
If someone soul was unable to enter heaven, would spilling heretic blood resolve him of his past crimes and allow him to be redeemed in Gods eye?

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No. Only Christ redeems. Else is blasphemy.

Nothing would work cause none of that shit is real.

Yup. Love Christ.

Yes, goy, now get your fat ass to Syria so we can false flag in peace.

Why wouldn't it, could you go into further detail?
Go circle jerk in all those shitty WW3 threads.

Man I saved by faith in Jesus alone. Not works of any kind.

Ya know glad a thread like this popped up. Hope it gets attention.

I've been thinking alot and I'm considering converting (if that's what it's called for atheists too) but I'm not sure. If I've already sinned then what's the point? And if God hates people based of literal human flaws that some can't help then why make us just to damn us. I want to believe because it's a comfortable thought but there are just so many inconsistencies. And which is the true faith? Why can't I have a personal relationship with God? Why would I have to follow jesus? Doesn't make sense a person who doesn't know of Jesus could be damn ed just because he was ignorant.

Please /pol convert me.

Literally Muslim logic. Justify violence however you want. Killing without cause is a sin.

Nothin? Not a troll post genuine in my desires

Only one way to heaven...
You must repent of your sin, believe that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God and messiah, died for your sins, was buried, and rose again as stated in the Word of God, then confess that He is Lord.

If you have difficulty, pray, study the Word, and repeat until you have faith.

Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 hours is great. The book is an easy read and the lectures are free on the Koinonia House YouTube channel.

Given what is happening in Syria, we are quickly running out of 24hours. Might want to quit shitposting and get on it, NOW!

your soul is awakening, come to the truth that is the love of Christ

How? And I need answers to my questions

Everyone on earth is a sinner. We all deserve the death penalty for falling short of the righteousness required by God.

Churches these days are mostly just playing church to keep the women happy. Your personal faith in Jesus is what is important. Free pardon for all crimes. You just have to accept it and start letting Him work out all your shit. May take awhile. Be patient.

this isn't a Jow Forums thread why exactly is shit like this allowed?

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

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It's not a cocksucker thread either.

King of kings. How can you possibly get more political?

Can someone explain to me why I need Jesus though? Why is Christian the "true religion?" Why can't I have a personal connection with God himself and ask for forgiveness?

Many things to unpack here but I'll bite.

What would happen if your only option was to love God? You would know nothing else and your love would mean nothing because he forced you via giving only one option. He gave you free will and let evil reign because your love would be much more meaningful if it was done out of free will.

You can have a personal relationship with God and even talk with him. You would not be able to hear him physically but through EXPERIENCE. For example, an old friend of mine keeps popping up in my thoughts would mean God is pushing for me to get reacquainted. Pray but within reason, (God is not handing out free gibmedats) and he will answer by giving you an experience.

"A man on a remote island will never hear of the gospel therefore he is damned." WRONG. God has given a conscious for those ignorant ones he will judge based on the decisions you make consciously. Also, God is an architect, the entirety of creation points to a higher being. A quick example is the size of the sun and moon being the same size from our perspective despite the real, extreme disparity in size.

Lastly, the world will end, even science acknowledges this. Gods plan is to leave this world because time and time again degeneracy finds a way to taint humanity. It is up to you to leave with him hence "salvation".

Lastly the important of Jesus. God crushing evil is easy but Satan has infiltrated man, his most beloved creation. So Jesus came down and defeated Satan AS A MAN. This was done so that we can be rejoined to God. Think of Christ as the new bridge between God and man, built to replace the broken one.
Brother, I need to sleep. But with much prayer, I hope to see you when the divine kingdom of God arrives.

You can't reject God's Word and expect to have a personal relationship with Him. Have you read the Bible? If so, which of Jesus Christ's teachings do you disagree with?

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Appreciate it. Again no troll, I am genuinely looking into this. Perhaps I'll make a thread tommarow or visit a church. I have alot of questions but God sounds like a nice thought.

Actually I have not. But it's one of the things I plan to do in my search. But aren't there like 4 of them?

>Gods plan is to leave this world because time and time again degeneracy finds a way to taint humanity. It is up to you to leave with him hence "salvation".

Um. Will you leave in gods spaceship?

You asked a question about religion. I mocked your ignorance. Go and die if that is what you want, but there is no salvation outside yourself.
Don't be a tool, fool.

You really should take my earlier advice and hit YouTube. It answers a lot of this. I will briefly try...

Trinity one God with three persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. It takes some bible study to get that straight. Took me a couple of years to understand well.

Anyhow, Father hates sin and is just. He cannot allow sin or he would not be just. He can have the penalty paid for by a proxy, His Son Jesus. Imagine if you sent your child to suffer and be murdered by a bunch of assholes for a bunch of degenerate low lifes because you are trying to fix this shithole. Your only requirement is that people believe your Son actually did this for them. How pissed off would you be if someone said that you were lying and your child was a myth?

Pissed enough to cast some hard headed bastard into hell for eternity.

