Mongolian Shamanism Is The True Religious Redpill

All three Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity): Religious wars, buildings and people blown up, sellout-style superstition, will lose foreskin (female genital mutilation Islam only usually), have to marry within these religions only usually and may have to convert for marriage

Hinduism: Thousands of gods that are followed by a country of illiterate superstitious hierarchic poor people, terrible Caste system, foreskin removal goes back and forth, gotta marry within and covert to marry

Mongolian Shamanism: Conquest of Asia and Eastern Europe, cool voluntary rituals, cool clothes, merit style hierarchy, realpolitik and warrior like mentality, still one god (kind of), foreskin removal voluntary, don't have to convert to marry or have sex...GO AT IT, DO WHAT YOU WANT, TAKE WHAT YOU WANT!

Mongolian Shamanism is OP
Praise Tenger the Highest!

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Other urls found in this thread:

It begins!

Shamanism is pretty based

I'll buy what you're selling user. How do we start?

True enough, but Tengri is a local deity. He might not care to leave the steppe.

open a conversation with God Almighty.

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How do we start?

By not becoming like the Turks.

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Ask God to Answer you with your Mind.
I do not take responsibility for the ensuing freak out.

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i'll stick with my cushitic sky father and other pagan gods of my ancestors
Thank for the offer though. :^)

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Start pillaging!


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mild kek thanks for the laugh was having a rough day

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i remember looking through the comments of that video awhile back, praise be to Yakub and all those funny comments in that video. Someone should make a movie about Yakub im sure theyd cash in if black panther can get every nigger in AMerican to buy a ticket imagine what this could do.

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oh shit your right inb4 Yakub is black panthers spiritual guide.

Roman paganism is way better. Pay tribute and honor the gods then get rewarded.

May mars guide us on our war against the kikes.

It’s called Tengri you stupid fuck

>Roman paganism

You mean Greek

[throat singing intensifies]

European Shamanism is much older. Mongloian and "native"American is the same thing and not nearly as old.
Keep it Mongols.

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Mongolians, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese all have forms of shamanism.

I offer all my victories to Mars.

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Did European Shamanism give an Empire bigger than the Mongols tho?

Yup. Solutreans were also the First people to find North America.
Thats two continents. With the oldest writing, music and totems.
Spanning 60K years. 23K on North America.
Chief is a European word that has been culturally appropriated around the globe.

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Osho showed the true path to enlightenment

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Mongolian Shamanism is still the most OP out of all them

Manitou is the Great Breath Giver on North America.
Keep the Mongolian shit in Mongolia.

And they got steamrolled by the Europeans because they were not following Tengri

All Manitou got them was some AIDS blankets though.

Europe had clans of the mammut, whooly rhino, bison, cave lion, cave bear, horse, and other hunted mega fauna.
The oldest musical instruments, and writing.
Monglols dont hold a candle against it.

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Cant have true shamanism without music.

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35K year old writing.
Oldest on Earth.

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But did he take all of Asia and more?

Schoeningen spears are 400,000 years old and found in Germany.
Venus is ten times older than any mongol Shamanism.
Written religions are new. Shamanism is ancient to Europeans.

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Oh that's some good Shamanism too, but did it lead to and empire spanning across both Asia and Europe?

Cave bear.
Now thats a real Shaman.

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It leads to outer space unironically.

Yup. The oldest cannabis was in this caucasian Shamans grave.
So thats Asia, Europe, The Atlantic, Medand North America.
Shit thats way bigger than any Mongol empire. And the first weed.

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Nietzsche is the redpill. We killed religions and have no idea how to live without them.

Just because he grafted some Abraham and Jesus fanfic onto an arab pagan god doesn't make it Abrahamic

still smokable too.

And the entire moon.
Shit now its 200 times larger than the mongol lands and 100 times older.
Now we are space shamans of the solar system.
Ghengis is crying in his grave and his women have lamentations.

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I think we can at least agree Shamanism in general is the right way to go

Anything is smokable if you try hard enough

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I'd rather praise Sigmar.


