
Ask a Democrat anything.

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How come Democrats don't even try to engage in discussion and try to shut down free speech and anger the other side?

How do we taste salty food?

What size would you recommend?

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small lol

Why are you here?

That’s not all Democrats. Though it can be difficult to engage in discussion with someone who does not even respect your right to exist.

What is your diet like

How many distinct voting blocks that fall under the democrats at the moment could legitimately support their own parties if America didn't have retarded politics? What about the republicans?

please kill yourself already you faggot

What in the world happened to your party?
How did Communism gey into it and why aren't you guys against it?
Communism DOESN'T work.

What does nigger cum taste like?

Why are you folks falling for war propaganda, did you learn nothing from the past?

If you're white, what's the point of joining the anti-white, anti-gun party?

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Why do Democrats value trivial social issues like trans people getting their own bathrooms over important shit like the economy and international relations?

what state are you in and what candidate did you support in your state

Why haven't all you fucking liberals left for Canada no one wants you here but you remain you're like that bitchy girlfriend that just won't leave

Meh I take shits at least as big as the large bout everyday. I imagine if you are a irl fag you can handle it..

Why do some people think Earth isn't flat


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Nashua reporting in. Where you from, Dumbocrat?

No one's suggesting [x person] doesn't have the right to exist.
That's a leftist meme.
Why don't Democrats calmly discuss things like normal people?

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Good question.
I'm a white male too.

Dearest Democrat:
Why should we join a party that hates us and wants to take away our rights?

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>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Clinton

Much of Jow Forums literally wants to gas Jews

>Democrat starts ama
>Answers the one irrelevant question and leaves

I’m trans so that issue and other issues that affect the transgender community are very important to me.

Why do you say that it’s wrong to hate people based on race, religion, and sexual orientation, but then hate straight white Christian males for who they are?

No that’s just a counter psyop to prevent spook interfetterence.

Please leave


That's not an answer.
Why don't Democrats calmly discuss things like normal people?

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They hate me for who I am. I’m just defending myself.

Not every Democrat is a Tumblr SJW, you brainlet

Fuck you faggot. Go back to mass and leave nh alone you butt fucking commie freak.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say hey yes, white privilege does in fact
exist and all white people have it. So I need a little help understanding it more. At what point in time did white privilege come
into existence? Have whites always had it? Was it 2,000 years ago? 1,500? 500? I'm looking for a consensus on this. Also, what
should white people have done differently to stop that privilege from existing? How do we recognize what the problem is and how
it came about and what we should have done to stop it and what should we do now to stop it since it's apparently a negative thing
to have now.
I'm just trying to figure out what gave us a leg up on non whites. It seems to me that people commonly say that whites took
advantage over other races to build their wonderful societies but how did we get that advantage over other races in the first
place? What is the exact time we gained our privilege?

I’m trying. It’s hard because I’m a NEET.

So why do you think I shouldn’t have the right to defend myself?

Probably when we enslaved Africans and brought them over to the Americas. Or maybe after the scramble for Africa. Or maybe it was during Jim Crow and segregation.

Literally no one is saying white people shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves. You're fucking retarded.

I do. Just not with an AR-15.


I'll take 3 drakes, and a diaper

Then don’t get pissed at me when I say I hate niggers and Islamic savages. They hate me for who I am. I’m just defending myself.

I was speaking about the “right” to be a racist, not self-defense in the literal sense.

You faggots are incredibly selfish

When the fuck did you establish that every person of a group thinks exactly alike? Because I do not see every black person in America saying "death to whitey". That's w vocal minority.

>gas the Jews
That’s a meme. We just want rational realist discourse.

How so? And please do not refer to us as faggots.

No one said you couldn't be racist. We just don't like you killing people you don't like.

Why do you? You assume that all whites have this imaginary privilege

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But you are faggots

If you see this post report this thread

Well, actually you (as a democrat) say that. You say “prejudice and discrimination are wrong!” Then belittle people for being white, and Christian, and straight

Are you seriously claiming that white people haven't benefited from slavery and Jim Crow?

How should we destroy Israel, with nukes or napalm?

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I don't do that. That's a vocal minority of crazy people. The average Democrat laughs at those idiots.

Not ALL of them. Some did, sure. But they died 200 years ago.

We should definitely not destroy Israel.

Are you enlisting in the Army to fight Assad and Putin? It is our generation's chance to fight Hitler.

>How should we destroy Israel, with nukes or napalm?

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While also ignoring radical islam

How about the fact cops are shooting black people just because they can? It detracts from actual black criminals when cops shoot every black guy on sight.

Not all Muslims are radical, you fucking retard.

You're a fucking liar, just like all democrats

I wish I could but I was banned from serving in the military by Trump. Also I’m a little too old at 27 probably. I wouldn’t want to serve under him anyway. I gladly would have gone under Obama or Hillary. I hate Putin, Assad, and Iran.


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Gas bombs filled with bath salts

OP, are you still here? Where are you from in NH?

"Everyone who doesn't fit my perceived view of Democrats is lying"
You're seriously retarded.

I’m from TX.

The fuck is going on here

>It is our generation's chance to fight Hitler.

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Why were you banned? Cuz you wanna play make believe and chop your dick off?

Not sure what that has to do with slavery, but the truth is that 99.9% of people shot by police (both white and black) deserved it. But black thuggery isn’t caused by historical slavery, but by the fact that virtually all of them grow up without a father and thus no respect for authority

You're still not answering the question.
The question was:
"Why don't Democrats discuss things like normal people?"

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Cuantas vergas Mexicanas chupas al dia?

Lol yup

How the fuck are WE the ones who don't like rational discussion? You're the ones who jump straight to screeching about Jews.

Democrat positions can’t stand up to debate. That’s why everyone who opposes them is an -ist or a -phobe of some type

Or I've just met enough faggot democrats to know you're lying. Also:
>calls someone retarded
>votes Democrat

Didn't say all were douche. But I don't here dems condeming the radicals out of fear of grouping them all together as you just did.

I've asked you four times and you still have not answered the question:
"Why don't Democrats discuss things like normal people?"

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Other than Jimmy Carter, name one.

pretty sure the earth is round

Do you realize antifa are fascists ?

Again, not every Democrat is a retarded Tumblrina. Those retards have always been around on college campuses and everyone laughed at them back then.

I accidentally replied to myself, but I'll double it just in case you miss it:
You failed to answer my question four times in a row.
I'm asking you for a fifth time now:
"Why don't Democrats calmly discuss things like normal people?"

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They might as well be.

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But... you are retarded. You vote Democrat.

You're asking a loaded question.

How the fuck are Democrats inherently retarded? Wanting every to be able to make a goddamn living is retarded now?

BLM are low iq and their only accomplishment is creating right wing converts, can you see that ?


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Xi not only votes Democrat, but xir posts are fucking idiotic.
You pose a question and all xi does is side step like a dunce.
Xi bitches about "not all Dems are tumblr" and yet xi replies like a fucking tumblrina.

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nothing wrong with voting Democrat

BLM are well-meaning idiots who go too far on occasion. The people who serve to convert people to right-wingers are the Tumblrinas.

Stop worshiping that jew tranny man

Well, use that superior intellect, unpack it and try answering it.
"Why don't Democrats calmly discuss things like normal people?"

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