“Most likely #Israel used the Dolphin Class submarine in this strike, to get safe/ensured results especially after the Syrian air defense managed to down an Israeli F-16 during it last engagement with #Syria”- via @WaelAlRussi
Death to R*ssia and pidorashkas. Death to Jewtin. Death to Israel.
Jace Turner
>shills think they can make us abandon Trump >Israel bombs Syria and blames U.S
You really think we're not on to you? Get a good grip on your panties because we've seen all your tactics and know how to spot them. We've found your secret hideouts before and you bet your asses we'll do it again.
Gavin Thomas
Cliffs: kikes shot cruise missiles from the sea to bait Russia into attacking American ships.
Russia scrambled jets and sent them to the sea, but turned them around after America denied involvement.
Now that all the brainlets have left, I'd like to remind you all that this doesn't mean anything. Even if Israel did bomb Syria - they've done it before - and there won't be any consequences. Same for if the US did it.
Brody Phillips
now two vietnam draft dodgers in the US government
Jackson Ramirez
HAPPENING: Russian jets have shot down 4 unidentified fast moving aircraft with no identifying markers over Homs. A drone has been destroyed near Latakia aswell.
US is denying its them and the missiles are not from them and are scrambling to find out whats happening and is "closely monitoring the situation".
Russian defence ministry is allegedly demanding answers now after Russian and Iranian regular forces are reportedly killed in " sudden and sustained cruise missile" strikes.
Possible IAF action, if so expect Israel to be attacked in response. All signs pointing to Israeli's at this time.
Lots of reports from every source MSM,Independent,Russian,American,Iranian,Chinese,Terrorist,Rebel of various things. Some is likely disinfo or warmongering lies.
Guys we need real evidence. WHAT IS GOING ON? >mfw need to sleep >tfw will wake up to the Levant in flames.
5- tonight the Syrian Air Defense Forces managed to down 8 missiles as the Syrian state TV stated. The interception was done by the BUK-Pantsir system. And I’m waiting for the wreckage images to identify what kind of missile #Israel used (most likely Popeye Turbo SLCM)
Dominic Watson
>doesn't start WW3 >REEEEE WORTHLESS WEAPONS Churkas need to leave tbqh
It was a cruise missile and it wasn't shot down, it landed on its intended target.
Chase Gomez
Because we give them S400 for free, not actually selling. Also we are building nuclear reactors for them for free. Fuck off Mimi. Go be russiaboo somewhere else.
Mostly the Jow Forums rumor-mills at this point. Been reading that the missiles were launched from Israeli subs but not much else.
Ayden Price
Henry Jackson
Nothing yet, but found in Lebanon channels
Matthew Murphy
Israel launched from well outside of Syria; the only thing they'd have a chance at was the Delilahs, but it would have been a salvo time on target, so they wouldn't have been up in the air by the time they hit.
Lucas Anderson
Don't believe the churka It probs didn't happen But still it's not confirmed
Parker Flores
Syrian T-4 airbase in Homs province was subjected to a missile attack - SANA
The T-4 airbase in the east of the Syrian province of Homs was attacked by missiles. This is reported by the SANA agency referring to its correspondent.
It is also specified that the air defense of the Syrian army fired back at the missiles that were sent to the airbase.
As RIA Novosti reports referring to the Al-Mayadin TV channel, the missiles that attacked the Syrian airbase allegedly flew through Lebanese airspace from the Mediterranean side.
It showed the Russian resolve. They did scramble into the med with their air force. That will change the calculus.
Jace Clark
Isn't it intresting that gass attacks pop up in the media when they are leaving Its almost like (((someone))) as a interest in keeping the region a shitshow
Nathaniel Fisher
Basically you're reiterating what John McCain said earlier today.
nah, that would be Iran. Swoop in trying to save Assad, fail, get bailed out by the Russians, but watch as the Russians let Israel bomb your forces and take control of the Syrian government. All that blood and money spent for little to nothing as Russia takes the cake.
Ethan Gutierrez
See any proofs? Your picrelated is a jew and hates russia.
Israel believed Syrian air defences would mistake their planes for US jets and avoid shooting them down for fear of causing an escalation. It seems they even flew in from the Mediterranean, over Lebanon, from the direction of where there's US fleet in the Mediterranean is stationed, causing further confusion
Its not confirmed you retarded ASShatist, they are simply stating that ASShats media is reporting they shot down some missiles, however this is doubtful seeing as ASShat didn't even know who was attacking him.
Asher Walker
>It showed the Russian resolve.
Fuck off. They did nothing.
They should put missiles on Israeli airfields right fucking now.
Grayson Ward
Not really, they showed some response but the Kremlin are a bunch of a pussies that tell an already pissed off MoD to stand down for "m-muh geopolitics'!"
The day they grow a pair is when they lock out Putin, get the nukes and tell that manlet to hide his bunker if he wants to or not
Asher Baker
That's just Iran thinking everyone is crazy about Allah as they are Assad is just more pragmatic
Aaron Robinson
Russia in the Syrian Civil War is like the US was in Iraq or Afghanistan just a few years ago. They've embroiled themselves in this foreign quagmire and the limited operating space makes it impossible for them to show their actual power or end it quickly.
Except unlike the US, Russia can't really afford these kinds of foreign military adventures that well. And what do they gain from this? Their ally in the region doesn't die... That's about it. This was a defensive operation from the start, preventing the toppling of the Assad government or the fracturing of Syria. They don't have anything to gain, they're just trying to stop the bleeding. Even if they succeed, they're in a worse position than they started in.
Colton Walker
Redditor. You copied this word for word from reddit.