I am the leftist trying to get redpilled but I want good reasons to explain to myself and other leftists why they should reconsider their position on him. I genuinely want to know
inb4, he's going to return niggers to Africa, kikes to Israel, etc etc.
Did you see who he was running against? What our choice was?
Angel Ward
Hudson Reed
because he wants borders
Samuel Watson
follow your own advice
Bentley White
Because he has a cult following him. Nothing has changed since 2015 and they still back him. It's disturbing to say the least.
Justin Perry
We hate drumpf, he was useful to us right up until the election but right now anything that isn't gassing the kikes is an obstacle to gassing the kikes.
Security: reduced illegal immigration, building wall,
In one year he's put himself in the to three presidents of all time.
Jose Rivera
Lincoln Taylor
I forgot
Trade policy: Pulled out of terrible TPP, pulled out of horrible Paris Accord, renegotiating NAFTA, telling China to get fucked with their unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.
Eli Bennett
>Cut taxes, reduced regulations, how is this not bad?
Jeremiah Green
Angel Howard
It's only bad if you want to be a slave, here in America we like to work and accumulate wealth.
Samuel Flores
is this a shill thread where you pretend to be honest and open and then your little shill buddies in discord come in and shit on Trump? saged just in case
Andrew Rodriguez
Hey thanks for the comment dude, ya got me im a total coonboy and will promptly kill myself, thanks for the advice. Cheers!
Grayson Garcia
pol is a Ron Paul board. But, it was pretty obvious that (((they))) shut him out of the process. So, Trump comes along and brings the bantz. pol supported Trump because we wanted to crash the election with no survivors. Trump delivers most days.
None of that is his doing and illegal border crossings are already going up again. He's just piggybacking off of Obama.
Robert Clark
Only comment that has a glimmer of sense.
I appreciate you trying, too bad most people here didnt even try.
Sebastian Collins
>muh slavery t. retard who doesn't even know what a slave is. Literally Marx tier retardation
Nathan Cox
>Cuckadian Suck a dogs cock m8
Matthew Martinez
Moron I only live in Canada. American born actually.
Zachary Flores
>Why does Jow Forums love Trump so much? He is exempt from partisan politics. EVERYONE turned their back on him and his message. All of the dems, almost all of the republicans. ONLY because his message was to return the power of the government to the people. He is not a republican or a democrat.
This last election was bigger then repubs and dems. It was about people that were not either, and Bernie had a better chance then Hillary.
He is making America more fair for everyone. I think that he may implement NESARA before this is all over.
Jacob Carter
The biggest reason people like him, I believe, is because he is a nationalist, trying to work for the good of the American people. American politicians have been selling us out to multinational corporations for a while now and a lot of people have taken notice. Personally I'm on the fence about him, but I am very happy that Hillary lost. Fuck that ho
A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.
youtu.be/67y2V3ksdlA?t=1270 >The way I try to define the President's foreign policy objectives to people is he really has two major foreign policy objectives. Peace and Prosperity
>PyeongChang translates into "land of prosperity" in Korean and the city itself is located 50 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone in the Korean Peninsula, which separates North and South Korea. In order to prepare for the games, PyeongChang has beenstylized as "PyeongChang"for the first time in order to avoid confusion with the North Korean capital Pyongyang. Prior to that, the "C" was not capitalized.
>2017 was the year of the lord (5,777 in hebrew) >Trump was born under a blood moon eclipse >7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old. >7th US President from New York >Officially won by 77 electoral votes, due to 7 faithless electors >Skipped the 7th debate >Has 7 family members >First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long >Mother's name is Mary >Father's middle name is Christ >Declared his campaign on 6/16, saddest day on Jewish calendar (Tisha B'Av) >Tisha B'av in 2017 is 5,777 days since the start of the war in Afghanistan on Putin's 49th (7x7 years) birthday. >Born 700 days before Israel is founded. 777 days after his birth, Israel was a nation for 77 days >His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66. Jerusalem reunified on 6/7/67, 366 days after her death >5,777 days since 9/11 is 7/6/17 (anagram of 1776) in the year 5,777 >7 hours into presidency was 7x7 years, 7 months, and 7+7 days after Jerusalem reunification on the 7+7+7th day of 2017 or 5,777 >Lamech the father of Noah (builder of the Ark), died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old, symbolizing the year 5,777 >Mike Pence was born on 6/7, which is 677 weeks after Trump's birth >The name Donald Trump means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer." >Hillary fell deathly ill while running against him >Everyone who goes against him has bad fortune >Works with a global private intelligence agency and has Tesla's technology >His predictions always come true
Yeah makes me laugh when people call Trump Republican. He's the true Independent. Everyone here are stupid and barely 16 years old so have no fucking idea about politics though. He's this generations Reagan.