All you have to do is believe. Even just a little, but sincerely. If you believe, you're still a piece of shit, but God doesn't see that. He sees His perfect Son when you are covered by His blood. (Spiritually)

The Holy Spirit seals the deal and will begin to convict you of your sin. You will desire to learn about the God who loves you so much and read the Word which tells you about Him.

He's loving, but he takes no shit. Old Testament and New are the same God. He hates sin and is about to pour out His wrath on earth. Best to be on team Jesus by then.

Israel just fired the beginning shot of the Ezekiel 38 war, so time is VERY SHORT for this limited time offer.

Again thanks for the run down. I suppose I'll read the Bible. And it's not salvation I am after. I mean even hell sounds better than just not existing. That it has to be Jesus though is what gets me. Thinking there is a god doesn't sound dumb even to an atheist. Just ya know, why this specific one(Jesus)?

needs to be a 3rd temple in Jerusalem

There are over a thousand different translations which is troubling but generally there is not much meaning change between versions. I just finished the King James Version and I'm starting it again. I consider it the most reliable because it is the most popular. You should download the Bible app. You can cheat and listen to it on audio. It also gives you a different Bible verse each day. I was unsure like you are now, until I read His Word. I realized that Christianity is the only true religion. Everything else is manmade thus flawed. Start reading the New Testament and make your way back to the Old Testament. You could easily read a book of the Bible a day.

I came to Christ by realizing that it's the only religion with moral objectivity. There is right and there is wrong.

Everything else is all about finding some balance between good and evil and being a transcendent being through the synthesis of light and dark. It's all a lot of horseshit and it's exactly the type of occult shit that the elite have ascribed to throughout human history. Call it paganism, luciferianism, hermetic secret knowledge, etc. etc. It's all shit meant to legitimize the rapacious lusts of degenerate kiddie fuckers. You'd be surprised how many prominent people are obsessed with the "Do as thou wilt" philosophy of Aliester Crowley.

I wear a crucifix on a chain because Christ is about protecting children, and the opposite is about fucking and eating them for eternal earthly life (literally Crowley's postulation)

I also wear it because I live in NYC and the snarls I get are just priceless, be they from dirty pagan chicks with fuckin moon and star tattoos or people of the tribe. They snarl and it makes me happy to walk past them in all my glory.


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It's rumored that the stones have already been cut and are waiting assembly. The priests are trained. The temple instruments are ready. The red heifer needed for Israel's sin is alive and has been certified pure. Trump is known for two and building.

You got some news to catch up on.

For real though, the gods of other faiths (hinduism, roman/greek gods) are dirty cunts that rape and pillage. Pan (and the many names of the horned diety) for example.

Tantra shit is all about child fucking. That's how a young boy's "third eye is opened" to these creeps.

Buddhism is cool and ascetic, but there's no God or heaven. It's practically paganism because like most eastern religions, "everything is god, and we're all god, blah blah"

Scientology is a cult that practices MK Ultra style mind control created by ex-military guy named Hubbard, who was friends with Crowley's rocket scientist apprentice and performed sex rituals with him.

Islam has some merit in my opinion, but it's still a murderous goat fuck religion that allows for quite a bit of maliciousness and mohammed was a pedophile.

Modern Judaism is an amagalmation of Babylonian Khazar degeneracy that has nothing to do with the jews of the Old Testament. The Talmud is the text of the synagogue of satan. Christ killers that see themselves as the chosen people and everyone else as cattle to be used and lied to in order to meet their khazar ends.

Freemasonry is about "liberty, equality, and brotherhood" which is a cover for elite bankers creating one world of cultureless cattle they can rule over. Rejecting god above man. Adam Weishaupt's illuminati postulations ARE satanism, and the elite ascribe to it, i.e. abuse children.

Get with Christ, because everything else is literal shit. Also read vigilantcitizen. Great stuff when it comes to the occult.

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Dually noted. But not everyone follows it to the letter. Many have sex before marriage. Many people kill in his name or defence. Alot of good Christians are slaughtered through history. Why is no fun allowed? And how can anyone expect to be so holy such as chaste when we are but humans? And the age old question of the world is super shit, why allow people to suffer so?

There's so many things wrong here, I don't know where to start.

Luke 2:14

soon then.

Why this specific one?

Because it is the Will of God.
A rock of salvation for some.
A stone of stumbling for many.

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great rebuttal, faggot

Repent and believe in Christ, you dense sinner.

Glory to God, indeed!


There is a divine in Buddhism. You misunderstand. Compare Plato's description of nirvana in Phaedo. Pantheism is an aspect of all Indo-European mythologies.

We're all sinners, and we will all continue to sin.

Jesus extended his hand to Mary Magdalene when she was gonna be stoned, but she didn't die a whore.

We should feel guilt and try to be good rather than celebrate ourselves and our sins like satanists, or pass it off as "part of the transcendent human experience" like paint faced yogi fags.

You probably right. I can be a simpleton about things I haven't taken the necessary time to understand. Buddhism being one of them. Thank you.