Shit theres white shamans on Straya like Kog.
Well theres half the planet, the seas, the moon, and space.
European Shamanism is best Shamanism.

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For those that don't want a metaphysical starting point start with Pic Related.

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Thanks for refer Ill check out Bongi havn't heard of this Gentleman.

Yup. Agreed.
There are no races in Shamanism just the Four Winds, and our totems.

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The Mongols almost wiped out the Muslim population after they beheaded three of their messengers.

Steppe kid's afraid to leave his Steppe!

Is that not just more proof that Shamanism is the true religion?

Im coming for you

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Derp my bad.

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Watch a Growers Lot.
Kog is cool old guy, Id go to his pub if I was in straya for sure.
Bongi is a rare Straya cannabis. Supposedly.

They brought it upon themselves. The Sha believed he was simply dealing with an insignificant nomad tribe, I don't think he was aware that the mongols were United into a professional fighting force.

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why rush to fall on your sword in the name of Babylon come worship God with us.

God will smite your tower down again.

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You anger God with your equating yourself to the most high, While we discuss things with God in a personal relationship with the Almighty, you attempt to chastize and berate a Living God.

>don't have to convert [...]to have sex
sounds like the degenerated roastie paradise

Chanting is vibration. Vibration into resonance. Resonance into dial-tone. That's when you get to make calls, instead of just being on the party line.

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hedonism is looked down upon but it is not outlawed you will be punished in this life for it.

probably by someone like me.

but you won't be incarcerated or murdered.

The Horse has been a totem in European Shamanism for 40K known years.
Mongols wish they had a recorded history that old.

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40k is far older than any other religion.
Go check out Runskrit.

its proof we invented numbers and language.

predates sanskrit.

heres proof our culture (whites) dates back over a few million years.

While the blacks where still the missing link we had spears bows swords and chariots n glass making n shit.

400K years old.
half the planet
the oceans
the moon
and space.
Best Shamanism is Euro shamanism.
Plus weed and pussy.
Yeah I dont need any mongol Shamanism.

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Shut up he got kicked out of india for running a sex cult and dealing with drugs and doing degenrate things

im trying to find one culture but they removed it from wikipedia.
Its 3.2 million years old and had statues of white men doing manly shit.
They are trying to conceal over a few million years of history.
And say we are only like 10k years old.

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potentially they even destroyed the ruins and archelogical finds like they did the vikings stuff.

trying to conceal things like pic related.

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Like cmon look at this, what the fuck am I meant to think about this ?

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Reminder ancient aryans were actually created by a race of leonid aliens by mixing their DNA with neanderthals.

They destroyed all the Clovis skulls from North America too.
At least two of us know the truth. & billion have no clue.
Good job Oz user.

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might explain why I know the meaning of words like

theres only one response you can give people that destroy your history.

Cro Magnons, not Neander.

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North American Llano Man.

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So we have the oldest weed, maritime sailing, writing, horses, spears, music, art, thic girls, and cave porn.
European Shamanism is the OG Shamanism every "Native American" and Mongolian ( same thing) could only wish.

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false slander

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>even cavemen knew about big booty bitches
another win for people of taste

Native here. AMA

How do I contact the Palaedians.

or rather how do I know it is them and not an imposter?
like some rogue annunaki

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Is the Shamanism there the best?

Be a descendant of people from near Khuvsgul lake. Bonus points if you're an alcoholic.
As an atheist im pretty skeptical. Due to unemployment and depression people have begun to exploit shamanistic culture in recent years. There's an ongoing joke that if you throw a shoe in Ulaanbaatar city you're either going to hit a prius, a singer (you wouldn't understand), or a shaman.

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But the Tower of Babel narrative is taken from a Sumerian story that has nothing to do with globalism or infringement on divine territory. It was specifically about the followers of an exiled god attempting to re-establish his presence before the period of his exile had ended and thus getting blown the fuck out.

The Bible is completely false, a bunch of plagiarized and distorted myths stolen from other cultures and falsified accounts of history. This applies to the New Testament as well.

how do I practice throat singing?

This. Anyone?