Isaiah Hughes
Neither, I'm sure Dogs cocks are not in short supply on either side of the border.
and I'm a happy owner of a firearms license in Canada.
>Zionists quirk >daugheres married kikes and converted >kike son-in-law active part in the government >"I will be the most pro-Israel Presient ever" >thinking this is excusable The absolute state of Jow Forums
James Diaz
Hudson Taylor
I like him and I'm Mexican... he is a good president... but we won't pay for his stupid wall
Tyler Diaz
Samuel Parker
So does Jow Forums believe that Trump has done great things for US, has he started to make America great again? I know a lot of people supported him during the election because he was the anti-establishment candidate and that Hillary was much worse.
Does he still represent that in your eyes?
Just saying some would argue he is very much establishment, as the failure to "drain the swamp" so to speak.
Click the link and remove the "m" you fucking phonefag. I regret telling you how to do this.
Jordan Wilson
Why do you hate trump so much? The answer to your question is what I would say to you. What don’t you like? Why do you care? I don’t make Treadou threads. Let me explain this to you in the voice if your PM; >in life, to achieve a celestial harmony, there must be good and bad. Light can not exist without it’s opposite. But WE CAN BE THE LIGHT. *cough*cough* Sorry, maple user. I channeled too much of your drama teacher PM. The message is unchanged and that’s your red pill. Hold any opinion you’d like. Someone will disagree. Flutter off little leaf, unless you’re willing to discuss the failure that is your PM. NOTHING is perfect.
Christian Jones
Neck yourself nigger.
Julian Reyes
>He's the true Independent. Independent to the point that no one in any party of power supported him. And he is not one to turn your back on....But they did, and they are fucked if they don't get on board. The people stood behind him, and at the end of the day, that is really all that matters. He is a mix of Jackson and Reagan, you are totally correct.
Cameron Torres
Jaxon Robinson
on my pc and the sentences are still blurry. try again retard maybe do a good job at making images like that it's not hard.
Nathan Foster
She lost, fuck off
Luis Kelly
Uhh...Canada PM is trash Tier.
God I'm not THAT bluepilled. Don't assume anything when it comes to user.
He's pushed the non-binary gender agenda so much its backfiring.
He called for a wall on the Mexican border, and had the balls to call them what they are (criminals and rapists). He also called for a ban on ALL Muslims coming into the US, and said we must close our doors to this terrorist filth. When trump was speaking about “the forgotten men and women in America” he meant “whites” and EVERYONE knew it. America loves trump because trump loves America. Not Mexico, or the Middle East.
Juan Nelson
little column a, little column b
Joshua Phillips
Jow Forums hate Trump Just that he is so much better than Hillary.
Jack Wright
>Why does Jow Forums love Trump so much?
I know this is a b8 thread so you can shitpost about DRUMPF with proxies, but still, there's plenty of clueless newfags that don't know jack shit.
Here's a few reasons >Brought immigration and the genocide of white America to the forefront of discourse, even though the elite shilled that such a debate was ded >Redpilled tens of millions of whites about just how insane the Left is merely by shitposting >Introduced a Nationalism vs. Globalism narrative, a narrative that hasn't existed in Western Countries since Hitler >Introducing policies that wrecks the shit out of the kike-controlled mega-corporations that rely on outsourcing, thus returning untold millions of well-paying jobs in manufacturing, trades, and small business - which in turn makes young whites more wealthy, which in turn allows whites to have children again >running train on our Communist Academia through DeVos, whether it be banning the bullshit practice of letting womyn accuse any guy of rape with no evidence and him getting expelled 90% of the time, threatening to cut funding to public universities who are openly anti-American, and even threatening tenure, all while replacing common core and promoting education models on a state-by state basis >BUILDING THE WALL AND PUTTING TROOPS ON THE BORDER , while rooting out criminals, gangs, and cartels >getting China to give us hundreds of billions annually for free by putting our foot down on their bullshit special snowflake trade laws >willing to fuck up anyone who tries to fuck over Americans economically, whether it be NAFTA, or NATO members who don't fucking pay their share >Promotes Anglosphere unity >willing to make deals with Russia, Iraq, and tolerate Assad to crush terrorism >Hates Political Correctness
There's dozens of others, but this thread is probably already ded.
lol, oldfag af here. I was probably on Jow Forums while you were still shitting your diapers.
