lel

Attached: BDDA7D49-F456-4337-BCBA-131BAA7F22FD.jpg (1242x1403, 591K)

Wow thank you that’s hot, only way that could get better would be a full nude shop, you’re an expert bubbler

Bump for nude shop

love the swollen breasts my wife’s were amazing during pregnancy but after the kid now are pancakes

thanks man. i do fine with bubbling but still struggle with fake nudes.

The glass bubble thing is sexy! Would you want to try another pic for me? If not, it’s ok figured I would ask.

Attached: 9DF39A92-2C86-4950-B65F-F32F23E84086.jpg (1242x982, 1.08M)

Some color and lighting problems but hopefully you like. Enjoy!

Attached: 1556419353095-ns.jpg (1242x1378, 1.09M)

Im not That all i could do, still learning in photoshop. FInd some to finish it

forgot the pic

Attached: 123.jpg (1242x982, 303K)

Love the shop, execution is great, you’re very good at making it realistic. I really don’t like the weird cone nipples/boobs though, would it be hard to switch them with another set? I don’t know photoshop too well

ungreatful fuck

any taker?

Attached: DSCF1075.jpg (1332x1975, 640K)

OP here, fuck off she’s my friend

holy fucking shit, you are a wizard!

Agreed, I hope he does my other friend