Do you even Triforce?
Nathan Johnson
>Hillary or Trump I wonder...
Justin Cruz
I think Clinton would have been at least a deeply compassionate and skilled legislator. Her history alone would have made her far more competent. And Tim Kaine was amazing.
Carson Brooks
it's almost like the elections were a scam and trump was forced upon us because the other choices were terrible...
Jacob Parker
truth is because (You) leftists hate him once you start loving him along with all of the mainstream we'll hate him
Carter Roberts
For me it was simple math. Trump>killary
Adrian Jones
Whoa. It's almost like every single 2 party election in history then huh?
Brayden Hall
Yeah. Almost kinda like democracy is inferior because it's an easily manipulable system, namely by Israel..
>Mainstream Media (including FOX) hated him >Soros, the EU, and the Democrats hated him >Bill Kristol, John McCain, every Republican primary candidate sans Rand and Carson, as well as the Koch Brothers hated him >Bush and Clinton both hated him
>Trump gets the greatest margin of the Middle to support him of any candidate since Washington and Reagan >90+% of Jews don't like him >I-IT'S ALL A RUSE, DRUMPF IS A PUPPET FOR NOT ATTACKING SYRIA WITH US
>Bernie helps Hillary become the Democratic candidate as exposed here: >It was always going to be Trump VS. Hillary >But Hillary was the worst possible candidate between the coughing fits and leaks >Therefore it was always going to be Trump
Hillary pretty blatantly wanted war. Trump is respectable overall imo and is an uplifting person. He shit talks and even kicked people off his show for being racist against themselves saying they are just trailer park trash.
Gabriel Nguyen
>reactionary >running against crooked hillary >memeing a candidate who was supposed to lose >pissing off people >and actual retards and plebbit goers
Trump would have lost to Bernie. Bernie wouldn't have been dumb like Hillary and ignored the rust belt. Bernie also did worse in the south (against Clinton) but that doesn't matter in the general.
Austin Murphy
Bernie should have won
William Rodriguez
>Bernie helps Hillary become the Democratic candidate
Truly a devilish plan by the kikes - throwing the Democratic party into civil war which made their most qualified candidate the nominee while constantly attacking Trump from all sides of the aisle
>Therefore it was always going to be Trump
Except the wikileaks revealing that the Dems were ecstatic Trump got nominated because they assumed he would 100% lose
>It was rigged.
You're not wrong, Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, and California all had blatant pro-Hillary voter fraud.
What the actual fuck is wrong with u? Explain to me again why u would vote for a warmongering kike-dicksucking retard?
Isaiah Morris
>Trump would have lost to Bernie.
Gonna let you in on a secret Communist-kun. Bernie got off with a relatively clean reputation only because he didn't pose a threat to Hillary. That faggot was a complete retard who would've crumbled immediately under bipartisan scrutiny were he the nominee.
When you make Ted Cruz look great, you're doing it wrong
Oh he had things that were wrong with him. But he was much easier to swallow for centrist and center right/left people than Trump or Hillary.
Jeremiah Nelson
I will make it easy: 1. Neil Gorsuch 2. 22 regulations rescinded for every new one created. 3. Border security 4. Swamp drainage - ongoing and stay tuned 5. Actively pursuing campaign promises (none since Regan even tried, Obama doesn't count because his ideas were all distinctly un-American) 6. Richest man ever to become President - he can't be bought (at least theoretically). 7. He's not a typical spineless Republican 8. Sticking it to leftist states. I particularly love this one even though I live in CA
Are you a troll, retarded, or French? Maybe all 3? Excessive taxes and regulations are death to a free society. Over the last 30 years, we have been slowly getting regulated and taxed to death. MAGA.